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China Conducts Second Flight Test of New Long-Range Missile


Jun 28, 2012
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DF-41 is second test of road-mobile, likely MIRV-capable ICBM

Purported photos of Chinas DF-41

BY: Bill Gertz Follow @BillGertz :rofl::lol:

December 17, 2013 5:00 am

China’s military conducted the second flight test of its newest long-range missile that is capable of hitting targets in the United States with a nuclear warhead, according to defense officials.

The flight test of the new Dong Feng-41, or DF-41, took place Friday from the Wuzhai missile launch center in Shanxi province to an impact range in western China, said officials familiar with details of the tests.

It was the second test of the new, road-mobile, long-range ICBM that U.S. intelligence agencies assess will be outfitted with up to 10 multiple, independently-targetable reentry vehicles, or MIRVs.

Prior to Friday’s flight test, the last DF-41 flight test took place July 24, 2012.

Pentagon spokesmen did not return emails seeking comment on the missile test.

The most recent test indicates that China’s long-range missile development is continuing, and the missile is raising new concerns about China’s professed nuclear doctrine of not being the first to use nuclear weapons in a conflict.

Disclosure of the nuclear missile flight test comes as tensions remain heightened between the United States and China over the near collision between the USS Cowpens, a guided missile cruiser, and a Chinese navy tank landing ship in the South China Sea on Dec. 5.

The State Department and Pentagon protested the incident, which involved the Chinese ship stopping in the path of the Cowpens, forcing the cruiser to make an abrupt maneuver to avoid a collision. The incident took place near China’s first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning.

The DF-41, with its range of between 6,835 miles and 7,456 miles and expected multiple-warhead capability, is viewed as a potential “first strike” weapon, or a weapon capable of carrying out a surprise nuclear attack that would knock out an enemy’s arsenal and limit its counterstrike capability.

A report by the Air Force National Air and Space Intelligence Center made public in May referred to China’s development of a new long-range missile with multiple warheads, in addition to current long-range DF-31 and DF-31A mobile ICBMs.

“China has the most active and diverse ballistic missile development program in the world,” the NASCI report said. “It is developing and testing offensive missiles, forming additional missile units, qualitatively upgrading missile systems, and developing methods to counter ballistic missile defenses.”

“The Chinese ballistic missile force is expanding in both size and types of missiles.”

Without mentioning the DF-41, the report said, “China may also be developing a new road-mobile ICBM capable of carrying a MIRV payload, and the number of warheads on Chinese ICBMs capable of threatening the United States is expected to grow to well over 100 in the next 15 years.”

Defense officials said the report was referring to the DF-41.

Rick Fisher, a China military affairs expert and senior fellow at the International Assessment and Strategy Center, said reports of the latest DF-41 test coincide with disclosures on Chinese military enthusiast websites showing a new 18-wheel transporter erector launcher for the new DF-41.

“It appears that this new large MIRV-capable ICBM is making progress toward achieving an operational status,” Fisher said.

Fisher said there are reports that the Second Artillery Corps, as China’s missile service is called, includes at least one reload missile for each mobile missile-launcher system.

If the new DF-41 is deployed in the future with a reload missile per launcher, it would vastly increase the numbers of nuclear warheads in the Chinese arsenal, as many as 120 to 240 warheads for each DF-41 unit.

“What this means is that Obama administration suggestions that the United States can continue to reduce its number of deployed warheads, perhaps to 1,000 or less, is simply irrational,” Fisher said.

“What we know and don’t know about China’s ability to rapidly increase its warhead numbers points to an unacceptable level of risk for the United States.”

In addition to the DF-41, China also has begun to deploy its submarine-launched ballistic missile called the JL-2 and may develop a follow-on JL-2A with up to three warheads.

“Inasmuch as the U.S. Navy estimates there will be up to five of the 12-missile carrying Type 094 nuclear powered ballistic missile submarines, this at least indicates that [missile submarines] could become another source for fast Chinese warhead growth,” he said.

The publication Jane’s Strategic Weapon Systems reported in 2012 that the Chinese were developing the DF-41, also designated the CSS-X-10, and that it is intended to replace easy-to-target silo-based DF-5 and DF-5A missiles.

Larry Wortzel, a former military intelligence officer and member of the congressional U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, told the House Armed Services Committee in testimony last month that the new DF-41 is part of China’s growing nuclear missile arsenal.

“China is enhancing its nuclear deterrent capability by modernizing its nuclear force,” Wortzel said Nov. 20. “It is taking measures such as developing a new road-mobile intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), the DF-41. This missile could be equipped with a multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle (MIRV), allowing it to carry as many as 10 nuclear warheads.”

Wortzel said the Chinese, in addition to MIRVs, could outfit their missiles with “penetration aids” designed to defeat U.S. missile defenses. China also may be developing rail-mobile ICBMs, he said.

The Chinese nuclear buildup could have a profound impact on regional security. China recently has been bullying its neighbors, specifically Japan and Philippines, over islands and maritime claims.

