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China arrests billionaire activist

the OP says polictical persecution against its critics?? Can any one tell what he did @Destro @chauism @shuttler

See, that is something I am confused too. The government is saying he is arrested for disturbing the public order and safety. That could mean many things, and one of them is rally a protest without warrant which is illegal in China. And of course people on the forums are saying many different things without any definite proof to support those theories. Anyways he is challenging this accusation in the court, so let's see how this plays out.
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"political persecution" is just a label issued by the west.
The culprit can challenge in court about his arrest that will come to light soon
Be patient, cheerleader!

So are we but not you - obviously!

Dude dont be narrow minded open up....it could be propaganda of the west ,it says political persecution ,,,all i asked was what did he do,...for me after reading it seems anyone can be arrested if they say anything against CPC....you being chinese i was asking your version so that the we can know the truth and you dont seem to know and started blaming me to be a cheerleader.
Dude dont be narrow minded open up....it could be propaganda of the west ,it says political persecution ,,,all i asked was what did he do,...for me after reading it seems anyone can be arrested if they say anything against CPC....you being chinese i was asking your version so that the we can know the truth and you dont seem to know and started blaming me to be a cheerleader.

as I said we have to keep an open mind as to the subsequent development of the case before we jump on the western bandwagon's label as "political persecution"!

I think the Central government has gathered enough evidence to have him arrested until proven otherwise in court

Let's see how this pans out!

Get it cheerleader?
They are CIA. These are the tactics of western intelligence. They want to destabilise China and cause chaos like in Egypt and Syria. By causing instability, you collapse the Chinese economy as investors are scared to invest in China.

The west promotes NGOs, activists, dissidents, etc to interfere in our internal affairs. Nearly all of them are under CIA control.

This is why the CPC need to crush these CIA agents. I would just put a bullet in their head but that's just my opinion.

China should play hardball with these foreign NGO and NCO's, just like the Russians did. They are funded by the west to stir up trouble.

The inspection of foreign non-commercial and non-governmental organizations in Russia has drawn a furious reaction not only among human right activists but also among some Western governments.
Read more: Russian authorities inspect foreign NGOs - News - Society - The Voice of Russia: News, Breaking news, Politics, Economics, Business, Russia, International current events, Expert opinion, podcasts, Video
China is one of the most repressed societies on Earth. I personally know quite a few Chinese who are openly against the dictatorial regime in China.
as I said we have to keep an open mind as to the subsequent development of the case before we jump on the western bandwagon's label as "political persecution"!

I think the Central government has gathered enough evidence to have him arrested until proven otherwise in court

Let's see how this pans out!

Get it cheerleader?

See again you have not told me what did he did and you are talking about having enough proof.it could be possible he is not innocent but lets first know what he did.and by the way you are replying everone can see who is the cheerleader.
China should play hardball with these foreign NGO and NCO's, just like the Russians did. They are funded by the west to stir up trouble.

CPC is too corrupt to play hardball with foreign NGOs. These CIA controlled NGOs are bribing CPC officials, that's why they are allowed to operate in China.

Not only would I kick out all foreign NGOs, but I would sentence everyone working at those NGOs to death.

yeah I know a few Kashmiris and they said the same thing about India :rolleyes:

Not to mention the Sikhs, Tamils, Assam, Sikkim, etc.

The mass murdering Indian regime massacred over 1 million peaceful Sikhs in operation bluestar. The Sikhs wanted freedom from the thuggish and repressive Indian regime but they were brutally crushed using the military in 1984.

yeah I know a few Kashmiris and they said the same thing about India :rolleyes:

Not to mention the Sikhs, Tamils, Assam, Sikkim, etc.

The mass murdering Indian regime massacred over 1 million peaceful Sikhs in operation bluestar. The Sikhs wanted freedom from the thuggish and repressive Indian regime but they were brutally crushed using the military in 1984.
yeah I know a few Kashmiris and they said the same thing about India :rolleyes:

There may be, but that doesn't change the fact on China. Unfortunately the majority of Chinese who are against dictatorial regime in China are western educated elite, but I see the same sentiments percolating down the lower rungs of the Chinese society in future and CPC knows it this is going to happen now or little latter, hence the yesterday arrest of the professor and today's arrest of this billionaire.
CPC is too corrupt to play hardball with foreign NGOs. These CIA controlled NGOs are bribing CPC officials, that's why they are allowed to operate in China.

