You mean the war where Chinese volunteers beat the US so badly it went into the longest retreat in its history? That war? Come try your luck then, I'm eager to see all the new Chinese toys in action. This time you'll retreat off the Korean peninsula entirely.
I wouldn't clutch America's skirt too tightly if I were you, "friend". NATO's patience with you might end, and then you'll be all alone with Russia...
Heh, heh, heh.
I'll assume you mean me by this, since you also quoted the term "remade" that I used here. I'm so glad I got a mod's attention. Let's see what you have to say to me:
Yeah, that's pretty much it. And?
Too bad for your PR campaign, Muslims - especially Sunni Muslims - have a
really poor reputation around the world. This is especially true in the West that you're hoping to gather to your cause. They'll never say this publicly, but almost everyone here in Canada that I speak to is very happy that China is putting its boot on Uighurs' necks and envious that their own governments don't have the sac to pursue similar policies.
I have to say, thank you. You, with your support of Sunni jihadis around the world, have made China's job so much easier.
Why so sad? Uighurs got their identity when foreign invaders came and forced them to swear fealty to an alien god at the point of a sword. The Remaking of the Uighurs cannot be stopped, they will soon have a new identity and swear fealty to a new god:
If they want the torture to stop, if they want the pain to stop, if they want the horror to stop, then they must kneel and swear fealty.