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China deploys N-capable CSS-5 MRBMs on Indian border: US

It was reported in 2001-2002 by Indian security analysts that china deployed missiles against India in Tibet. That was 10 years ago. This is nothing new. If china can deploy 600+ ballistic missiles against hapless tiny nation taiwan who are nothing but their own ethnic brothers, what can they do against other nations ? India's responsive deployment of Agni missiles against China is good sign, that will help in maintaining peace.
China has always postured its nuclear weapons against India. It is their biggest advantage against India. Infact when India first set out for its Agni missile programs in the 1980s these missiles like the Agni II were suppose to be China specific. The Agni 1 was not even conceived until Pakistan also joined the missile club thanks to China who did everything with in their power to arm Pakistan largely because its easier to fight India through Pakistan. If Beijing gets nuked its a bad day. however if Lahore or Islamabad gets nuked its a better day. Any nuclear attack on Pakistan also means there will be nuclear fallout to the Indian side. The Indian nuclear bomb was conceived thanks to the threat from China NOT Pakistan!
China has always postured its nuclear weapons against India. It is their biggest advantage against India. Infact when India first set out for its Agni missile programs in the 1980s these missiles like the Agni II were suppose to be China specific. The Agni 1 was not even conceived until Pakistan also joined the missile club thanks to China who did everything with in their power to arm Pakistan largely because its easier to fight India through Pakistan. If Beijing gets nuked its a bad day. however if Lahore or Islamabad gets nuked its a better day. Any nuclear attack on Pakistan also means there will be nuclear fallout to the Indian side. The Indian nuclear bomb was conceived thanks to the threat from China NOT Pakistan!


Fact is both China and Pakistan have standing issues with India and China sees Pakistan as a key and trusted ally. Heck we, allegedly, also helped North Korea and Iran too :lol:

The point isn't whether it is New Delhi, Beijing or Lahore gets bombed. Bad day will be the result regardless of which city getting hit. Retaliation will surely follow.

Fact is both China and Pakistan have standing issues with India and China sees Pakistan as a key and trusted ally. Heck we, allegedly, also helped North Korea and Iran too

The point isn't whether it is New Delhi, Beijing or Lahore gets bombed. Bad day will be the result regardless of which city getting hit. Retaliation will surely follow.
You answered your own question. Pakistan is Key isn't it? Fight indirectly and its not allegedly helped. Its a well known fact. So stop posted PR and rather read up on China's nuclear profilation from missiles to nuclear warheads. especially when it concerns Pakistan.
You are WRONG.
You answered your own question. Pakistan is Key isn't it? Fight indirectly and its not allegedly helped. Its a well known fact. So stop posted PR and rather read up on China's nuclear profilation from missiles to nuclear warheads. especially when it concerns Pakistan.
You are WRONG.

Think outside of the box, then you will quickly realize that it is not PR indeed. Fact remains India has border disputes with BOTH nations. You can call it whatever you like, but if things gets nasty on either side, and I don't mean mere border skirmishes, then you will expect severe retaliations. It doesn't matter which city gets nuked (be it New Dheli or Beijing). It will be bad day either way. Just remember that it's not just nuclear armed Pakistan who is having issues with you. So it's not wise to talk about nukes to either.

That my friend is the truth and something you are still trying hard to tap dance around. Reality is, we don't need to fight with you, it has been you who is overly obsessed with your neighbours and is overly concerned with their friendships. Get over it already. Nothing you say will make a difference to the situation as it stands. Your military officials and better think heads knows all too well not to do anything silly with your nukes let alone talk about it openly.
Think outside of the box, then you will quickly realize that it is not PR indeed. Fact remains India has border disputes with BOTH nations. You can call it whatever you like, but if things gets nasty on either side, and I don't mean mere border skirmishes, then you will expect severe retaliations. It doesn't matter which city gets nuked (be it New Dheli or Beijing). It will be bad day either way. Just remember that it's not just nuclear armed Pakistan who is having issues with you. So it's not wise to talk about nukes to either.

That my friend is the truth and something you are still trying hard to tap dance around. Reality is, we don't need to fight with you, it has been you who is overly obsessed with your neighbours and is overly concerned with their friendships. Get over it already. Nothing you say will make a difference to the situation as it stands. Your military officials and better think heads knows all too well not to do anything silly with your nukes let alone talk about it openly.
Wow a so called expert aren't you. You rant but completely ignore the bottom line I posted earlier. Pakistan has issues with India but it is China that armed Pakistan with nuclear warhead designs and missiles. Bottom line, China intends to fight India through Pakistan. Thats why India intends on being prepared for a two front war. But you don't see India being so insecure as to arm Veitnam or Taiwan with nuclear missiles.
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