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China gives $16mn aid to Somalia

Ok, i will give you proof.

Ok, here read this:


And more proof:


---------- Post added at 02:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:34 AM ----------

If you think what i said is made up "lies" then i suggest your prove me wrong with reputable sources otherwise stop the useless ranting.

The Saudi members will immediately dismiss this news claiming this is a propaganda material. I have showed them a few wikileaks site before, and somehow those were propaganda material as well.
Saudi itself will be in need of charity when its oil supply run out.
you are the one who is accusing, prove yours

@Naifov and Mosamania, here is your proof

1). Gulf Arabs funding Extremists Madrassah's in Pakistan:
Barack Obama's special envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan today announced a new US campaign to try to stem the flow of foreign funds to the Taliban, money believed to be running into hundreds of millions of dollars a year, mainly from the Gulf Arab states.

2). Rich Gulf Arabs funding the spread of strict interpretation of Islam in Pakistan and Afghanistan:
Donors in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are estimated to have been sending up to $100 million annually to radical Islamic schools in Pakistan that back extremist groups, according to a leaked US diplomatic cable....

In recent years, extremist groups have been carrying out suicide bombings seemingly at will in Pakistan, despite military offensives against their strongholds.

The cable described how “families with multiple children” and “severe financial difficulties” were being exploited for recruitment purposes, Dawn reported.

Families would be approached by "supposedly charitable" groups, and clerics would then offer to educate thier children and "find them employment in the service of Islam".

Martyrdom was later discussed, the cable alleged, with parents offered a final cash payment estimated at $6,500 by local sources. Recruits "chosen for jihad" would then be taken to "indoctrination camps".

3). Gulf Arabs involved in Sex Slavery and even justify it:
A Kuwaiti woman who once ran for parliament has called for sex slavery to be legalised - and suggested that non-Muslim prisoners from war-torn countries would make suitable concubines.

Salwa al Mutairi argued buying a sex-slave would protect decent, devout and 'virile' Kuwaiti men from adultery because buying an imported sex partner would be tantamount to marriage.

She gave the example of Haroun al-Rashid, an 8th century Muslim leader who ruled over an area covered by modern-day Iran, Iraq and Syria and was rumoured to have 2,000 concubines.

Mutairi recommended that offices could be opened to run the sex trade in the same way that recruitment agencies provide housemaids.

She suggested shopping for prisoners of war so as to protect Kuwaiti men from being tempted to commit adultery or being seduced by other women's beauty.

'For example, in the Chechnyan war, surely there are female Russian captives,' she said.

'So go and buy those and sell them here in Kuwait. Better than to have our men engage in forbidden sexual relations.'

Her unbelievable argument for her plan was that ‘captives’ might 'just die of hunger over there'.

She insisted, 'I don’t see any problem in this, no problem at all'.

In an attempt to consider the woman's feelings in the arrangement, Mutari conceded that the enslaved women, however, should be at least 15.

Mutairi said that during a recent visit to Mecca, she asked Saudi muftis – Muslim religious scholars – what the Islamic ruling was on owning sex slaves. They are said to have told her that it is not haram.

The ruling was confirmed by 'specialized people of the faith' in Kuwait, she claimed.

'They said, that’s right, the only solution for a decent man who has the means, who is overpowered by desire and who does not want to commit fornication, is to acquire jawari.' Jawari is the plural of the Arabic term jariya, meaning 'concubine' or 'sex slave'.

Here's more about what this "Mutairi" has to say:
A Kuwaiti woman who is called an “activist” and former candidate to the Kuwaiti parliament, spoke to the Kuwait Times about the establishment of a new law permitting men to buy and sell non-Muslim girls, captured in jihad, as sexual slaves in order to protect Muslim men against seductive sexual immorality. The Arabic Al Arabiya had more details on what that woman, Salwa al-Mutairi, is advocating:

Ms. Mutairi who was nice enough to put the minimum age of 15 for slave girls, Christian Jews or other, to be sold. She demanded the immediate establishment of slave agencies just like agencies for maids, where the slave girls will earn a whopping 50 Kuwaiti Dinar monthly and in return will cook, clean, take care of the kids and be the slave of the wife during the day. But her job does not end there; at night, whenever Mutairi is not in the mood, then her husband will not stray too far away from the house, since it is halal (kosher) for the husband to have sex with the slave girls without any marriage or unnecessary paper to satisfy his sexual pleasures. Better do it at home under the watchful eyes of the wife and kids only for 50 Dinars. Wow, what a deal!

