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China launches eighth satellite for indigenous global navigation, positioni

It was my personal view, nothing to do with Indian attitude...

Everything accomplished by China needs to be verified by YOUR "independent source", otherwise it is fake. That is Indian attitude I am talking about, the personal views of you and some other Indians just prove it to us.

I didn't said that your achievement is forged... I just asked if any independent source has confirmed it???

Then please tell me if your "independent source" said something different with regard to Chinese perfect launch record. Do you have any clue indicating China hided any failed rocket launch in 2010 when you were questioning the crediblity of that record?
I am no where undermining the Chinese development, Neither I am questioning your abilities. I am not a troll.. But as a critic I am putting forward a valid point.. As from old experience the world observed that
1. Media and data interpretation agency in communist countries are highly influenced by communist government...

I raise this point only because one of your comrade tried to prove his supremacy by quoting "Chinese rockets are 100% accurate while russo and American had few failure"...
hey, man. i hope it is a communist government. but it is not. the party just have "communist" in the name. so i believe that you have not been to china.
nevertheless, i agree that statistics of GDP, salary, etc. are a joke, forged.
this should be possible, some Long-March X has 100% success, they didn't claim that all Long-March rockets made it.
When was J-10 last criticized in state media? The F-22 even has its own hate party in the States.

In the West and Japan, parties get incinerated by the media and taxpayers. In China, the party nominates government officials, makes laws and decide rulings based upon these party-made laws.


pure funny assumption talks``can u even read chinese? when the j-10 came out, there were huge debates about that in any major chinese defence forums`like military.china, tiexue```etc.

havent u not realise u cant win a solid argument with any chinese member here. do u know why? because u r arguing based on ur ill-informed one side propaganda which holds no ground,, whereas those chinese memebers here read chinese and english sources, their awareness of any matters are more rounded than u`!

thats why lots chinese who living in the west came up with the stereotype that white people are ignorant`
pure funny assumption talks``can u even read chinese? when the j-10 came out, there were huge debates about that in any major chinese defence forums`like military.china, tiexue```etc.

havent u not realise u cant win a solid argument with any chinese member here. do u know why? because u r arguing based on ur ill-informed one side propaganda which holds no ground,, whereas those chinese memebers here read chinese and english sources, their awareness of any matters are more rounded than u`!

thats why lots chinese who living in the west came up with the stereotype that white people are ignorant`

Listen my friend, we should be happy there are so many ignorant whites and indians, if it aint for them you can bet is it alot harder for us to get to where we stand in the world today, we caught them by surprise time and time again , why? the answeer is simple it all due to their ignorance.and ignorance is paralell with stupidity , if u r an ignorance person take it from me you are not far off from stupidity.
Listen my friend, we should be happy there are so many ignorant whites and indians, if it aint for them you can bet is it alot harder for us to get to where we stand in the world today, we caught them by surprise time and time again , why? the answeer is simple it all due to their ignorance.and ignorance is paralell with stupidity , if u r an ignorance person take it from me you are not far off from stupidity.

It is ok for us to play the slow tortoise when the rabbit likes the occassional naps.
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