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China is not a threat? - refer.

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The real 'China threat'

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Japan times

Considerable attention has been devoted to the threat seemingly posed by the growth of China's power and influence. It seems like every week the country is marking some new "first" in its military modernization program, all of which are said to be underwritten by a desire to become the pre-eminent power in Asia.
In fact, if China threatens international stability, it is more likely an economic rather than a military challenge. And the problem is not China's strength that should be the focus of policymakers, but its weaknesses. The unraveling of the Chinese economy would deal a body blow to the global economy and ripple through the region and the world.
The China story in modern memory has been its outstanding growth. The country has registered 10 percent growth on average for three decades, overtaking Japan to become the world's second largest economy and the world's largest exporter of goods.

Hundreds of millions of people have been lifted out of poverty and its middle class is now equal to or exceeds in size the entire population of most countries. Its dynamism powered the global economy. Despite the downturn triggered in 2008, China's economic resilience, while the rest of the world flirted with a new depression, imbued the country with a status and image that exceeds its actual wealth.

In recent months, however, economists are troubled by the prospect of a "hard landing" as the Chinese economy slows. The country's manufacturing sector has shrunk for four consecutive months, as global demand slows. With a glut of housing — it is estimated that there are 10 million to 65 million unoccupied units nationwide — the average prices for homes have fallen in 100 cities for five consecutive months.

Meanwhile, consumer goods prices are creeping up, with inflation hitting 4.5 percent in January; food prices, which make up a third of the consumer index, ballooned 10.5 percent in January.

Real estate problems are especially worrisome. The real estate sector is said to account for about 20 percent of the Chinese economy. It is the primary asset of many households; a widespread drop in value could stir unrest.

But the spillover effects are most troubling. Local governments rely on land sales to raise revenues; in 2011, land sale revenues dropped 13 percent year on year.

Banks have considerable exposure to the real estate market. Banks were also the primary vehicle for the massive stimulus program that Beijing implemented after the 2007-08 financial crisis to stave off a downturn. There is little faith that those funds were invested well and there are concerns about a banking crisis when those loans come due.

Most economists anticipate a gradual slowing of the Chinese economy, a drop from double-digit growth to a more reasonable level. After expanding 9.2 percent in 2011, the World Bank estimated in November that China will register growth in excess of 8 percent in 2012, although some fear that 8 percent could be a ceiling. It is a core belief in China that 8 percent growth is the minimum necessary to absorb new labor market entrants and workers displaced by privatization.

Anything less risks social unrest and potential political instability. It is not at all clear how the Beijing government — or the people — will handle a downturn like that which has gripped the advanced economies during the last few years. Will it unleash nationalism? Will China look overseas for scapegoats to distract the public?

And how will a downturn impact those economies, like Japan's, that have grown on the back of China's own expansion?

Most observers believe that the stakes as too high — especially during a time of political transition — for the economic situation in China to get out of hand. In other words, the Chinese government will do whatever is necessary to keep the economy expanding and maintain popular support.

A new report from the World Bank argues that the task is getting tougher. According to World Bank President Robert Zoellick, the Chinese economic model is "unsustainable" and could fall into a "middle income trap" if the country does not embrace significant reform that, among other things, promotes a rise in productivity as well as the accumulation of human capital.

The report called "China 2030," done in conjunction with the Development Research Center, a think tank associated with China's State Council, and released on Feb. 27, calls for change in several key areas: tax reform, green growth, improvements in rights for rural residents and financial liberalization.

The most pressing and most problematic reforms concern competition in China, which means breaking the grip of the state-owned enterprises.

While there has been privatization of the economy, about 120 central government-owned companies dominate key sectors of the economy. When combined with an additional 150,000 smaller firms in other sectors, the public sector accounts for about 30 percent of the total economy.

These enterprises are less efficient, but because of their state involvement, they have first claim on badly needed capital and other limited resources. Worse, because they are attached to the government, these businesses are intimately connected to political battles and often breed corruption.

