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China builds Space Academy & Satellite Ground station in Sri Lanka

Simple if there is an ASSET on Sril Lankan SOIL which is USED against INDIA in a war, then THAT ASSET will be annihilated during war.

SL can have investments from Chinese, but it must maintain its NEUTRALITY. But if it colludes with China in helping them harm Indian interests then SL will be making a grave mistake. I say if that is the case then India should launch covert operations to get SL in its control again. Secondly if SL ever colludes in a WAR with China and helps China, then India should ANNEX SL and make it one of its own states.

But I think China has JUST payed huge amount of money to the poor SL politicians and BOUGHT them and now the SL politicians are enjoying their overflowing bank baances and so probably now dont care for Sri Lanka or its people. This is the real situation most probably. Chinese buying off the SL officials and diplomats.
This base and its future potential has more to do with monitoring Diego Garcia i.e. US and British naval movements than anything to do with backwards India. Any concrete choke points concerning Oil and trade supplies to China transiting via the Indian Ocean through the Straits of Malacca will be initiated by US fleets based in part in DG than anything inferior Indian can ever muster.

These Indians just love to delude themselves of their significance to China. :lol: Pathetic . . .

If you look back at recent history, Sri Lanka for decades was crippled by terrorism led by incompetent Indian guidance. All through the 70, 80s, 90s all the world associated Sri Lanka was with terrorism by the Tamil Tigers. Now it is has modern ports and relatively large scale development and modernization upward movement.

China helped solve in months decades of stagnation, violence and ineptitude concerning this terrorist milieu what incompetent Indians could not for decades either through military equipment exports, tactical military guidance, and later infrastructural development and hard FDI.

You ask why the Sri Lankans would lean to China? Follow Indians (who can't even feed their own people and has the infrastructure of a banana republic) you get stuck in perpetual 4th subsistence dump hole, follow China and you see what the Lankans can achieve through peace and modern economic development assisted by the 2nd largest economy in the world with 3 trill in hard currency reserves than leaves the IMF and world bank in shame.

Who would you choose?
SL can have all development and money from China. its ok. But if SL helps China in harming India as a giveaway for this money, then SL is in deep trouble. I dont know if SL diplomats who are being bribed by China care for SL.

Obviosuly if SL will collude to harm India, then India will have to take steps to safeguard its interest.If SL remains neutral and does not do things that harm India, and only takes developmental suport from China then it is fine and SL's right. But it seems SL is taking the route to harm India. If that is the case then SL has no right to object to Indian moves to counter this, and possible military takeover in future if SL is used as springboard for Chinese aggression. SL people should accuse their DIPLOMATS and CORRUPT OFFICIALS for that takeover and not India.

Military action in SL is a must and a giveaway if any part of SL is used to support Chinese aggression against India, and most likely takeover of SL after that and a merger into Indian union. All the corrupt officials of SL who cheated SL people will then be tried and subjected to WAR Crimes.
Congrats to Sri Lanka ... This thread is filled with reply of typical cyber warriors from other side influence with hoax and filled with superiority complex ...
Congrats to Sri Lanka...hope one day we will see SL astronauts going off to space to do great thing.
Why do some Indian here need to always talk aggressively !?? Don't you understand if you threaten somebody, they will be more cautious against you, arm themselves just in case and you will loose their trust and friendship.
Simple if there is an ASSET on Sril Lankan SOIL which is USED against INDIA in a war, then THAT ASSET will be annihilated during war.

SL can have investments from Chinese, but it must maintain its NEUTRALITY. But if it colludes with China in helping them harm Indian interests then SL will be making a grave mistake. I say if that is the case then India should launch covert operations to get SL in its control again. Secondly if SL ever colludes in a WAR with China and helps China, then India should ANNEX SL and make it one of its own states.

But I think China has JUST payed huge amount of money to the poor SL politicians and BOUGHT them and now the SL politicians are enjoying their overflowing bank baances and so probably now dont care for Sri Lanka or its people. This is the real situation most probably. Chinese buying off the SL officials and diplomats.

ANNEX SRI LANKA? :lol: If there is a India Vs China war, most damage will happen to India coz India is in weak status at this moment, it will reverse India back to 10-15 years...

We don't trust our politicians either but current government and President have done a lot for Sri Lankans.
SL can have all development and money from China. its ok. But if SL helps China in harming India as a giveaway for this money, then SL is in deep trouble. I dont know if SL diplomats who are being bribed by China care for SL.