Mutairi was especially interested in Russian slave girls since Muslim men do prefer them blond. Russian, European and American blond women, better watch out, the Muslims are coming! The plan is for Muslims in Chechnya to kidnap Russian girls after a jihadist operation and then will sell them to the Kuwaitis. The price of the sale per her suggestion would be 2500 Kuwaiti dinars.

Mutairi, who regards non-Muslim girls as subhuman, talked to the camera as a holier than thou “free” Muslim woman, and did use the expression “free women” referring to herself and all Muslim women, as she was wearing her black Islamic garb covering everything except her face, while advocating such immoral insanity as a right from Allah to Muslims.

4). Its pretty obvious, i don't even need to provide a link for this :lol:

5). Gulf Arabs treat non-Arab Muslims like sh!t:
“We need slaves to build monuments,” says an Iraqi engineer living in Abu Dhabi to a reporter from the Guardian. In the published report he goes to add that he would never use the metro if it wasn’t segregated since “we would never sit next to Pakistanis and Indians because of their smell”.

The dismal condition of Pakistani labourers in the Gulf States is well known and the above statements are merely reflections of the deep-seeded and overtly racist attitudes of Arabs in the Gulf and otherwise towards Pakistanis.

Similar to the onerous burden of cleaning one’s own bathrooms, or drilling one’s own oil or building one’s own monuments, the task of fighting one’s own holy war has proven to be far too burdensome for Arabs intoxicated with the seemingly never-ending largesse of a resource-fuelled economy. Smelly Pakistanis, the Arabs have discovered, are not only good enough to build crass monuments to consumerism but also to fight misguided holy wars that destroy nations and eviscerate thousands of innocent lives.

6). From personal experience with every Arab

7). Gulf Arabs use Slave Kids (mostly from Muslim countries) as Camel Jockey's:
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First of all, my friend, i haven't said anything wrong, nor did i intend to offend anyone, if i am wrong then i would like you to bring a counter argument to my statement.

1).Is it not true that Gulf Arabs fund Armed Islamic movements in Somalia, Sudan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and other Muslim countries?

2).Is it not true that rich gulf Arabs fund the spread of a strict interpretation of Islam in other Muslim countries?

3).Is it not true that Gulf Arabs curse westerners but at the same time they can't help but buy White European women off the illegal human trafficking/sex trade and indulge in prostitution (Zina) and then justify it??

4).Is it not true that Rich Gulf Arabs buy top of the line expensive European cars?

5).Is it not true that Gulf Arabs treat non-Arab Muslims as inferior's?

6).Is it not True that Gulf Arabs consider themselves better Muslims than other non Arab Muslims?

7).Is it not true that Gulf Arabs buy little Children from poor Muslims countries in Asia and straddle the poor children onto camels and watch them get run over in camel races as they fall off the camels and get stampeded?

Prove to me that all of this is lies!

No offence, but this kind of behavior and acts can easily and equally be applied to Pakistan!
For one and two to them (western media) the Saudi curriculum is extremist and terrorist etc. and to my understanding all the education given to other countries is the same education given in Saudi Arabia the Saudi curriculum books are translated and then distributed to other nations. So in light of this fact do we call All Gulf States Arabs terrorists??

For three this was done by the Kuwaiti woman I have heard about it setting with my friends (As a joke) she is saying that because Kuwaiti men marry from abroad and then a lot of Kuwaiti women remain without husbands so she this is just publicity stunt by her to highlight this problem in her society and it will not be taken at face value anywhere (Accept for people looking for anything to justify their hate).

