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China apologises to Nigeria over fake drugs

so back to the begining, where are the applogises come from, chinese goverment or chinese companies? it is weird that NAFDFAC reply nothing about this officially?any links?
What a shame if it were true.
China, as a country, cannot be blamed for some companies.

But if she apologized, it proves that she is honest enough to stand correct. Move on, China.

Hope this will give a lesson to some of the related officials. :(
as a chinese
i must say this is shame
sorry about this
we will work harder to make sure this will not happen again.
the deepest apology from myself

im inclined to agree, this is a lost of face for all chinese people, i can only hope they are cracking down on things like this.
im inclined to agree, this is a lost of face for all chinese people, i can only hope they are cracking down on things like this.

But let's not forget Indian Media has gone into Hyper-Mode making it seem like ALL Chinese do this, or its the 'work' of CCP which is total nonsense.

I'm ashamed of this also.

Yet it is hypocritical for Bharat to act all 'innocent' when Bharat is responsible for most of the conterfeit drugs in the entire world!!! :devil: Shall I dig that article up?! :woot:

But let's not forget Indian Media has gone into Hyper-Mode making it seem like ALL Chinese do this, or its the 'work' of CCP which is total nonsense.

I'm ashamed of this also.

Yet it is hypocritical for Bharat to act all 'innocent' when Bharat is responsible for most of the conterfeit drugs in the entire world!!! :devil: Shall I dig that article up?! :woot:


Here some of the Chinese and Pakistani friends blame every Indians for the actions of some..some of the guys talking like we treat Muslims like shitsss... its not wise to blame an entire country for the action of some narrow minded people
absolutely, i've had enough of some company their greed is disappointing
R.A.W.; This will be the third or forth time , thread about fake drugs

from China which label made in India.

believe me, it will get really ugly. China apologized and move on.

If you don't believe me, just simply go to times of India and seach

for fake drugs of India. you will understand what i mean.:cheers:


Chinese are very good in reverse engineering and labelling it as "Made in China". Only this time, their lack of knowledge of English cost them dearly as "Made in India". C'mon copycats, give us atleast something to ponder upon. Omigosh!!!
Chinese are very good in reverse engineering and labelling it as "Made in China". Only this time, their lack of knowledge of English cost them dearly as "Made in India". C'mon copycats, give us atleast something to ponder upon. Omigosh!!!

HaHa, You want something to ponder upon ?

Sure, here you go !

Infact The Organization for Economic Cooperation and

Development's latest figures say 75% of Fake Drugs supplied the

world over have their origins in India

Congratulation, India=World Champions of Fake Drugs.

20% of drugs sold in India fake, fear experts - India - The Times of India
Indeed, as they are manufactured by Chinese companies in India :bunny:

No need to feel too bad, India even reserve 20% Fake drugs for local

Indians like you. Good luck.

Running out of bullets ?Manufactured by Chinese companies in India ?

Show me proof, if not it will be nothing but fart shooting out from

your big mouth !! HaHaHa :smitten::pakistan::china:
I think it is pretty bad that china keeps on making bad quality stuff. "made in china" is almost like a swear word in my school now. :cry:
HaHa, You want something to ponder upon ?

Sure, here you go !

Infact The Organization for Economic Cooperation and

Development's latest figures say 75% of Fake Drugs supplied the

world over have their origins in India

Congratulation, India=World Champions of Fake Drugs.

20% of drugs sold in India fake, fear experts - India - The Times of India

lolz man dont have anything thing to say about the fraud done by your country men and you are diverting attention to us..nice strategy..what happnd finally came to realise your beloved country is not all honey and milk?? :azn:
HaHa, You want something to ponder upon ?

Sure, here you go !

Infact The Organization for Economic Cooperation and

Development's latest figures say 75% of Fake Drugs supplied the

world over have their origins in India

Congratulation, India=World Champions of Fake Drugs.

20% of drugs sold in India fake, fear experts - India - The Times of India

China might have sold using "Made in China" using degraded chemicals and so no one bought then. So then, they are selling with "Made in India". No wonder it has a reputation not just in India and US, apparently even in Nigeria.

which proves my point over and over again - China follows quantity paradigm and India goes for quality and that shows! :)
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