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China: Here Are Some Great Things About Toxic Air

Why is there so much hate towards China?


what do you call it when the chinese state media actually argues the benefits of smog !!!???
Funny how Chinese members are going out of logic to back up claims made by some stupid reporter.

Another thing... this thread just brought out the number of false flaggers out.
RT is less of humar, take "irony" as real??
And also news said that CZ-4B failed sent settalites into orbit, bcs smog is too thick, let scientists make calculation error of atmospheric density, just to irony the severity of smog, very funny someone really believe.....................
Some one should learn more black humor, no need to wear cloth, bcs others can't see you; Needn't to close curtain at night; Make Chinese more fair, no matter how rich you are, you breath the same smog as me; When B2 attack, it can't find any targets, bombs only float ot the smog; No need toilet, no one can see you...............
From 12.04 to 12.07, Shanghai PM2.5 really high,
60 years ago, London was even more polluted than Beijing is today.
You've missed the point completely. It's about the spin the official Chinese media has given it to obfuscate the incompetence of the CPC to do anything about it. And these are the gems put forth to cover their a$$es...

1. It unifies the Chinese people.
2. It makes China more equal.
3. It raises citizen awareness of the cost of China’s economic development.
4. It makes people funnier.
5. It makes people more knowledgeable (of things like meteorology and the English word haze).

And the biggest howler of them all...

  • Hides targets for enemy missiles!!
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