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China donates 1000 tonnes rice for flood affectees

Its quite common for China to help Pakistan in great time of need .. they have done this in Past too .. I m really proud to have neighboring country like this.. !!!
After all your BS with your so-called concern, did you donate?:undecided:

Yes I did, but that is not the topic and moreover you should not get personal. The topic is China did not do even decent in Pakistan's biggest trouble. What you did before is not the topic.

Good all the donations in good times or bad are done by USA and China without doing much is best friend. And without getting personal please try to answer this seriously.
You know... these day one does not need to be omnipresent to know what is happening elsewhere..News travels fast, especially since the advent of internet ;)


Fouq Libarary

Fouq Libarary
how true, but some thing that is even convenient these days in the age of internet is to erect a propaganda, to cut to the chase, Pak Army wasn't the only entity which was part of those relief efforts, numerous IGO'S, NGO'S were participating, i am not ruling out any corruption but the links that you have provided are only fabricated to make Pakistan army look bad.
I appreciate CHINA... :tup:

Its always better to support through food/clothes..etc instead of Money. Since money can be easy to move to Pocket...:azn:
alloth of help 5kg rice for every household for 5 million effected people
how true, but some thing that is even convenient these days in the age of internet is to erect a propaganda, to cut to the chase, Pak Army wasn't the only entity which was part of those relief efforts, numerous IGO'S, NGO'S were participating, i am not ruling out any corruption but the links that you have provided are only fabricated to make Pakistan army look bad.

Now my turn!!:devil:

"fabricated to make Pakistan army look bad"..how do you know, were you there to distribute those tents or do you know the person who wrote those articles??:azn:
Now my turn!!:devil:

"fabricated to make Pakistan army look bad"..how do you know, were you there to distribute those tents or do you know the person who wrote those articles??:azn:

Greart work cheap shot. You did use a very authentic source. A pure anti pakistan site to "liberate" the so called occupied Kashmir from Pakistan. You didn't find something better. :azn:
Greart work cheap shot. You did use a very authentic source. A pure anti pakistan site to "liberate" the so called occupied Kashmir from Pakistan. You didn't find something better. :azn:

Well it is a pure Kashmiri site(pro azadi)...just like it has anti-pakistan stuff(so to speak).. it has also anti India stuff..it will be better if you, do not doubt its neutrality...claim it as an India propaganda.

Check this out
Fouq Libarary
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Well it is a pure Kashmiri site(pro azadi)...just like it has anti-pakistan stuff(so as to say).. it has also anti India stuff..it will be better if you, do not doubt its neutrality...claim it as an India propaganda.

Check this out
Fouq Libarary

Yeah I know and I don't care what it says about india. I don't trust sites such as these whose sole purpose is to malign Pakistan.
Yeah I know and I don't care what it says about india. I don't trust sites such as these whose sole purpose is to malign Pakistan.


You don't judge a friendship with one case and its not yet over, not to mention what have we done in for the last decades.

Making something out of nothing is pathetic attempt at best.

We are not discussing what you have done in the past decade or so. There was a genuine question about why not more in the time of need but that's ok I will not push you I will be more than happy with what ever you can help the victims.

I never said i am the only one donate to PDF flood relief and its not too difficult to find who are shamelessly, "just talk but no action" anyway i won't expect honesty from you though. :azn:

First of all this is personal choice and I don't need to beat the drums annoucing I did the donation or not and in the last who cares what you expect? I will do what I think is correct. :wave:
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