Not only would I kick out all foreign NGOs, but I would sentence everyone working at those NGOs to death.

Not to mention the Sikhs, Tamils, Assam, Sikkim, etc.

The mass murdering Indian regime massacred over 1 million peaceful Sikhs in operation bluestar. The Sikhs wanted freedom from the thuggish and repressive Indian regime but they were brutally crushed using the military in 1984.

Not to mention the Sikhs, Tamils, Assam, Sikkim, etc.

The mass murdering Indian regime massacred over 1 million peaceful Sikhs in operation bluestar. The Sikhs wanted freedom from the thuggish and repressive Indian regime but they were brutally crushed using the military in 1984.

No its actually 2.99 million in operation bluestar get your facts right atleast.
There may be, but that doesn't change the fact on China. Unfortunately the majority of Chinese who are against dictatorial regime in China are western educated elite, but I see the same sentiments percolating down the lower rungs of the Chinese society in future and CPC knows it this is going to happen now or little latter, hence the yesterday arrest of the professor and today's arrest of this billionaire.

And yet, the majority of those western educated elites are rushing back to China to either work for Chinese government or making deals with this dictatorial regime.
China's promise leading to reverse brain drain
If youu want to put something just out of your rear, make sure you have at least something to back it up.
CPC is too corrupt to play hardball with foreign NGOs. These CIA controlled NGOs are bribing CPC officials, that's why they are allowed to operate in China.

Not only would I kick out all foreign NGOs, but I would sentence everyone working at those NGOs to death.

I wouldn't want them all to be sentenced to death, as I believe not all are aware of what they are doing, some of them are simply being used without themselves knowing.

I absolutely agree with you on the corruption. China is too big and there are many local cases regarding corrupt officials. Thankfully people are making them known to the public and are forcing the party to do something about it. Sadly majority sentenced are only shallow water shrimps.

Not to mention the Sikhs, Tamils, Assam, Sikkim, etc.

The mass murdering Indian regime massacred over 1 million peaceful Sikhs in operation bluestar. The Sikhs wanted freedom from the thuggish and repressive Indian regime but they were brutally crushed using the military in 1984.

Injustice and repressions can be found in every corner of the globe, what we see so often these days, coming from both Indians and Americans can be described as "pot calling kettle black".

Shaming others does not make them anymore cleaner.

There may be, but that doesn't change the fact on China. Unfortunately the majority of Chinese who are against dictatorial regime in China are western educated elite, but I see the same sentiments percolating down the lower rungs of the Chinese society in future and CPC knows it this is going to happen now or little latter, hence the yesterday arrest of the professor and today's arrest of this billionaire.

These scenarios can be found anywhere. If the government sense trouble or someone stirring up trouble, they are entitled to do whatever deems fit to curb it. Just like any other countries such as America, India, Russia, Vietnam, Korea etc. China is not the first country to start this keeping "political prisoners" trend nor will we be the first to end it.
I wouldn't want them all to be sentenced to death, as I believe not all are aware of what they are doing, some of them are simply being used without themselves knowing.

I absolutely agree with you on the corruption. China is too big and there are many local cases regarding corrupt officials. Thankfully people are making them known to the public and are forcing the party to do something about it. Sadly majority sentenced are only shallow water shrimps.

Injustice and repressions can be found in every corner of the globe, what we see so often these days, coming from both Indians and Americans can be described as "pot calling kettle black".

Shaming others does not make them anymore cleaner.

These scenarios can be found anywhere. If the government sense trouble or someone stirring up trouble, they are entitled to do whatever deems fit to curb it. Just like any other countries such as America, India, Russia, Vietnam, Korea etc. China is not the first country to start this keeping "political prisoners" trend nor will we be the first to end it.

I don't see any political prisoners today in India,do you know any?
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