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China attacks Vietnam gunboats in the South China Sea!

Why is it that in nearly every thread to do with the south china seas dispute, weaker countries always take the piss out of china? They always say that they are afraid etc etc when in reality china would win any conflict inluding a skrimish with the usa in chinas back yard?
Mostly indians and Vietnamese

"The Chinese Yuzheng (Fishery Administration) 310 has successfully stopped the chasing attack of 3 gunboats of a foreign country (name of country not revealed) on Chinese fishing boats. It has protected and avoided the loss of properties and the cause of casualties of over 100 fishermen on 5 Chinese fishing boats."

Where does your "Vietnam" come from? and who was being "attacked"? comrade SinoChallenger?

Sinochallenger ain't Chinese. He's a loser who pretends to be chinese. He uses words like 'attacked' 'invaded' etc to paint China as an aggressor. He cannot even converse in Chinese. Prolly some loser with a vendetta against China or something.

Small class coast guard ships of Vietnam without weapons.


Middle class guardships with weapons.


Here is biggest guard-ships

If it's reliable news from China, Chinese 310 ship is run away to prevent face to face crashing.
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Isn't there a new "standoff"?

Why is it that in nearly every thread to do with the south china seas dispute, weaker countries always take the piss out of china? They always say that they are afraid etc etc when in reality china would win any conflict inluding a skrimish with the usa in chinas back yard?
Mostly indians and Vietnamese

Why? See topic
VN's GDP in 2011 was only 122billion only half of the GDP of the city of Beijing. It would be extremely challenging for VN to build a navy with such insignificant economic power.
Do you know we can buy weapon on credit from Russia ??We soon will have our own submarine base:coffee:
Moving eastward
Moscow has given an US$8 billion loan for the construction of Vietnam's first nuclear power plant. Russia is Vietnam's most important source of advanced weapon technology. And the weapons systems include the SS-N-25 Switchblade/Kh-35 Uransubsonic anti-ship missile, the Ka-27 naval helicopter, the SU-30 MK multi-role fighter aircraft, upgraded Kilo Class attack submarines, Gepard Class Corvettes, the Molnia/Project 12418 fast attack craft packed with Moskit/SS-N-22 Sunburn supersonic anti-ship missiles, Svetlyak export class patrol boats (originally developed for the KGB's border guards) equipped with anti-aircraft missiles, and so on - all of which help boost Vietnam's capability to defy China.

Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov has promised Moscow's help for Vietnam to build a submarine base for its Kilos, a loan to help Hanoi buy rescue and auxiliary vessels from Russia and planes for Vietnam's navy as well as build a ship repair yard that will also service visiting Russian navy ships.

Moscow hopes to regain access to its Soviet-era military base in Camh Ran Bay. An editorial in the Chinese daily The Global Times last week said:
All the cooperation ... goes beyond economic interests and is chiefly related to political and security concerns. That is the main consideration of Russia when developing the strategic relationship with Vietnam. The importance of the South China Sea [for Russia] depends not only on the abundant resources but also its strategic significance, where the Russian strategic foresight lies. With the economy recovering and military reform advancing, Russia has begun to move eastward.

Vietnam is definitely the springboard ... In essence, Russia standing behind Vietnam is not that different from the US, which is coveting the South China Sea [from] behind the Philippines.
Asia Times Online :: China News, China Business News, Taiwan and Hong Kong News and Business.

btw: it's stupid thread, we don't use gun boat to threaten China's ship before, but things changed, time to turn SCS(east sea) into hunting and killing zone :coffee:
Sinochallenger ain't Chinese. He's a loser who pretends to be chinese. He uses words like 'attacked' 'invaded' etc to paint China as an aggressor. He cannot even converse in Chinese. Prolly some loser with a vendetta against China or something.

Oh..I just wonder why his ID is "sino" witch is called "支那" , a belittle name of China. Always used by Indian and Japanese.

And he always provocative others countries's member make me puzzled, now it is clear.
Just write the truth. There is no need to put such stupid flaming title there.

According to People's Daily, on May 18, three Vietnamese gunboats tried to stop five Chinese fishing boats from fishing within the 9 section line. Fortunately, China's coast guard ship arrived and blocked the Vietnamese gunboats. The Vietnamese gunboats fled when they saw the Chinese coast guard.

People's Daily report


The Chinese coast guard is patrolling right up to the Vietnamese coastline. PLAN is bottling up the Vietnamese ships in their harbors so our Type 071 LPD and hovercrafts can seize all the Spratly Islands illegally occupied by Vietnam! :)

This is just like how PLAN is enforcing our territorial claim against Philippines mere kilometers away from Manila! Only a superpower like China has the power to spank small countries like Vietnam and Philippines so blatantly without fear or consequences.


Sinochallenger ain't Chinese. He's a loser who pretends to be chinese. He uses words like 'attacked' 'invaded' etc to paint China as an aggressor. He cannot even converse in Chinese. Prolly some loser with a vendetta against China or something.

Oh..I just wonder why his ID is "sino" witch is called "支那" , a belittle name of China. Always used by Indian and Japanese.

And he always provocative others countries's member make me puzzled, now it is clear.

In India defence forum even someone pretend Pakistan member attack China, or pretend China member attack Pakistan, or pretend other countries such as Us\Uk or so...

And how shameless you are.
I agree, it's a stupid and fake title, Yuzhen 310 never attacked any gunboats, it just stoped them

PS: the gunboats belong to VN definitely
Oh..I just wonder why his ID is "sino" witch is called "支那" , a belittle name of China. Always used by Indian and Japanese.

And he always provocative others countries's member make me puzzled, now it is clear.

SinoChallenger is a Chinese brother, he can write Chinese. Forgive him he just being radicalized by many trolls in this forum and is understandable. We'll ask him to tone down a little bit, that's all.
SinoChallenger is a Chinese brother, he can write Chinese. Forgive him he just being radicalized by many trolls in this forum and is understandable. We'll ask him to tone down a little bit, that's all.

Most of his words is completely stupid, there is nothing benefit to china and only attract others countries's member hate to China ,such as this topic.

And sino" witch is just called "支那" , it will hurt Chinese feelings.

If I want to pretend someone I also can write their word by translation on internet.
SinoChallenger is a Chinese brother, he can write Chinese. Forgive him he just being radicalized by many trolls in this forum and is understandable. We'll ask him to tone down a little bit, that's all.

You think only a Chinese can write Chinese?:lol:
Many of his words is completely stupid, there is nothing benefit to china and only attract others countries hate to China.

It's true in a sense, but sometimes these trolls can really get to you the ways they gang up on you to slander China and personal attacks. I lost my cool a few time too. Let's just say he's young and over nationalistic and we'll try to help him next time.

BTW sino is not a derogatory word but rather a prefix for China.

You think only a Chinese can write Chinese?:lol:

Well if you know him long enough you'll probably be able to sense that too. If a foreigner knows Chinese writing as good as him, which is rare, he probably won't spend that kind of time in this forum. As I said he is a die hard nationalist.
I agree, it's a stupid and fake title, Yuzhen 310 never attacked any gunboats, it just stoped them

PS: the gunboats belong to VN definitely

Have you any evidents to aprove it ?

Afternoon 4/5, news from the border guard Phu Yen: On the same day, the fishing vessel by PY92647 Mr. Tran Van Luc (in Ward 6, Tuy Hoa) as captain has rescued seven Malaysian fishermen are attacked by sea pirates.


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