“When China achieves a position of nuclear parity or even superiority, we can expect that it will make far more vigorous demands on the United States that could diminish the security of America and its friends and allies,” Fisher said.

Mark Stokes, a former Pentagon official and specialist on China’s strategic nuclear systems has said the DF-41 has been mentioned in Chinese military writings and appears to involve a larger, solid fuel rocket motor derived from the DF-31 series ICBMS.

Ground tests of the DF-41 motor have been detected over the past several years.

There are suspicions among U.S. intelligence analysts that the DF-41 is based on Russia’s mobile ICBM known as the SS-27 and that the DF-41 will incorporate Russian missile guidance technology.

China in August conducted two flight tests of the DF-31A ICBM and in November 2012, another DF-31A was flight-tested.

Tsai The-sheng, Taiwan’s director of the National Security Bureau, as the intelligence service for the island nation is called, told Taiwan’s legislature that China is still developing the DF-41 and the sub-launched JL-2.

“Neither of them has been deployed at any Chinese military base yet,” Tsai said, the official Central News Agency reported April 15.

Tsai said that China’s fast pace of military technology development makes it very likely the People’s Liberation Army will deploy a multi-warhead DF-41 in the future.

China Conducts Second Flight Test of New Long-Range Missile | Washington Free Beacon
Bill Gertz is afraid of telling one more fact; that the DF-41 is already deployed.

China is sending a clear warning to certain countries.

Tsai The-sheng, Taiwan’s director of the National Security Bureau, as the intelligence service for the island nation is called, told Taiwan’s legislature that China is still developing the DF-41 and the sub-launched JL-2.

This idiot is just like most of military think tanks in Taiwan, since he believes that Liaoning and Varyag are two different aircraft carriers.

The comment from this moron can be automatically discarded.
It is rumoured that the latest test fire was conducted from a site different from the one reported in the article。
Bill Gertz is afraid of telling one more fact; that the DF-41 is already deployed.

China is sending a clear warning to certain countries.

This idiot is just like most of military think tanks in Taiwan, since he believes that Liaoning and Varyag are two different aircraft carriers.

The comment from this moron can be automatically discarded.
Deployed does not mean you do not conduct maintenance and verification test launches.

Minuteman 3 Test Missile Launches From California - ABC News
The U.S. Air Force has test-launched an unarmed Minuteman 3 intercontinental ballistic missile from the central California coast.

The missile lifted off from Vandenberg Air Force Base at 4:36 a.m. PDT Tuesday on a 4,200 mile flight over the Pacific to a target on the Kwajalein Atoll.

The Air Force Global Strike Command says the test was a success.

Maj. Gen. Jack Weinstein, commander of the 20th Air Force, said in a statement that the test was a visible demonstration of the nation's nuclear deterrent.

It is the last Minuteman launch scheduled for the year.
How long has the Minuteman 3 been deployed?

LGM-30 Minuteman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Minuteman-III (LGM-30G): the current model

The LGM-30G Minuteman-III program started in 1966, and included several improvements over the previous versions. It was first deployed in 1970.
Once a pilot is certified, does that mean he does not take 'check flights' or 're-certs'? You ignorantly associated test only with development.

Who is the real idiot now?
A balance of terror? USA can destroy the earth 100 times, Russia can destrory the earth 50 times. now China can do it 5 times. It is hard to says nuclear weapons make the world more dangerous. without nuclear weapons , the world war will happen every 20 years.
Deployed does not mean you do not conduct maintenance and verification test launches.

Minuteman 3 Test Missile Launches From California - ABC News

How long has the Minuteman 3 been deployed?

LGM-30 Minuteman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Once a pilot is certified, does that mean he does not take 'check flights' or 're-certs'? You ignorantly associated test only with development.

Who is the real idiot now?

Do you truly that the DF-41 has only conducted two tests?

These two tests are the only known tests.

That Taiwanese guy is an idiot and a laughing stock among the Chinese community, and the comment you shown here proves that you too are joining his league of idiots.

KMT is always running by a bunch of retards, they were the former owner of Mainland China, yet got pushed into a small island by the weak backward CPC.

I won't be surprised that a such idiot can become the director of NSB.

Yeah, "SB" stands for the meaning of idiot in Chinese.
Do you truly that the DF-41 has only conducted two tests?

These two tests are the only known tests.

That Taiwanese guy is an idiot and a laughing stock among the Chinese community, and the comment you shown here proves that you too are joining his league of idiots.

KMT is always running by a bunch of retards, they were the former owner of Mainland China, yet got pushed into a small island by the weak backward CPC.

I won't be surprised that a such idiot can become the director of NSB.

Yeah, "SB" stands for the meaning of idiot in Chinese.
You clearly are NOT a very smart guy, despite being Chinese with that mythical 'high Chinese IQ'.

Whether the DF-41 have only 2 or 20 test launches is not the point, it is that you criticize Gertz by saying that the DF-41 is deployed just because of the word 'test'. You are in the wrong here. Test launches of deployed missiles are normal. Even if the DF-41 was deployed without any test launches at all, then conduct them after deployment and assignment, it is still consider normal for deployed weapons system.