So buying cars is a sign of evil?? My car is Suzuki because I can not afford a European car I would certainly buy a Top of a line expensive European car if I had the money do will half the world :smitten:

Five the person who made these remarks do not represent us all that's one and this one is 100% a propaganda tool for spreading hate.

In my case I do not see myself superior to anyone else and nobody that I know personally feel that way either if by any chance (But I admit there are bad apples in every society including our own) there are few punjab who consider themselves superior to pashtuns does that mean that entire Punjabis are racist?.

As for seven if it really happened then shame on those people who did this. we do not support it and hate this act with all our guts.

And in the end I would like to add one point:
"Allah does not charge a soul except [with that within] its capacity. It will have [the consequence of] what [good] it has gained, and it will bear [the consequence of] what [evil] it has earned. "Our Lord, do not impose blame upon us if we have forgotten or erred. Our Lord, and lay not upon us a burden like that which You laid upon those before us. Our Lord, and burden us not with that which we have no ability to bear. And pardon us; and forgive us; and have mercy upon us. You are our protector, so give us victory over the disbelieving people." Al-Baqara 286
@Naifov and Mosamania, here is your proof

I guess you misunderstood me
I don't have to prove any thing
and as what your sources, will I respect you and I'll say
If it was true, then those guys don't represent all of us
do us all a favor and stop changing the thread's direction

So buying cars is a sign of evil?? My car is Suzuki because I can not afford a European car I would

mine is caprice 1985, I guess I'm a saint :D

back to the topic, thank you china for this generous aid
You want numbers? You might want to read this:

India gives $5-billion aid to Africa
Amid thunderous applause from the leaders and representatives of 15 African countries at the African Union headquarters in Addis Ababa, Singh announced a line of credit worth $5 billion "to help achieve the development goals of Africa".

Unlike China capacity building has been India's focus in Africa over decades. It may be recalled that half of the Cabinet in an erstwhile Ethiopian government had studied or were trained in India. The area of capacity building has been New Delhi's strength and Singh once again did not disappoint his African counterparts.

or this:

India announces $5 billion aid for Africa, seeks support for UN reforms
ADDIS ABABA: Taking its burgeoning ties with Africa to a new high, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Tuesday announced a massive $5 billion aid for the next three years and an additional $700 million for setting up new institutions and training programmes across the African continent.

Compare that to govt policies and ~20 million USD. A little Google mojo goes a long way.

5 billion dollar line of credit for development = famine relief aid? You're a joke.
I guess you misunderstood me

How? You asked me to backup my statement and i did with valid sources, and its your turn to counter my argument.

I don't have to prove any thing

Actually yes you do have to prove, since you were defending your stance and were making a mockery of my argument, so instead of running away now you might want to stand your ground and bring a counter argument to my statement.

and as what your sources,will I respect you and I'll say
If it was true, then those guys don't represent all of us
do us all a favor and stop changing the thread's direction

What do you mean "if it was true"?? Fact is that IT IS TRUE because i backed my argument with facts, and now your making up excuses to run away from the debate instead of bringing up a counter argument.
For one and two to them (western media) the Saudi curriculum is extremist and terrorist etc. and to my understanding all the education given to other countries is the same education given in Saudi Arabia the Saudi curriculum books are translated and then distributed to other nations. So in light of this fact do we call All Gulf States Arabs terrorists??

I highly doubt that, if that were the case then we would be seeing suicide bombings in Saudi and other Gulf Arab countries just like we see suicide bombings in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Thing is Saudis/Gulf Arabs don't practice what they preach. Gulf Arabs advocate the spread of strict and highly intolerant version of Islam in other Muslims countries while they themselves build Pubs, Night Clubs, and Bars in their own Gulf countries and go abroad to get drunk, have sex with european prostitutes, and deal in drugs.

For three this was done by the Kuwaiti woman I have heard about it setting with my friends (As a joke) she is saying that because Kuwaiti men marry from abroad and then a lot of Kuwaiti women remain without husbands so she this is just publicity stunt by her to highlight this problem in her society and it will not be taken at face value anywhere (Accept for people looking for anything to justify their hate).