Obviosuly if SL will collude to harm India, then India will have to take steps to safeguard its interest.If SL remains neutral and does not do things that harm India, and only takes developmental suport from China then it is fine and SL's right. But it seems SL is taking the route to harm India. If that is the case then SL has no right to object to Indian moves to counter this, and possible military takeover in future if SL is used as springboard for Chinese aggression. SL people should accuse their DIPLOMATS and CORRUPT OFFICIALS for that takeover and not India.

Military action in SL is a must and a giveaway if any part of SL is used to support Chinese aggression against India, and most likely takeover of SL after that and a merger into Indian union. All the corrupt officials of SL who cheated SL people will then be tried and subjected to WAR Crimes.

Country who can't fulfill their own citizen's needs is thinking to "annex" SL and fullfill our needs? LOL Indian media shows an image to Indians it is a "super democracy" which is not existing there, castes, reservations, poverty, pollution...so many things you have got to address first, even your own people are running to their states for looking safety. So dude, try to clean your dusty country first! ;)
Country who can't fulfill their own citizen's needs is thinking to "annex" SL and fullfill our needs? LOL Indian media shows an image to Indians it is a "super democracy" which is not existing there, castes, reservations, poverty, pollution...so many things you have got to address first, even your own people are running to their states for looking safety. So dude, try to clean your dusty country first! ;)

India need a revolution to restore power back to each individual states. The NE states would no doubt declare independence after all the attacks by superior Indians. As India was forge together by British imperialism, India can only regain true freedom if all the states that existed before British dominion can declare independent. If not, at least the existing Indian states should declare independence and end the British India.
India need a revolution to restore power back to each individual states. The NE states would no doubt declare independence after all the attacks by superior Indians. As India was forge together by British imperialism, India can only regain true freedom if all the states that existed before British dominion can declare independent. If not, at least the existing Indian states should declare independence and end the British India.
Country who can't fulfill their own citizen's needs is thinking to "annex" SL and fullfill our needs? LOL Indian media shows an image to Indians it is a "super democracy" which is not existing there, castes, reservations, poverty, pollution...so many things you have got to address first, even your own people are running to their states for looking safety. So dude, try to clean your dusty country first! ;)
I feel just sorry for you mate,nothing else.:P These are quite a fancy words,who taught you? Let me think! Oh!I just came to know about your tutor. If I am gonna tell here, your daddy gonna bust here.:no: Keep it on. I'm enjoying it.:azn: Who told you that we are super duper power,super duper democracy where castes, reservations, poverty,pollution doesn't exit.:rofl:
I feel just sorry for you mate,nothing else.:P These are quite a fancy words,who taught you? Let me think! Oh!I just came to know about your tutor. If I am gonna tell here, your daddy gonna bust here.:no: Keep it on. I'm enjoying it.:azn: Who told you that we are super duper power,super duper democracy where castes, reservations, poverty,pollution doesn't exit.:rofl:

There are things difficult to hide! LOL
ANNEX SRI LANKA? :lol: If there is a India Vs China war, most damage will happen to India coz India is in weak status at this moment, it will reverse India back to 10-15 years...

We don't trust our politicians either but current government and President have done a lot for Sri Lankans.

There are things difficult to hide! LOL
Who is hiding behind curtain except you. If you had guts,you wouldn't have hiding behind big daddy China.
& India is not hiding anything at all, whether poverty, corruption, pollution ETC. Each & every data can be accessed by an Indian by just filing an RTI application. But it seems it's pretty hard for you to digest these developments in India.
India need a revolution to restore power back to each individual states. The NE states would no doubt declare independence after all the attacks by superior Indians. As India was forge together by British imperialism, India can only regain true freedom if all the states that existed before British dominion can declare independent. If not, at least the existing Indian states should declare independence and end the British India.

Your country should stop kissing American a$$ and stand up for themselves or merge back to mainland China.
Who is hiding behind curtain except you. If you had guts,you wouldn't have hiding behind big daddy China.
& India is not hiding anything at all, whether poverty, corruption, pollution ETC. Each & every data can be accessed by an Indian by just filing an RTI application. But it seems it's pretty hard for you to digest these developments in India.

We have own vision and path, we are co-operating with every country we need. Most of Indians in pain when they hear the word China, all the threads on PDF are example for that! ;)

Sri Lankans don't have jealousy anything related to development in India! It's not our style, no one even think about it. If India is developing it is truly good. Sri Lanka's next target is reach quality of living standard of Thailand, Then Malaysia/Taiwan. Taiwan and Malaysia have the most advanced infrastructure in the region so it's a hard target........
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