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China Blames 54 Officials for Bullet Train Crash (design flaws)

Bl[i]tZ;2437351 said:
Many of our ministers are in Jail and so are a lot of Chinese. Neither country is devoid of corruption but both of them seem to be working.

On the other hand, your President is called Mr. 10% and nobody can dare talk about corruption with in military (remember the top secret Wedding House available for rent within the Mehran base). :P

first you are going off topic. secomd if that is true why are you finding it funny that people in an accident get killed.
I'd rather anger about our high speed rail than amused by this.

For whatever its worth, that's a Bangladeshi train.

first you are going off topic. secomd if that is true why are you finding it funny that people in an accident get killed.

Tell me honestly, you don't feel happy when you post all those India bashing articles through out day..

Btw, since you are so concerned about off-topic postings, let me tell you scroll back the thread and see the "Bangladeshi train pic" that a Chini by name oct..... something posted.. That was on topic. right.. I can see hypocrisy shining on your face..
actually,this kind of outdated chinese train are less and less in china. EMU and
high-speed bullet train are more and more popular in china

Cool pics but it all started when a Chinese member posted a over-crowded Train of Bangladesh Railways and started claiming it is Indian railway because many Idiot Chinese could not find difference between Indians, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis.
Bl[i]tZ;2436944 said:
Well, 130,000 of your chini people (highest in the world) come to the US and work in everything starting from closing classrooms to washing utensils (in restaurants).

The one problem they face is they can't speak English and if they somehow learn nobody can ******* understand. :P


Indeed many old Chinese immigrants don;t speak English even today.

So what? They come here LEGALLY, unlike your Indians and many other democracy countries.

According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the countries of origin for the largest numbers of illegal immigrants are as follows (latest of 2009):[16]

Country of origin Raw number Percent of total Percent change 2000 to 2009
Mexico 6,650,000 62% +42%
El Salvador 530,000 5% +25%
Guatemala 480,000 4% +65%
Honduras 320,000 3% +95%
Philippines 270,000 2% +33%
India 200,000 2% +64%
Korea 200,000 2% +14%
Ecuador 170,000 2% +55%
Brazil 150,000 1% +49%
China 120,000 1% -37%
Other 1,650,000 15% -17%

Illegal immigration to the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Back to the topic.

hails to China! When accident happens, officials are jailed, dismissed, punished.

If it were in India, these culprits would be promoted and rewarded.
Anways, another point - Article said, bullet trains are built on Japanese and German designs. So doesn't that mean the blame should go to Japanese/German design flaw.. But then I am not sure if that was original Japanese/German Design or something else..
Its sad and unfortunate that people have lost lives and i hope lessons are learnt in the future. Our thoughts must be with those that have lost their lives and their loved ones.
One also must look at the underlined tones in how some Indians are posting on here. Is it a place to gloat and have cheap shots when a tragedy occurs? Is this the way cetain members get their cheap thrills? The irony is then the complaints log in and suggestions of derailing of thread?
Indeed many old Chinese immigrants don;t speak English even today.

So what? They come here LEGALLY, unlike your Indians and many other democracy countries.

Dude, seriously didn't you just missed 120,000 Chinese in the list of illegal immigrants that you posted.. what a fail.. :lol:

Back to the topic.

hails to China! When accident happens, officials are jailed, dismissed, punished.

If it were in India, these culprits would be promoted and rewarded.

No they get jailed in India too. :)
Anways, another point - Article said, bullet trains are built on Japanese and German designs. So doesn't that mean the blame should go to Japanese/German design flaw.. But then I am not sure if that was original Japanese/German Design or something else..

The problem was Chinese government was in too much hurry to complete the project and put too much pressure on Engineers and engineers compromised with design and safety features to complete the project in record time.

The Bullet trains are based on Japan's Shinkansen, you can check designs of Series 500 and Series 700 Shinkansen trains. TGV has different designs.
Its sad and unfortunate that people have lost lives and i hope lessons are learnt in the future. Our thoughts must be with those that have lost their lives and their loved ones.
One also must look at the underlined tones in how some Indians are posting on here. Is it a place to gloat and have cheap shots when a tragedy occurs? Is this the way cetain members get their cheap thrills? The irony is then the complaints log in and suggestions of derailing of thread?

I will keep that in mind and I am sure I will be using it soon when you open another thread on some Indian tragedy..

BTW, the topic is about the issue that the accident happened because of design flaws and nobody is making any kind of fun of people impacted by this incident. It was not their fault and I wish their souls RIP for ever..
Dude, seriously did you missed 120,000 Chinese in the list of illegal immigrants that you posted.. what a fail.. :lol:

chinese were brought to the US as slaves to work in the mines.

No they get jailed in India too. :)

Indian train accidents occur quite frequently, technical as well as human error, no point bashing anyone for the loss of innocent civilian lives due to accidents.
Indian train accidents occur quite frequently, technical as well as human error, no point bashing anyone for the loss of innocent civilian lives due to accidents.

What made you think that anybody is making fun of dead? Seriously, guys the topic is about the cause of accident not the people.. I hope it is clear to one and all..
Indeed many old Chinese immigrants don;t speak English even today.

So what? They come here LEGALLY, unlike your Indians and many other democracy countries.
Yes, you should kick them out. By the way "American" gpit, did you mean democratic countries? :cheesy:
Back to the topic.

hails to China! When accident happens, officials are jailed, dismissed, punished.

If it were in India, these culprits would be promoted and rewarded.

Back in India many of our railway ministers morally quit over accidents

BBC News | South Asia | Rail minister quits over disaster 1999

Resignation: It 1956
The problem was Chinese government was in too much hurry to complete the project and put too much pressure on Engineers and engineers compromised with design and safety features to complete the project in record time.

The Bullet trains are based on Japan's Shinkansen, you can check designs of Series 500 and Series 700 Shinkansen trains. TGV has different designs.

What does "based on" in your comment above mean? I guess they collaborated with Japanese companies to share the designs.. Isn't it?
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