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China enhances PGZ-07 capability


Aug 12, 2015
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The PGZ-07 twin 35 mm self-propelled anti-aircraft gun (SPAAG) system currently in service with China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) has been upgraded with the addition of a new sensor pod.

The existing sensor pod is positioned above the tracking radar, which is mounted on the forward part of the turret, and includes a laser rangefinder to ensure that the target is within the effective range of the 35 mm cannon. The additional sensor pod is mounted to the right of the tracking radar.

The sensor pods contain a number of systems, including a charge-couple device (CCD) camera and a thermal imager, that enable the 35 mm cannon to be used in almost all weather conditions.

Furthermore, the pods can be used if electronic countermeasures are jamming the surveillance and tracking radars, or if adversaries are using anti-radiation missiles (ARM).

The 35 mm cannon used in the PGZ-07 are Chinese-manufactured versions of the Swiss Oerlikon (today Rheinmetall Air Defence) KDA, which are also used in the similar German Krauss-Maffei Wegmann Gepard twin 35 mm SPAAG.

Close-up of the tracking radar mounted on the forward part of the turret and showing two sensor pods; the new unit is on the left. (Christopher F Foss)

China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO) has confirmed that it now manufactures a complete family of 35 mm ammunition, including high-explosive incendiary (HEI), high-explosive incendiary - tracer (HEI-T) and semi armour-piercing high-explosive incendiary - tracer (SAPHEI-T) with all of these having a muzzle velocity of 1,175 m/s.

The latest NORINCO 35 mm round is the Programmable Time Fuze Pre-fragmented (PTFP), which has a muzzle velocity of 1,050 m/s; currently this cannot be fired by the PGZ-07. The PTFP is similar in concept to the Rheinmetall Air Defence Advanced Hit Efficiency and Destruction (AHEAD) 35 mm, which has been sold to a number of export customers for use with upgraded twin 35 mm GDF series towed anti-aircraft gun (AAG) systems.

The 35 mm PTFP projectile consists of more than 100 spin-stabilised tungsten sub-projectiles and has a time fuze that is programmed as the projectile passes through the muzzle coil, according to the exact velocity and target parameters.

@The SC @Zarvan @Chinese-Dragon
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