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China is falling into a nightmare of a US-Japan-South Korea military alliance


Jun 29, 2015
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China is finding itself falling into a strategic nightmare with the first sign of a Washington-Tokyo-Seoul military alliance at its doorstep after South Korea hinted it would share missile intelligence with Japan, analysts say.

South Korea’s Ministry of Defence only said it could share with Japan the information on North Korean missiles gathered via a US-supplied anti-missile system. But that is a dangerous step in the eyes of Beijing, as it could knit Tokyo and Seoul closer in military cooperation down the road.

Both Japan and South Korea are military allies of the United States, but Seoul is always reluctant to engage in bilateral military cooperation with Tokyo because of territorial disputes and wartime atrocities suffered by Koreans.

However, Seoul’s stance changed on Thursday.

In his regular press conference, the South Korean defence ministry spokesman said information sharing with Japan would be possible, citing a memorandum signed in 2014 by the US, South Korea and Japan regarding Pyongyang’s nuclear and missile programmes, Japan’s Kyodo News Agency reported.

This modest start could lead to wider information-sharing between South Korea and Japan, and remotely, a military alliance, said Song Zhongping, a Beijing-based military analyst who previously worked as an instructor for the PLA’s Second Artillery Corps, the former strategic missile force.

“This could mean a three-party alliance, rather than two-sided alliances [of the US and Japan, and the US and South Korea], and this would pose a damaging threat to the stability of Northeast Asia,” Song said.

If South Korea drifts into the orbit of the US and Japan, China’s influence on the Korean peninsula could be badly compromised.

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At a military parade in Beijing to mark the 70th anniversary of the surrender of Japan last September, South Korean President Park Geun-hye was the only American ally present, standing with President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

A few months later, the US and Seoul announced they would deploy the Terminal High Altitude Area Defence (THAAD) system. Its stated purpose is to counter North Korea’s missile threat, but it could also be used to watch China.

China was so infuriated that Beijing told its television stations to suspend any new shows with South Korean stars, sources said earlier this week.

Xu Guangyu, a retired PLA major general, said China would be pushed into a corner if South Korea and Japan widened their collusion, giving China’s leaders no choice but to lean towards a Beijing-Moscow alliance to provide a counterbalance.

“In such a case, China and Russia would face a powerful challenge from the US, South Korea and Japan, who can obtain missile information about China and Russia in a short time and take immediate action,” Xu said.

“This would in turn trigger a stronger backlash from China and Russia and lead to an arms race in Northeast Asia.”

Read the original article on South China Morning Post. Copyright 2016. Follow South China Morning Post on Twitter.
A strategic fault for South Korea.

Look at this, NK is always the first priority for the SK. And they know that China is the protector of their enemy. Without China, NK won't be a problem. Thus, separate these two countries is a must. They got some progress here. China start to lean their face away from the Kim Dynasty lately. If this progress go steadily, There is a chance that China and NK relation will fell apart, and SK can have a chance to destroy the isolated Kim Empire.

But now, they break this opportunity by letting China feel to be threatened by this course of action. This can make China reevaluate their strategic priority and will return to embrace NK again.

So now, which country is more important to SK to achieve their ambition? Japan? Nope. Without Japan, they still can destroy the NK militarily. It's China. If China is in their hand, NK will obviously doomed.

So I say that this is a strategic fault for ROK.
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to be honest i don't see this as a big change from the current status quo.
the south koreans & japan were bonded to each other by the U.S. now they are just going to take out the middle man.
same end result
Seoul, Beijing blast Japan's defense paper as Tokyo seeks stronger military role in Asia-Pacific

August 04, 2016

BEIJING/SEOUL, Aug. 4 -- South Korea has joined China in opposing Japan's 2016 defense white paper, a policy document Tokyo is using to justify its efforts to move away from an isolated and pacifistic defense posture to a more active one.


South Korea on Tuesday lodged a strong protest against Japan's repeated territorial claims on its easternmost islets, called Dokdo in South Korea and Takeshima in Japan, lying halfway between the two countries.

Seoul's Defense Ministry called in a defense attache from the Japanese Embassy in Seoul to protest against the white paper, in which the islets are described as Japan's territory.

It marked the 12th consecutive year since 2005 that Japan has claimed sovereignty over the islets in the annual paper.

The ministry expressed deep regrets over the Japanese government in its protest letter, delivered to the summoned attache, saying Japan must immediately stop making useless claims, squarely face history and make efforts to open a new future for relations between South Korea and Japan.

The protest letter said that South Korea's military will take strong actions against any Japanese attempt to damage South Korea's sovereignty over the Dokdo islets.

