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China and Taiwan relations

Bob Ong

Feb 19, 2013
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United States
How close is China from attacking Taiwan? Will it happen soon? If China goes threw with this won't that make a lot of enemies?

China adds ‘carrier killer’ to missiles facing Taiwan
Apr 21, 2013


WARNING: Pentagon sources said that China’s positioning of the ‘carrier killer’ missiles was a warning to the US to stay well clear of the area in case of a cross-strait conflict

By William Lowther / Staff Reporter in Washington

China has based its new anti-ship Dong Feng-21D (DF-21D) “carrier killer” missiles along the coast facing Taiwan, US Defense Intelligence Agency Director Michael Flynn said in testimony before the US Senate Armed Services Committee.

Flynn said that Beijing was enhancing the firepower of the more than 1,200 conventional short-range ballistic missiles deployed opposite Taiwan with a limited, but growing, number of conventionally armed, medium-range ballistic missiles, including the DF-21D.

“China is developing a tiered ballistic missile defense system and has successfully tested the upper-tier capability on two occasions,” he said.

Flynn said that China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) was building a modern military capable of defending China’s “core interests” of protecting territorial integrity, including Taiwan.

“Preparation for a Taiwan conflict with US intervention remains the primary driver of the PLA’s evolving force structure, weapons development, operational planning and training,” Flynn said, adding that “China has spent as much as US$215 billion on military-related goods and services in 2012, in contrast to the US$107 billion Beijing reported in its official military budget.”

“Even as the Chinese military plans for conflict and continues its build-up across from Taiwan, cross-strait relations have remained good following President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) re-election,” he added.

Flynn said the PLA Navy was also developing a JIN-class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine and JL-2 submarine-launched missiles.

He said that China’s investment in naval weapons is focused primarily on anti-air and anti-surface capabilities to achieve periodic and local sea and air superiority.

Flynn said that the Chinese air force was transforming from a force oriented solely toward territorial defense into one capable of both offshore offensive and defensive roles, including strike, air and missile defense, as well as early warning and reconnaissance.

While Flynn did not say why China had deployed the new “carrier-killer” missiles opposite Taiwan, Pentagon sources said it was a clear warning to the US to stay well clear of the area in case of a conflict.

However, a report published earlier this month by Ronald O’Rourke, the Congressional Research Service’s specialist in naval affairs, said the missile could be defeated with a combination of active and passive measures along its “kill chain.”

O’Rourke said the US Navy could reduce the aircraft carrier electromagnetic emissions used by the missile and even release false emissions to fool it. In addition, the US Navy could disable the missile’s targeting systems, destroy it in flight or use decoys to confuse it as it approached its target, he added.

China adds ?carrier killer? to missiles facing Taiwan - Taipei Times
china has over 1200 ballistic missiles aimed at Taiwan at any point in the last decade, what difference does DF21D makes, you can put a DF21D in central China and it will still hit any US ships near Taiwan.
US is calculating how much would China pay for TW
the reunify of TW is unavoidable
the country as smart as US can't be impossible to figure out this
both China and US is waiting for a well time to hand over TW
no need China to position DF21D
2016 we'll have sufficient sealift with LPD, Zubr and LHD.
Why would US tell their strategy to the public. Better for things to be secret.

In a way to show, they, as of now, has no capable defense. Just grabbing at straws trying hard to influence China to rethink their strategy.
There was a good documentary about US-China spat over Taiwan. In 1996, China exercised some heavy stuff near the cost of Taiwan, and the US sent two battle groups.

This is not the old China. It is much more powerful and organized and does not have forces scattered around the world.
Taiwan says time not ripe for China political talks
21 Apr 2013


Taiwan's President Ma Ying-jeou on Sunday said the time was "not ripe" for political negotiations with China, despite fast improving economic ties.

TAIPEI: Taiwan's President Ma Ying-jeou on Sunday said the time was "not ripe" for political negotiations with China, despite fast improving economic ties.

Since his re-election in 2012, Ma has hinted at his reluctance to engage in political discussions with Beijing, which insists that the island is part of China, even though it has ruled itself for more than 60 years since their split in 1949 at the end of a civil war.

But in an unusually bold interview with the Taipei-based China Times, Ma made it clear that political negotiations are not on the table.

"Time is not ripe for Taiwan to conduct political dialogues with the mainland," he said.

"Since there is no consensus on this point, then why rush?" he added, referring to China's claim on the island.

It came in stark contrast to a leaked US diplomatic cable in 2011 which said Ma would seek to open political negotiations with Beijing if he is re-elected.

