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China claims Gaogouli, S Korea furious, North Korea exercises with PLA

From Imperialism to corrupt Republicanism to Communism to Capitalism and back to Imperialism. Progress?

The USA: From land-grabbing colonialist and murderer of the native peoples to more landgrabbing to imperialism and murderer of Vietnamese, Afghan and Iraqi and still imperialist ... Awsomely progressive!
guys there is no point arguing with chinese over their claims.... everyone knows their claims are stupid... no one outside china believes in one of their claims.... infact the world opinion is in sync that Hans(chinese i.e) belong to behind the wall... and that all other land belongs to diferent countries occupied forcefully..

so no benefit arguing with paid trolls.. let them claim all the continents... they will invent history(new one) for that also...

Actually there is no point to argue with you guys. :coffee:
From Imperialism to corrupt Republicanism to Communism to Capitalism and back to Imperialism. Progress?
Chinese history always goes in cycles. When China is on an ascendant trajectory, like now, nothing can stop us :coffee:

Chinese civilization will enter 100 years of golden age as soon as we secure our perimeters again.
During Han dynasty, north korea was part of china, not as a vassal country but as four provinces of us.汉武帝元封二年(前109年),汉楼船将军杨仆、左将军荀彘分率水陆军两路进击卫氏朝鲜,前108年,卫氏朝鲜降。汉置辽东郡(今天辽东半岛),玄菟郡(今辽宁东北,北朝鲜),乐郎郡(今平壤),真番郡(今韩国北部),临屯郡(今韩国东北)五郡,充分说明了辽东和朝鲜半岛北部自古以来是中国的领土。

BTW, Gaogouli and Gaoli is different. Gaogouli and Bohai both were chinese countries. they have nothing to do with korean bangzi.
seems china and luka magnotta have something in common. NPD narcissistic personality disorder.

they distort reality, make flase claims which they generally believe... always out for attention etc

china used to have cannibals too.. thats another commonality

seems china and luka magnotta have something in common. NPD narcissistic personality disorder.

they distort reality, make flase claims which they generally believe... always out for attention etc

china used to have cannibals too.. thats another commonality


Knowing nothing about China but have obsession with China. sometimes your comment is like a bunch of *****
China will soon claim the whole world, and issue warnings to all. End of story.

You can't escape the Chinese wrath

During Han dynasty, north korea was part of china, not as a vassal country but as four provinces of us.
And the land north of the Great Wall belonged to Korea and Beijing was a border city during Tang Dynasty. Your point is?

BTW, Gaogouli and Gaoli is different.
Gaoli is the official name of Gaogouli. Look up Sui/Tang dynasty era history texts, which has hundreds of pages dedicated to the war with Gaoli, not Gaogouli. Why? Gaogouli's official name was Gaoli(Chinese pronounce)/Koryo(Korean pronounce)/Korea(Arabic pronounce) by the time of Sui/Tang dynasty.

The exact same thing with Balhae's diplomatic letters to Japan(Well preserved to this day), where Balhae king addresses himself as the King of Koryo and his kingdom as Koryo(Balhae did not use the word Koguryo in the diplomatic documents, only Koryo) in circa 700 AD, full 200 years before the resurrected Koryo(Known as Later Koryo) emerges in Central Korea by Pyeongyang refugees and declares itself the proper resumption of Koryo and denounces Balhae and Liao(Khitan. The people who gave the name Cathay, even though Cathay doesn't really mean China) as claiming Koryo's successor.

Gaogouli and Bohai both were chinese countries. they have nothing to do with korean bangzi.
Former Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo's father Abe Shintato(former Foreign Minister) always told others that his family(Abe) was Korean. So did his ancestor came from Korean Peninsular? Nope; they came from Balhae(Bohai).

So the direct descendants of Balhae people claim they were Korean for 1000 years, and whom are you to contradict?
Gao gouli and Gaoli is different kindom, if we claim Gaoli, then you Korea will be our colony:lol:

Go to bed, Gaoli Bangzi, taking back Yanbian city and Changbai Mountain is just your day dream
Gao gouli and Gaoli is different kindom,
Gaogouli's official name was Gaoli.

The informal name Gaogouli exists only to distinguish the first Gaoli and the second Gaoli in later dates.

That doesn't change the fact that only the word Gaoli is used in history record books from 6th to 10th century.
Gaogouli's official name was Gaoli.

The informal name Gaogouli exists only to distinguish the first Gaoli and the second Gaoli in later dates.

That doesn't change the fact that only the word Gaoli is used in history record books from 6th to 10th century.

If so, I think you should appreciate us claiming the first Gaoli( Gao gouli) instead of the second Gaoli :lol:

BTW, how do you know your Gaoli history ? Don't you know your history was written by Chinese words? :rofl:
Is this another wet dream? It seems like the Chinese have so many wet dreams, I mean the amount of wet dreams they have they will surely conquer the world very soon? It's not like USA, India, Israel, S. Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, Japan are just going to let the Chinese march around in their lunch boxes.
Gaogouli's official name was Gaoli.

The informal name Gaogouli exists only to distinguish the first Gaoli and the second Gaoli in later dates.

That doesn't change the fact that only the word Gaoli is used in history record books from 6th to 10th century.

Your bangzi's board to Beijing? you korean, no matter how hard you try, you were, are and will always be slaves of others. Chinese look down upon you because you were slaves of us. dont try to steal chinese history and culture, you incapable people can not create anything. Bohai and Gagouli were your history? bangzi, you were so strong, but why so bangzi just live in at such a small peninsula which is not bigger than my @ss?
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