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China launches eighth satellite for indigenous global navigation, positioni

LOL, the orbit of a satellite depends on 2 factors: location and time of launching. The lattitude of the earth, even at the same degree allows more satellite than the world has. The fact that you guys choose to launch during night on Tibetan territory which is of a higher attitude (appropriate) and receives significantly more day time than the rest of China means one thing: you want to hide faliures.

You are confusing altitude with latitude.
LOL, the orbit of a satellite depends on 2 factors: location and time of launching. The lattitude of the earth, even at the same degree allows more satellite than the world has. The fact that you guys choose to launch during night on Tibetan territory which is of a higher attitude (appropriate) and receives significantly more day time than the rest of China means one thing: you want to hide faliures.

PS: Both the Sputnik you guys' Dong Fang Hong song bird were fired up during night with no independent journalists allowed near the site. In stark contrast, the Apollo succeeded in broad day light with hoards of international paparazzi.

As concession to end this spiralling troll, I'd like to say congratulations! And please contain the rocket launches in one thread. Maybe make a new one when the Chinese Global PS Beidou2 system comes into play?

Your Tibetan theory just went out the door with the new Hainan Island Satellite Launching Center.
Please get a glue. If you are gonna troll, troll with some common sense, not just pithy insults.
You are more pathetic than Gambit. Gambit at least tries to talk you to exhaustion with some semi-relevant facts. You don't present anything relevent.
Sigh... I give up. You guys just haven't been exposed to enough criticism for communist conducts. And therefore assume that everything the party does is right and without fallacy. You boys will understand night launches one day, I hope.

Damn, your party did good in converting criticism for the regime to attacks on the nation...
Sigh... I give up. You guys just haven't been exposed to enough criticism for communist conducts. And therefore assume that everything the party does is right and without fallacy. You boys will understand night launches one day, I hope.

Damn, your party did good in converting criticism for the regime to attacks on the nation...

You're a troll who got found out. Go drink some maple syrup.
Sigh... I give up. You guys just haven't been exposed to enough criticism for communist conducts. And therefore assume that everything the party does is right and without fallacy. You boys will understand night launches one day, I hope.

Damn, your party did good in converting criticism for the regime to attacks on the nation...

What are talking about? Every negative story about China in the entire world gets posted to PDF in less than 24 hours.
I think the Chinese members here get lots of exposure to criticism of China.
Sigh... I give up. You guys just haven't been exposed to enough criticism for communist conducts. And therefore assume that everything the party does is right and without fallacy. You boys will understand night launches one day, I hope.

Damn, your party did good in converting criticism for the regime to attacks on the nation...
you're not attacking the party, you attacked the achievement.
so if you dare, just come and beat the party.
i know they are not real communist, just the party's name has "communist". and if you criticize them because they're communist, ohh, do you really think they believe in communism? i have to say, you are too young, too simple. Get to know them well before action. otherwise, they're gonna kick your .

p.s after fight, let them restore communism in china, please.
What are talking about? Every negative story about China in the entire world gets posted to PDF in less than 24 hours.
I think the Chinese members here get lots of exposure to criticism of China.

good one!
sometimes it just occurs to me why people live in 'free society' becomes so stubborn and just turn a blind eye to different ideas.
good one!
sometimes it just occurs to me why people live in 'free society' becomes so stubborn and just turn a blind eye to different ideas.

Propaganda in "free societies" is very subtle and gradual. The "free media" lies with quotes and numbers, and slices and dices them such that the target audiences are left with the only plausible conclusions that they invariably arrive at "of their own volition".
You know the difference between Chinese propaganda and US propaganda?

Chinese propaganda, we all know its fake, and so do the people writing it.
US propaganda, only the audience doesn't know its fake. That's far more dangerous.
That's precisely the point. Chinese people know that they can not blindly trust the official media. We have learned to seek alternative sources of infomation and make our own decisions.
Well, to talk in a less trolling tone, I'd like to say that the majority of Chinese here have "shared" opinions. I rarely see debates within the Chinese community on PDF. This is reflective of a closed society where the decisions of the party are instilled as laws of the government and the opinions of the people.

When was J-10 last criticized in state media? The F-22 even has its own hate party in the States.

In the West and Japan, parties get incinerated by the media and taxpayers. In China, the party nominates government officials, makes laws and decide rulings based upon these party-made laws.

Do you guys even know how much your government spends on what? Or decide who rules you?

I know you guys understand that democracy is the right path, but are simply too patriotic to agree with it. The party has indoctrinated you into believing that what they do is legitimately what the government and the people wants.

On the optimistic side, I see progress. You guys were even more unbelievable 10 years ago.
They get incinerated and they keep doing what they did before. So what?

We protest against our government and sh*t changes. They protest and nothing changes.

As for your questions: here is the ministry of finance website, note the "report problems" sign.


here is the site of open bidding for government contracts. does the US have open bidding for government contracts? If not, then US is a corrupt dictatorship.


here are the documents issued every quarter.

Whites make alot of noise but its just noise. When it comes down to actually doing something about it, they're scared as sh*t of the government.

Also, the F-22 has its own hate party, and they won't make a single difference whether the F-22 will be produced or not. The US government will continue to ignore the US citizens as it has done all along and do whatever it wants.
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