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China begins to turn against Iran


May 4, 2011
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'China adamantly opposes Iran developing and possessing nuclear weapons,' Wen Jiabao, the Chinese premier, said

Iran slipped further into global isolation on Thursday as China, its traditional ally, warned Tehran against its pursuit of nuclear weapons.

After a visit to the Gulf in which he met the leaders of the states most threatened by Iran's aggressive foreign policy, Wen Jiabao, the Chinese premier, issued Beijing's clearest condemnation yet .

"China adamantly opposes Iran developing and possessing nuclear weapons," he said.

China appears to have sent a message to Iran that it could not rely on Beijing's unstinting support by reducing its imports of oil at a time when the US and Europe are promoting an embargo on the country.

The Washington Post reported that China trimmed its oil imports from Iran in January from a daily average of around 550,000 barrels to 285,000 barrels a day.

Chinese foreign policy experts said the statement demonstrated that Beijing would not allow its international position to end up beholden to Iran.

Mr Wen's trip to three of the world's biggest oil-and-gas producers was described by some commentators as an attempt to seek alternative energy sources, although he politely denied this was the case: "Some people said my visit was to secure oil, which is narrow-minded. I came here for friendship."

"Iran would not have wanted China to make this statement, but Iran must understand that if it comes down to a choice China will not alienate itself from the rest of the world for the sake of single country," said Yu Guoqing, a researcher on the Middle East at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

With a second front of pressure opening up on Iran over its support for the Syrian regime's crackdown on nationwide protests, Tehran has moved closer to global pariah status.

French officials yesterday told Le Figaro newspaper that Iran was training 50 members of Syria's elite Republican Guard in anti-sedition techniques in Tehran. The troop commanders travelled to Tehran following a visit to Damascus at the start of the month by Qasim Suleimani, the head of Iran's overseas military interests. Gen Suleimani agreed to provide training for Syrian officers over the next nine months, an official told the paper. The French said the officers were members of Unit 101 from the elite 15,000-man Republican Guard force mostly recruited from President Assad's Alawi minority.

Alain Juppe, the French foreign minister, said EU foreign ministers would seal an oil embargo against Iran and a freeze on the assets of its central bank at a meeting on Monday.

European Commission officials revealed details of the embargo which would impose a ban immediately but honour existing contracts until July 1.

The full embargo could still be review in July as officials determine the impact so far on oil prices. Greece, in particular, is in economic trouble and relies on Iranian oil.

Iran has threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz, used for a third of the world's seaborne oil trade, if the embargo goes ahead, fanning fears of a slide into wider Middle East war.

But the regime has also hinted that it could be open to negotiations by claiming that it was entertaining a secret invite from President Barack Obama to open direct talks. Iran claimed the appeal was contained in a secret letter to the Islamic Republic's supreme leader that also warned Tehran against closing the Strait of Hormuz.

"They are flexing their muscle (in public), but they are also secretly saying: 'Come talk with us,'" Ali Akbar Salehi, the foreign minister said on a visit to Turkey. "The US government should act in an open and honest way."

China begins to turn against Iran - Telegraph
Of course that's what our leaders will say in "public". :lol:

But look what happens in private, even the Americans themselves say it:

Iran's link to China includes missile technology - Washington Times

Not to mention that we are the number one consumer of Iranian oil in the world, and thus the number one external source of revenue for the Iranian government.
People's Daily: US actions make China-Russia alliance appealing

As US aircraft carrier groups gather in the Arabian Sea, a showdown between Iran and the West is rumbling on. If a war erupts, this will be another upshot of the US pursuit of absolute national security.

Mainstream forces in Washington are trying to sell a ludicrous standpoint to the American people: that it is worthwhile to bear financial costs and even lose some lives to confront lurking dangers to US security in the Middle East.

This is not a rational analysis, but rather a pious belief in US politics. With an appetite for national security causes, the US becomes increasingly meticulous in eliminating potential challenges.

The US has somewhat defused two powder kegs in the Middle East: Iraq and Afghanistan. It also helped bring the fall of Slobodan Milosevic and Yugoslavia. Now it is preparing for a potential confrontation with Iran, and appears confident of another successful air strike.