I think you missed the point:"Mutairi said that during a recent visit to Mecca, she asked Saudi muftis – Muslim religious scholars – what the Islamic ruling was on owning sex slaves. They are said to have told her that it is not haram"
The fact that she sought the advice of Saudi Religious Clerics and they approved of this perverted behavior only goes to show the mentality of the Gulf Arabs. In other words if a Arab mans wife has her menses or if she doesn't want to have intercourse with him then it is perfectly alright for a Arab man to have intercourse with a slave girl who he is not even married to, only people with perverted mentality think this is alright. No wonder Arab men treat non-Arab women (both Muslim and Non-Muslim) as if they are sl*ts created by god to satisfy the lust of Arab men.

Every where Gulf Arabs go they think they can buy women whenever they see one:lol:

So buying cars is a sign of evil?? My car is Suzuki because I can not afford a European car I would certainly buy a Top of a line expensive European car if I had the money do will half the world :smitten:

I don't think you understood my point, Gulf Arabs are hypocrites, they indulge a lot, they are spoiled, they want best of the best, they take pride in things they didn't even build. The Factories, oil Refineries, the tall sky scrapers, all built by the blood, sweat, and tears of foreigner workers (Bangladeshis, Pakistanis, Chinese, Westerners), the same foreign workers who get paid less then what they deserve and get treated like trash and live in the worst conditions. If it hadn't been for the foreigner workers and their expertise i'm sure Gulf countries would have been all sand and desert. The only people that deserve to take pride are those who struggled in the scorching desert heat to build those monuments, those factories, those roads, and those oil refineries, but sadly they get underpaid and treated like trash.

Five the person who made these remarks do not represent us all that's one and this one is 100% a propaganda tool for spreading hate.

Lol, is this all you guys can say? First Naifov and you said that it was propaganda about Arabs using small children as camel jockeys and i proved you wrong, when i gave reference to western sources you also mocked that and now i give you a Pakistani source and you also label that propaganda? now don't tell me you are completely unaware of the fact that Gulf Arabs treat Pakistani and other non-Arab Muslims like trash. This fact is known to all and cannot be hidden.

In my case I do not see myself superior to anyone else and nobody that I know personally feel that way either if by any chance

I'm not talking about you personally, i'm talking about Gulf Arabs in general. If Gulf Arabs didn't consider non-Arab Muslims inferior then wouldn't they be using their own Arab Children as Camel Jockeys? In Dubai Pakistani laborers live in very bad conditions, 20 men per room with only 1 bathroom, you think Gulf Arabs consider us equal so is that why they treat us like trash?

As for seven if it really happened then shame on those people who did this. we do not support it and hate this act with all our guts.

Excuse me but what did you mean by "if it really happened", are you implying that this might be made up despite the fact that i provided video proof for everyone to see? The ground reality is that this has happened, is happening, and will continue to happen so as long as until someone comes and gives you Gulf Arabs the taste of your own medicine. Arabs only consider Arab blood more important, Gulf Arabs think it is alright to starve underage Pakistani and Bangladeshi MUSLIM boys and make them camel Jockeys. I wonder how those Scums in that video would feel if their son(s) were kidnapped and starved until they were nothing but skin and bones and then turned into camel jockeys, they can spare a child since they have over 100 sons from 20 wives anyways. Arabs complain when Israel kills Arabs but you can care less about those innocent children that you kidnap from poor war stricken Muslim countries and put them into slave labor. Funny thing is that Pakistan cannot have any relations with israel otherwise Muslim (more like Arab) sentiments will be offended, but on the other hand Arabs welcome indian prime ministers with lavish parties and speak sweet words to them and build strong trade/economic relations with Pakistan's worst enemy.