Seoul's Foreign Ministry also summoned an official from the Japanese Embassy in Seoul, lodging an official protest against the annual white paper.

The foreign ministry said in a statement that South Korea strongly protests against Japan's unjust territorial claims on the Dokdo islets, which it said are its indigenous territory historically, geographically and according to international laws.

The statement called on Japan to squarely face historical facts and immediately stop making groundless claims, saying Japan must make efforts to move toward a new future for South Korea-Japan relations based on trust.


In the 480-page white paper, Japan devoted some 30 pages to making irresponsible remarks on China's national defense and its normal and legal maritime activities in the East and South China Seas.

Analysts believed that by playing up the so-called "China threat," the government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abeis attempting to make excuses for amending the postwar pacifist constitution and building up Japan's military.

On Wednesday, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said China is "strongly dissatisfied" with the paper's groundless accusations against China's defense development and military activities.

In a statement, spokesperson Hua Chunying said China has made solemn representations to Japan over the irresponsible white paper.

Japan has no right to make disparaging comments on China's legitimate activities near the Diaoyu Islands, Hua said, stressing that China's determination to safeguard territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests is "unshakable."

She said that China's navy and air force activities are in line with international law, domestic law as well as national defense needs.

China will not accept the "award" of the South China Sea arbitration initiated unilaterally by the Philippines, said Hua, adding that China will continue to strive for the peaceful settlement of disputes in the South China Sea through bilateral negotiations between countries directly concerned on the basis of respect for historical facts.

The spokesperson blamed Japan for fabricating excuses for its military expansion and stirring up enmity on regional security issues.

She urged Japan to learn from history, stick to a peaceful development path, act prudently in military matters and regain the trust of its neighbors instead of undermining regional stability.


The paper was the first of its kind issued after Japan's controversial new security laws came into effect earlier this year.

Wang Xingyu, a researcher with China's Renmin University, said that this year's white paper highlights the importance and legitimacy of the security bills, and urges Japan to maintain its advantage in defense technologies over its neighbors.

He said hyping up the so-called China threat is also part of Tokyo's agenda to justify the security laws that allow Japan to exercise collective self-defense rights.

Since Abe became prime minister in 2012, his cabinet has been dedicated to a shift in the country's exclusively defense-oriented policy and to a revision of the constitution.

To win popular support, the Japanese government has chosen to instigate a sense of crisis among its people by presenting China as a threat to regional peace and stability, he said.

Analysts believed that if Tokyo puts into practice what is in the paper, then both its relations with China and the security in the Asia-Pacific will take a big hit.

Wang said Japan, by stirring up China's maritime disputes with other countries in the South China Sea, is trying to team up with those claimant countries against China.

This would deepen distrust between the two Asian nations, and render their ties more contentious, he said.

Also in the paper, Japan stressed the necessity of enhancing the alliance between Tokyo and Washington, as well as its autonomy in the partnership, and entertained the feasibility of conducting multilateral security cooperation with the United States, Australia and India in the area that covers the Indian and the Pacific Oceans.

Wang said that by doing so, Japan wants to strengthen its military clout in the region, yet that would further complicate the security situation in the area.
Finally it will be China-Russia-Korea vs USA-Japan.

Yes, hell has to freeze before Koreans side with the Japanese.

South Korea on Tuesday lodged a strong protest against Japan's repeated territorial claims on its easternmost islets, called Dokdo in South Korea and Takeshima in Japan, lying halfway between the two countries.

Seoul's Defense Ministry called in a defense attache from the Japanese Embassy in Seoul to protest against the white paper, in which the islets are described as Japan's territory.

It marked the 12th consecutive year since 2005 that Japan has claimed sovereignty over the islets in the annual paper.

The ministry expressed deep regrets over the Japanese government in its protest letter, delivered to the summoned attache, saying Japan must immediately stop making useless claims, squarely face history and make efforts to open a new future for relations between South Korea and Japan.

The protest letter said that South Korea's military will take strong actions against any Japanese attempt to damage South Korea's sovereignty over the Dokdo islets.

Seoul's Foreign Ministry also summoned an official from the Japanese Embassy in Seoul, lodging an official protest against the annual white paper.
Japan is now transferring lots of Technology to India. Japan wants to strengthen India against China. This Chinese pride is very good for Indian Development. India should take advantage of this situation and absorb all technologies.
China is falling into a nightmare of a US-Japan-South Korea military alliance

The worst Nightmare it's to keep the coagulation of the alliance itself against China and not China, if China decide to punish the weakest link and set it as example, US can said good goodbye to their leadership and No one want to be ally with US ever again...
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