Such a demonstration of armed might makes powers like Russia and China increasingly nervous.

By stirring up other powers' sense of insecurity, the US is actually undermining its own interests. Its security paranoia instills many uncertainties into global dynamics and into the US itself.

If the West slides into a war with Iran, the damages will not be any lower than the potential threat of Iran's nuclear power.

Perhaps the US is used to resorting to war to solve geopolitical problems. But many worry that such a mentality will sooner or later lead to a US clash with Russia and China. So far Moscow and Beijing are relatively restrained, though NATO seeks to expand its strategic presence in East Europe and US strengthening its military alliances in Asia. But the two cannot fall back forever.

For Beijing and Moscow alike, ties with the US have been stressful. The two don't want to set off external doubts in their heated relations. But in both countries, an increasing number of people now advocate a Moscow-Beijing "alliance." The two do have countermeasures against the US, and they are capable of deterring US allies. If they are really determined to join hands, the balance of power on many world issues will begin to shift.

Absolute security is a luxury that no country can afford. If the US unscrupulously imposes its own will and even forces Russia and China into taking action, global dynamics may go back to chaos over which the US will have little control. History shows that any power having an inflated ego usually ends badly.

US actions make China-Russia alliance appealing - People's Daily Online
More important last paragraph: "They are flexing their muscle (in public), but they are also secretly saying: 'Come talk with us," :)
Official words mean nothing. What do you expect from him? "We wholeheartly support Iran's nuclear program?" The fact is that China probably doesn't want any other countries to have nuclear weapons. But it doen't care as much as US/Isreal do as long as it is business as usual.

I personally feel if Iran has nuclear weapons, it can actually stabalize middle-east. Look at Pakistan and India, the two countries fought 3 times until they both own the bombs. Now they have to talk. :P
For Beijing and Moscow alike, ties with the US have been stressful. The two don't want to set off external doubts in their heated relations. But in both countries, an increasing number of people now advocate a Moscow-Beijing "alliance." The two do have countermeasures against the US, and they are capable of deterring US allies. If they are really determined to join hands, the balance of power on many world issues will begin to shift.

Absolute security is a luxury that no country can afford. If the US unscrupulously imposes its own will and even forces Russia and China into taking action, global dynamics may go back to chaos over which the US will have little control. History shows that any power having an inflated ego usually ends badly.

With many things in life, there needs to be some kind of balance in this World.
Official words mean nothing. What do you expect from him? "We wholeheartly support Iran's nuclear program?" The fact is that China probably doesn't want any other countries to have nuclear weapons. But it doen't care as much as US/Isreal do as long as it is business as usual.

I personally feel if Iran has nuclear weapons, it can actually stabalize middle-east. Look at Pakistan and India, the two countries fought 3 times until they both own the bombs. Now they have to talk. :P

Actually pakistan tried invading Kashmir in 99' a year after they officially got the bomb, but were pushed back nonetheless. Just saying
Actually pakistan tried invading Kashmir in 99' a year after they officially got the bomb, but were pushed back nonetheless. Just saying

One year is not long enough to build up a sufficient nuclear arsenal.

Better think about 2008 instead, when India was threatening to invade Pakistan in retaliation to the Mumbai attacks. What happened?
Actually pakistan tried invading Kashmir in 99' a year after they officially got the bomb, but were pushed back nonetheless. Just saying

I remember that one, saw it on TV after I am here in US. Is that a war or skirmish?
One year is not long enough to build up a sufficient nuclear arsenal.

Better think about 2008 instead, when India was threatening to invade Pakistan in retaliation to the Mumbai attacks. What happened?

The threat was given after the attacks happened...
Why it takes stupid iranian so long to make nuclear weapon?
If you want to make it ,hurry up,there's no more time for you.
Even North Korean knows that and achieved it far more success than you

Iranians are NOT stupid. Their scientific output is growing much faster than most other nations.

What a ridiculous thing to say. They will reveal the bomb when they are ready to do so.
To Mr. Sinochallenger and Chinese dragon,
Why not contest for the post of Chinese premier ? or atleast protest what Jiabao says?....Oops you can't ...then swallow what your leaders(Jiabao) throw at you.:alcoholic:
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