And in the end I would like to add one point:
"Allah does not charge a soul except [with that within] its capacity. It will have [the consequence of] what [good] it has gained, and it will bear [the consequence of] what [evil] it has earned. "Our Lord, do not impose blame upon us if we have forgotten or erred. Our Lord, and lay not upon us a burden like that which You laid upon those before us. Our Lord, and burden us not with that which we have no ability to bear. And pardon us; and forgive us; and have mercy upon us. You are our protector, so give us victory over the disbelieving people." Al-Baqara 286

Funny you quoted from the Quran, as i said and i'll say it again, before lecturing others on Islam it would be highly appreciated if you Gulf Arabs practice what you preach to others, we don't need this holier than thou attitude. People who put up a facade by preaching to others while they themselves do the complete opposite only make themselves look like fools and hypocrites.
I highly doubt that, if that were the case then we would be seeing suicide bombings in Saudi and other Gulf Arab countries just like we see suicide bombings in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Thing is Saudis/Gulf Arabs don't practice what they preach. Gulf Arabs advocate the spread of strict and highly intolerant version of Islam in other Muslims countries while they themselves build Pubs, Night Clubs, and Bars in their own Gulf countries and go abroad to get drunk, have sex with european prostitutes, and deal in drugs

You doubt it is not true but I know it is the truth. Al-Qaeda and sub-AlQaedas are enemies of Saudi Arabia and other gulf states as well as your own. They highjacked the teachings for their own gain. We destroyed Al-Qaeda and sub-AlQaedas in Saudi Arabia in other gulf states that's one. Second You say that Gulf Arab states do not practice what they preach well Saudi does not allow pubs and alcohol or prostitution in its land as you imply at all and I admit there are some Saudis who go abroad to do the things you mentioned but only because it is NOT allowed here. and those do not represent the entire Saudi society or Gulf Arabs for that matter we as Muslims condemn such acts and hate them as much as you do but they are a minority.

I think you missed the point:"Mutairi said that during a recent visit to Mecca, she asked Saudi muftis – Muslim religious scholars – what the Islamic ruling was on owning sex slaves. They are said to have told her that it is not haram"
The fact that she sought the advice of Saudi Religious Clerics and they approved of this perverted behavior only goes to show the mentality of the Gulf Arabs. In other words if a Arab mans wife has her menses or if she doesn't want to have intercourse with him then it is perfectly alright for a Arab man to have intercourse with a slave girl who he is not even married to, only people with perverted mentality think this is alright. No wonder Arab men treat non-Arab women (both Muslim and Non-Muslim) as if they are sl*ts created by god to satisfy the lust of Arab men.

Every where Gulf Arabs go they think they can buy women whenever they see one:lol:

Again as I said before she is just trying to curb a problem in her society by making irrational arguments and Slavery IS "halal" in Islam it is however illegal in this day and age. And because of something some retarded woman said it is now the color of ALL Gulf Arabs to you?

I don't think you understood my point, Gulf Arabs are hypocrites, they indulge a lot, they are spoiled, they want best of the best, they take pride in things they didn't even build. The Factories, oil Refineries, the tall sky scrapers, all built by the blood, sweat, and tears of foreigner workers (Bangladeshis, Pakistanis, Chinese, Westerners), the same foreign workers who get paid less then what they deserve and get treated like trash and live in the worst conditions. If it hadn't been for the foreigner workers and their expertise i'm sure Gulf countries would have been all sand and desert. The only people that deserve to take pride are those who struggled in the scorching desert heat to build those monuments, those factories, those roads, and those oil refineries, but sadly they get underpaid and treated like trash.

Everyone has the right to seek the best of the best if they can and last time I checked those people were getting paid for their services and if they were getting paid more then all these unemployed Gulf Arab kids would find themselves jobs since the competition is no longer needed the foreign workers are brought from abroad specifically because they are willing to get paid less than the public. The Foreign workers have all right to object if they did not like their contracts but they however sign them and about poor living condition it is because not all companies are willing to accommodate them and rent prices are high so they share it with each other they are not thrown there against their will and if i bring an electrician to fix the electricity in my home and pay him then I have all right to say "I fixed my electric problems finally" with a happy face.