That is why it is so enjoyable to see you guys involved in technical discussions -- you guys sucks at it. Even when presented wit non-disputable evidence on why you are wrong, your arrogance prevents you from admitting that you are wrong and the hilarity continues.
So much for the claims that DF-41 is already deployed.
You clearly are NOT a very smart guy, despite being Chinese with that mythical 'high Chinese IQ'.

Whether the DF-41 have only 2 or 20 test launches is not the point, it is that you criticize Gertz by saying that the DF-41 is deployed just because of the word 'test'. You are in the wrong here. Test launches of deployed missiles are normal. Even if the DF-41 was deployed without any test launches at all, then conduct them after deployment and assignment, it is still consider normal for deployed weapons system.

That is why it is so enjoyable to see you guys involved in technical discussions -- you guys sucks at it. Even when presented wit non-disputable evidence on why you are wrong, your arrogance prevents you from admitting that you are wrong and the hilarity continues.

Where did i criticize Gertz? Don't put your words into my mouth.

I said the Taiwanese guy Tsai De-Sheng is a well-known idiot who claimed that Liaoning and Varyag are two different aircraft carriers.

BTW, i respect the opinion Gertz far more than you Vietnamese guy.
A balance of terror? USA can destroy the earth 100 times, Russia can destrory the earth 50 times. now China can do it 5 times. It is hard to says nuclear weapons make the world more dangerous. without nuclear weapons , the world war will happen every 20 years.

But there can be more destructive weapons than nukes. One can get the clue from Rig Veda where the Aryan thunder god Indra was invincible.

One can achieve that if he manages to weaponize natural attributes. Just imagine a dark monsoon cloud approaching fast to the direction of the sky above your head and it is simply destroying everything present on the surface of this planet. What can stop it? F 22? B 2? Minuteman 2? What? Nothing because these tiny toys can make explosions which will still be nothing in front of that monsoon cloud.

Formation and driving of monsoon clouds can be done if appropriate meteorological scientific applications are conducted. This is what USA has long been doing/trying to do with its state of the art DARPA's HAARP facility at Alaska. You are no less than God once you have command over monsoon clouds because with it you can change a continental landscape, its ecology, its flora and fauna. You can turn a tropical humid zone into an arid zone, you can turn destroy the nature of soil and the vegetation forever. You can turn a continent into a No Man's Land if you simply destroy the monsoon.

Next can be of causing changes/shifts in the tectonic plates though it is a domain of geology and its related Earth sciences. But if it is done, you can cause massive Earth quakes, eruptions of volcanoes, drying up of rivers etc.

I have such a project and anyone can purchase it. ;)
So much for the claims that DF-41 is already deployed.

So much for your claims the DF-41 doesn't exist lol

You clearly are NOT a very smart guy, despite being Chinese with that mythical 'high Chinese IQ'.

Whether the DF-41 have only 2 or 20 test launches is not the point, it is that you criticize Gertz by saying that the DF-41 is deployed just because of the word 'test'. You are in the wrong here. Test launches of deployed missiles are normal. Even if the DF-41 was deployed without any test launches at all, then conduct them after deployment and assignment, it is still consider normal for deployed weapons system.

That is why it is so enjoyable to see you guys involved in technical discussions -- you guys sucks at it. Even when presented wit non-disputable evidence on why you are wrong, your arrogance prevents you from admitting that you are wrong and the hilarity continues.

And this coming from a guy that got schooled by J20BlackDragon lol

Face it, you cant't counter our claims so you resort to personal insults to hide your embarrassments.
You clearly are NOT a very smart guy, despite being Chinese with that mythical 'high Chinese IQ'.

Whether the DF-41 have only 2 or 20 test launches is not the point, it is that you criticize Gertz by saying that the DF-41 is deployed just because of the word 'test'. You are in the wrong here. Test launches of deployed missiles are normal. Even if the DF-41 was deployed without any test launches at all, then conduct them after deployment and assignment, it is still consider normal for deployed weapons system.

That is why it is so enjoyable to see you guys involved in technical discussions -- you guys sucks at it. Even when presented wit non-disputable evidence on why you are wrong, your arrogance prevents you from admitting that you are wrong and the hilarity continues.

Dont embarrass yourself again. You have enough of these acts to overflowing it.
It was just a matter of argument between pre- or post deployment tests
the OP did not have enough disclosure about that
Dont over- or mis- use the phrase "critical thinking" which I once taught you somewhere sometime ago and you are still missing the faculty to use it. Got it?
The US knows bugger all about China's military developments and deployments。

These so-called US analyses and congressional reports simply regurgitate Chinese Internet rumurs。

Only the U.S. military would know. They reported about the anti-sat test and China was mum about it. Kind of right now when the U.S. Navy reported about the incident on the US warship near collision and China didn't say anything until later. I believe it was today that China finally confirmed it.
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