World Bank officials concede that there were differences in opinion between their organization and their Chinese partner. But the report recommendations echo those of an International Monetary Fund report released in November.

The World Bank has concluded that failing to reform "risks the possibility of an economic crisis in the future," which could in turn lead to social unrest. The stakes are too high for China and the world to do nothing.
To be frank, the world at large are simply not accustom to a strong China. They still are living in the past when China was so weak and poor.

When China is getting strong and rich now there are all kind of suspicions and fears. This is typical sinophobic behavior.
for small nations china is indeed a threat,just like USA.
China will not attack any big nation which is capable enough to give china a bloody nose in return,again same as USA.
it is estimated that there are 10 million to 65 million unoccupied units nationwide — the average prices for homes have fallen in 100 cities for five consecutive months.

Very misleading. "Unoccupied" and "unsold" are two different things. Most "unoccupied" homes in China were sold, a good example is the "ghost" city Ordos. In China the downpayment is very high so a real estate bubble like that in Japan and US are less unlikely. In addition, real estate is only hot in a few cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Hainan etc. In my hometown, which is also one of the largest cities in China, housing price is very low. In western provinces a brand new apartment is cheaper than a car. And the recent real estate price drop is mainly by government policy (Like one is allowed to buy only one home in certain cities, restriction on loans etc) otherwise it will continue to go up. As a matter of fact, this is exactly the reason that the potential bubble is under control.
Points from the article:
It is a core belief in China that 8 percent growth is the minimum necessary to absorb new labor market entrants and workers displaced by privatization.
Anything less risks social unrest and potential political instability. It is not at all clear how the Beijing government — or the people — will handle a downturn like that which has gripped the advanced economies during the last few years. Will it unleash nationalism? Will China look overseas for scapegoats to distract the public?

If actually happens thing is called "hard landing" of the Chinese economy, it could be a threat to China's neighbors?
Rather than suffer the people's pressure from social instability (if happen), CCP will direct China people's attention to abroad. They have talent in the "export" the political-social instability. For example, they would incite the public that "Japan, Philipines, Vietnam... have robbed our islands" or "The US is encircling China".....
Will we have become scapegoats or not?
China is definitely not a threat. It's just little Viets being whiny about getting their ship sunk.

A populous and vast country with an authoritarian government & an offensive military, both of which have been firmly in the hands of a single party for 63 yrs, would no doubt be considered a fatal treat to its neighbours. :usflag:
A populous and vast country with an authoritarian government & an offensive military, both of which have been firmly in the hands of a single party for 63 yrs, would no doubt be considered a fatal treat to its neighbours. :usflag:
Authoritarian part I get, but the offensive military?

Heh, we're not your American daddy invading countries every few years. Last time we fought a battle was in 1988, and last time we fought a war was 1979.
Authoritarian part I get, but the offensive military?

Heh, we're not your American daddy invading countries every few years. Last time we fought a battle was in 1988, and last time we fought a war was 1979.

You mentioned the battle in 1979 and 1988, did you mean to imply that "artie" is a Viets? This proves that you do not understand us Viets. I think "artie" is not a Viets.

1. Vietnamese don't have the habit of cowardice. We are always ready to face the enemy, and are willing to sacrifice. Especially with women, we will choose to sacrifice but certain did not surrender them.

2. We Viets NEVER display a few Chinese words on our avatar, in any case.

3. "artie" had a hostile comment on Vietnam, but it was deleted (above).
You mentioned the battle in 1979 and 1988, did you mean to imply that "artie" is a Viets? This proves that you do not understand us Viets. I think "artie" is not a Viets.

1. Vietnamese don't have the habit of cowardice. We are always ready to face the enemy, and are willing to sacrifice. Especially with women, we will choose to sacrifice but certain did not surrender them.

2. We Viets NEVER display a few Chinese words on our avatar, in any case.

3. "artie" had a hostile comment on Vietnam, but it was deleted (above).

You mean your country must be protected by your women because your men are incapable.

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