Lol, is this all you guys can say? First Naifov and you said that it was propaganda about Arabs using small children as camel jockeys and i proved you wrong, when i gave reference to western sources you also mocked that and now i give you a Pakistani source and you also label that propaganda? now don't tell me you are completely unaware of the fact that Gulf Arabs treat Pakistani and other non-Arab Muslims like trash. This fact is known to all and cannot be hidden.

I was not talking about camel jockeys in this but I was talking about what that Iraqi engineer said.

I'm not talking about you personally, i'm talking about Gulf Arabs in general. If Gulf Arabs didn't consider non-Arab Muslims inferior then wouldn't they be using their own Arab Children as Camel Jockeys? In Dubai Pakistani laborers live in very bad conditions, 20 men per room with only 1 bathroom, you think Gulf Arabs consider us equal so is that why they treat us like trash?

Again this is the contract they signed it could have been better and they could have been paid better but then it would have been easier to bring Gulf Arabs to do the job if they were getting paid the same amount of money companies do not want to pay more they want to pay less and those workers agreed to the contract they signed.

Excuse me but what did you mean by "if it really happened", are you implying that this might be made up despite the fact that i provided video proof for everyone to see? The ground reality is that this has happened, is happening, and will continue to happen so as long as until someone comes and gives you Gulf Arabs the taste of your own medicine. Arabs only consider Arab blood more important, Gulf Arabs think it is alright to starve underage Pakistani and Bangladeshi MUSLIM boys and make them camel Jockeys. I wonder how those Scums in that video would feel if their son(s) were kidnapped and starved until they were nothing but skin and bones and then turned into camel jockeys, they can spare a child since they have over 100 sons from 20 wives anyways. Arabs complain when Israel kills Arabs but you can care less about those innocent children that you kidnap from poor war stricken Muslim countries and put them into slave labor. Funny thing is that Pakistan cannot have any relations with israel otherwise Muslim (more like Arab) sentiments will be offended, but on the other hand Arabs welcome indian prime ministers with lavish parties and speak sweet words to them and build strong trade/economic relations with Pakistan's worst enemy.

Again I replied to you. But your only reply is on "IF" I said.

Funny you quoted from the Quran, as i said and i'll say it again, before lecturing others on Islam it would be highly appreciated if you Gulf Arabs practice what you preach to others, we don't need this holier than thou attitude. People who put up a facade by preaching to others while they themselves do the complete opposite only make themselves look like fools and hypocrites.

Did you read what the ayah Said?? It says that no one shall take the blame of another if someone does something bad then it is on himself and himself alone and should not be colored as the actions of ALL Gulf Arab nation inhabitants.
You doubt it is not true but I know it is the truth. Al-Qaeda and sub-AlQaedas are enemies of Saudi Arabia and other gulf states as well as your own. They highjacked the teachings for their own gain. We destroyed Al-Qaeda and sub-AlQaedas in Saudi Arabia in other gulf states that's one.

But then why dump these criminals into other Muslim countries? Why didn't Saudi Arabia execute Osama when they knew he was up to no good, instead he was allowed to go to Afghanistan.

Second You say that Gulf Arab states do not practice what they preach well Saudi does not allow pubs and alcohol or prostitution in its land as you imply at all and I admit there are some Saudis who go abroad to do the things you mentioned but only because it is NOT allowed here. and those do not represent the entire Saudi society or Gulf Arabs for that matter we as Muslims condemn such acts and hate them as much as you do but they are a minority.

So why are there night clubs, pubs, and bars in Dubai and other parts of the UAE? How can this be allowed on the holy peninsula?? Isn't the UAE a part of the GCC?

Again as I said before she is just trying to curb a problem in her society by making irrational arguments and Slavery IS "halal" in Islam it is however illegal in this day and age. And because of something some retarded woman said it is now the color of ALL Gulf Arabs to you?

It is the image Gulf Arabs gave themselves, they have this superiority complex that only "Arab Khaliji women" are pure angels and deserve respect while all other women are sl*ts and created by god to satisfy the lust of Arab men.

