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China brands US democracy 'weapon of mass destruction'


Nov 4, 2011
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China brands US democracy 'weapon of mass destruction'
Issued on: 11/12/2021 - 04:38Modified: 11/12/2021 - 04:36

Beijing (AFP) – China branded US democracy a "weapon of mass destruction" on Saturday, following the US-organised Summit for Democracy which aimed to shore up like-minded allies in the face of autocratic regimes.

China was left out of the two-day virtual summit -- along with countries including Russia and Hungary -- and responded by angrily accusing US President Joe Biden of stoking Cold War-era ideological divides.

"'Democracy' has long become a 'weapon of mass destruction' used by the US to interfere in other countries," a foreign ministry spokesperson said in an online statement, which also accused the US of having "instigated 'colour revolutions'" overseas.

The ministry also claimed the summit was organised by the US to "draw lines of ideological prejudice, instrumentalise and weaponise democracy... (and) incite division and confrontation."

Instead, Beijing vowed to "resolutely resist and oppose all kinds of pseudo-democracies".

Ahead of the summit, China ramped up a propaganda blitz criticising US democracy as corrupt and a failure.

Instead, it touted its own version of "whole-process people's democracy" in a white paper released last week that aimed to shore up legitimacy for the ruling Communist Party, which has become increasingly authoritarian under President Xi Jinping.

While the US has repeatedly denied there will be another Cold War with China, tensions between the world's two largest economies have spiralled in recent years over issues including trade and technological competition, human rights, Xinjiang and Taiwan.

The US Treasury on Friday sanctioned two high-level Chinese officials for human rights abuses in the Xinjiang region and placed Chinese AI surveillance firm SenseTime on a blacklist for its facial recognition technology targeting the Uyghur minority.

Taiwan, a democratic self-ruling island that is claimed by China, was invited to the US summit in a clear snub to its larger neighbour.

But Beijing got a boost in the middle of Biden's summit when Nicaragua dropped its previous diplomatic alliance with Taiwan, saying it only recognised China.

The announcement leaves Taiwan with only 14 diplomatic allies. In response, the US State Department called on "all countries that value democratic institutions" to "expand engagement" with the island.

I like how they timed the extradition ruling of an actual "citizen journalist" exposing actual U.S. crimes against humanity, that kept being censored, downplayed and covered up by U.S. state and U.S. media in sync with with their selfindulging "freedom" parade.

Their entire corporate media just shrugs and reports Edward Snowdens extradition ruling with some off Twitter post like snowfall in winter and five seconds later glorifies the U.S. regimes cynical preaching about "freedom" on their "democracy" parade.
I like how they timed the extradition ruling of an actual "citizen journalist" exposing actual U.S. crimes against humanity, that kept being censored, downplayed and covered up by U.S. state and U.S. media in sync with with their selfindulging "freedom" parade.

Their entire corporate media just shrugs and reports Edward Snowdens extradition ruling with some off Twitter post like snowfall in winter and five seconds later glorifies the U.S. regimes cynical preaching about "freedom" on their "democracy" parade.

China is better at it. Even over a tennis player.


China Coast Guard Attacks Resupply Mission for Filipino Troops on BRP Sierra Madre
You are making yourself look more like a fool denying China's dirty behavior with deflecting lies.
Spamming a thread with deflecting offtopic and unintelligent derailing posts like a troll to cope with a free country calling the spade a spade on Americas massmurders and repression across the globe under the label of "democracy". Befitting for a barbarian country as the U.S.A.. As they say an Apple doesn't fall far from its tree. 🙄
Do you have any proof, as for the lie about Iraq, even your government admits it's a lie

China already revealed the COVID strain is 96% close to the bat in China but you suppress it because its very dishonorable. Even try to hide a researcher who found out when he thought it was another SARS similar to COVID.
Its just personal issue between 2 peoples. I do not know how the media manage to blow this issue to be out of proportion? This is just a cheap shot to attack China.

Personal issue which requires massive government resources to suppress it really?
China already revealed the COVID strain is 96% close to the bat in China but you suppress it because its very dishonorable. Even try to hide a researcher who found out when he thought it was another SARS similar to COVID.
Same virus was found in bats in several south east Aisan countires, and the virus sample was found months before Wuhan outbreak in Europe and US.
Both of them are shit, but the world is a better place with the two of them at their throats.
Unlike the past two decades when only one shithead ruled the world.
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