BTW, here are some interesting links:
Pakistani Girl Deported For Reporting Rape

KARACHI: Sixteen-year-old Isma Mahmood was deported to Pakistan last month after serving six months in shackles and handcuffs in a prison in Saudi Arabia. Her crime: being raped by a Saudi man....

“I was the victim, I was raped and molested but I was named as the accused, and the man who committed the crime was not touched,” she said.

“He first kidnapped me, dragged me into his car,” Isma said. “At first he asked me to sleep with him and offered good money. When I refused and tried to resist, he warned me of dire consequences and raped me in the car.” The unnamed man warned her she would be imprisoned if she went to the police, and said that the Saudi sponsor who brought her parents to the country through a Pakistani agent would have them all expelled. The sponsor too threatened Isma and Muna, she said, asking that the sponsor’s name not be revealed to spare her family any additional grief. “I and my sister went to the police expecting justice, but after a few hours of filing the report the police changed it,” Isma said. Under pressure from the Saudi sponsor, Isma’s parents asked her to withdraw her report. “My sister Muna tried to help me out but was also arrested and put in prison only because she spoke for me,” she said.
Another Asian Human Rights Commission:http://www.humanrights.asia/news/urgent-appeals/UA-141-2006

Emirati Man charged with raping and killing 4-year-old Pakistani boy

Primary interrogations revealed that the suspect lured the Pakistani boy to the washroom after promising to give him an Eid Al Adha gift. The defendant admitted, when he was interrogated by Foulaz and Al Hammadi, that he lured the Pakistani boy, M.M., to the washroom after promising to give him an Eid Al Adha gift.

He claimed that when he assaulted the boy sexually, the boy yelled and screamed loudly, so he strangled him and banged his head on the floor until he collapsed. Interrogations revealed that the suspect dropped the dead boy on the washroom floor and escaped.

"He re-enacted his crime before prosecutors," added the statement.

How Arab men view Non-Arab women

Like the traditional orientalist image of the harem, Arab views of the contemporary western woman are also highly sexualised. In fact, many Arab men, particularly those with little contact with the west, have this fantasy of western women that comes straight out of Playboy magazine or the grainy images of pirate pornos.

In this view, western women are oversexed, promiscuous and have revolving doors in their knickers. "A typical Egyptian male is a firm believer that any western woman is an easy catch and would not mind at all having sex with complete strangers," observes Ahmed, an old college friend.

This can lead to hassle and harassment for western women travelling or living in Egypt and some other Arab countries, although in places like Yemen men will either just stare or the western woman will become invisible like the local women, as my wife found while travelling alone through the country. Of course, given the potent mix of sexual repression, poverty, ignorance, the growing disappearance of the traditional model of respect for women and the failure to replace it with a modern equivalent, you don't have to be western to be harassed on the streets.

So as i said, it is due to the perverted mentality that many Arabs treat non-Arab women (or even 4 yr old adolescent boys in some cases) as if they are objects of sex/slavery.

I was not talking about camel jockeys in this but I was talking about what that Iraqi engineer said.

Yeah, i know that, but you also labeled the source (from where i quoted that Iraqi engineer) which was a Pakistani source as "100% propaganda" which it wasn't. I will try to find videos of the conditions of Pakistani laborers and the racist nature of Gulf Arabs.

Again I replied to you. But your only reply is on "IF" I said.
Ok, so forget about the if, but why didn't you reply to the point i made, here i'll quote myself so that you can reply to my valid argument properly this time instead of posting a 1 liner: "The ground reality is that this has happened, is happening, and will continue to happen so as long as until someone comes and gives you Gulf Arabs the taste of your own medicine. Arabs only consider Arab blood more important, Gulf Arabs think it is alright to starve underage Pakistani and Bangladeshi MUSLIM boys and make them camel Jockeys. I wonder how those Scums in that video would feel if their son(s) were kidnapped and starved until they were nothing but skin and bones and then turned into camel jockeys, they can spare a child since they have over 100 sons from 20 wives anyways. Arabs complain when Israel kills Arabs but you can care less about those innocent children that you kidnap from poor war stricken Muslim countries and put them into slave labor. Funny thing is that Pakistan cannot have any relations with israel otherwise Muslim (more like Arab) sentiments will be offended, but on the other hand Arabs welcome indian prime ministers with lavish parties and speak sweet words to them and build strong trade/economic relations with Pakistan's worst enemy."

Did you read what the ayah Said?? It says that no one shall take the blame of another if someone does something bad then it is on himself and himself alone and should not be colored as the actions of ALL Gulf Arab nation inhabitants.

I don't blame or accuse the good Arabs, but want to get my point through to those who act as if their own do not indulge in cruelty (Zulm) upon other Muslims (because they are not Arabs) and even defend the wrong doings of their own, now tell me if it is forbidden (harram) for someone to speak out against cruelty?
But then why dump these criminals into other Muslim countries? Why didn't Saudi Arabia execute Osama when they knew he was up to no good, instead he was allowed to go to Afghanistan.

They escaped into Afghanistan and Yemen there is a difference

So why are there night clubs, pubs, and bars in Dubai and other parts of the UAE? How can this be allowed on the holy peninsula?? Isn't the UAE a part of the GCC?

Who said that the entire Peninsula is holy?? Who said even Saudi Arabia is holy?? Only Makkah and Madina in the Arabian peninsula are holy.

It is the image Gulf Arabs gave themselves, they have this superiority complex that only "Arab Khaliji women" are pure angels and deserve respect while all other women are sl*ts and created by god to satisfy the lust of Arab men.

So you bring these isolated incidents as your evidence for how ALL Gulf Arabs are?? So all of our population should be saints and monks?? There can not be a single bad person in the entire Gulf Arab population??

Yeah, i know that, but you also labeled the source (from where i quoted that Iraqi engineer) which was a Pakistani source as "100% propaganda" which it wasn't. I will try to find videos of the conditions of Pakistani laborers and the racist nature of Gulf Arabs.

Being it a Pakistani source does not automatically means it is not propaganda. All countries of the world do propaganda even mine but at least I am willing to admit it while others wont.

Ok, so forget about the if, but why didn't you reply to the point i made, here i'll quote myself so that you can reply to my valid argument properly this time instead of posting a 1 liner: "The ground reality is that this has happened, is happening, and will continue to happen so as long as until someone comes and gives you Gulf Arabs the taste of your own medicine. Arabs only consider Arab blood more important, Gulf Arabs think it is alright to starve underage Pakistani and Bangladeshi MUSLIM boys and make them camel Jockeys. I wonder how those Scums in that video would feel if their son(s) were kidnapped and starved until they were nothing but skin and bones and then turned into camel jockeys, they can spare a child since they have over 100 sons from 20 wives anyways. Arabs complain when Israel kills Arabs but you can care less about those innocent children that you kidnap from poor war stricken Muslim countries and put them into slave labor. Funny thing is that Pakistan cannot have any relations with israel otherwise Muslim (more like Arab) sentiments will be offended, but on the other hand Arabs welcome indian prime ministers with lavish parties and speak sweet words to them and build strong trade/economic relations with Pakistan's worst enemy."

Again you quoted what I already answered.

I don't blame or accuse the good Arabs, but want to get my point through to those who act as if their own do not indulge in cruelty (Zulm) upon other Muslims (because they are not Arabs) and even defend the wrong doings of their own, now tell me if it is forbidden (harram) for someone to speak out against cruelty?

And now you admit that you should NOT have generalized in your statements.
5 billion dollar line of credit for development = famine relief aid? You're a joke.

Oh yes, you are right. Somalia - no monetary aid from India. Either that or considering the current social activism grabbing headlines and the GoI's attention, media is not reporting any aid per se. But then there are reports about India sending aid for famine relief.

As for the "joke" part - is that the best you can come up with as usual? C'mon you can do better with ad hominem attacks - the hallmark of bots.
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