Taiwan's then vice-president Vincent Siew made the assertion during a phone call in 2009 to Stephen Young, director of the de facto US embassy at the time, according to the cable.

Siew was quoted as saying that issues up for discussion might include "a peace treaty, a formal end to hostilities, and development of bilateral military confidence mechanisms".

The past five years have seen improved economic cooperation between China and Taiwan, including the signing of a historic trade agreement. But the idea of political, as opposed to trade, talks with the mainland is highly sensitive in Taiwan.

Ma told the China Times that the experience of the last five years indicated that Taiwan and the mainland could co-exist in a peaceful and stable manner without conducting political negotiations.

Tensions across the Taiwan Strait have eased markedly since 2008 after Ma came to power on a platform of beefing up trade and tourism links.

Taiwan says time not ripe for China political talks - Channel NewsAsia
There are literally 0 chance that China will use force on Taiwan.

China is a business man, not a moron. They know it take a lot to use force on Taiwan. The price is too much to pay for China. It's never just a thing you can do it with a few missile.

China want a peaceful resolution with Taiwan, not war, but I hardly can see how this can be done in near future. Time for political talk is just not yet.
How close is China from attacking Taiwan? Will it happen soon? If China goes threw with this won't that make a lot of enemies?

China adds ‘carrier killer’ to missiles facing Taiwan
Apr 21, 2013

Facing "Taiwan" = facing invasions from the east side of our coastal borer!

Taiwan says time not ripe for China political talks
21 Apr 2013


Taiwan's President Ma Ying-jeou on Sunday said the time was "not ripe" for political negotiations with China, despite fast improving economic ties.


The past five years have seen improved economic cooperation between China and Taiwan, including the signing of a historic trade agreement. But the idea of political, as opposed to trade, talks with the mainland is highly sensitive in Taiwan.


Taiwan says time not ripe for China political talks - Channel NewsAsia

Yup, it's very sensitive in Taiwan.

To tell the truth, US know about this issue and mobilized their controlled Taiwan media and political party in Taiwan to prevent any political dialog with mainland China. Hyped the issue into a national stage and give fake pressure to Ma Ying Jeou.

In Taiwan people side, it's all depend on Mainland China itself to disband the stupid Communism completely and to restore Confucianism. Restoring Confucianism, restoring China. Win Chinese people heart in the whole world, reunification will soon followed.

Facing "Taiwan" = facing invasions from the east side of our coastal borer!


Who is the bad guy here? Who is the traitor of China and Chinese people here?

Definitely not Taiwan. Since we Chinese people will not hurt our fellow Chinese.
Who is the bad guy here? Who is the traitor of China and Chinese people here?

Definitely not Taiwan. Since we Chinese people will not hurt our fellow Chinese.

Taiwan right wings and some ethnic overseas and local Chinese who want to demolish China!

You have to have a sense of directions before you know what I meant
Taiwan right wings and some ethnic overseas and local Chinese who want to demolish China!

You have to have a sense of directions before you know what I meant

You should look the fact first.

Who has the missiles and pointed to the fellow Chinese? China or Taiwan?

I don't blame the people of mainland China, but I blame the oppressive regime of communist.

Communist by nature, is originated from the foreigner. By nature, they are foreign worshiper and oppressing China.

They don't care with the local Chinese people, they killed a lot of Chinese, starved millions of them to death, forbid Chinese culture, destroyed a lot of Chinese heritage, made Chinese people so poor and so backward. And they don't have any problem to kill another Chinese across the strait.

Yes, they are a foreign servant too. Just look at the comparison between mainland Chinese workers salary and foreign company profit earned from the poor Chinese workers. They enslaved Chinese people to make foreign master rich.
You should look the fact first.

Who has the missiles and pointed to the fellow Chinese? China or Taiwan?

Taiwan is too strategically important a location to lose to enemies

I don't blame the people of mainland China, but I blame the oppressive regime of communist.

Communist by nature, is originated from the foreigner. By nature, they are foreign worshiper and oppressing China.

The same administrative errors are committed by countries all over the world including usa, uk, germany, japan, s korea and of course Taiwan.

Commuinism in China is practised in our own way

Why do you choose a ‘democratic’ system?Is democracy originated from the west too?

They don't care with the local Chinese people, they killed a lot of Chinese, starved millions of them to death, forbid Chinese culture, destroyed a lot of Chinese heritage, made Chinese people so poor and so backward. And they don't have any problem to kill another Chinese across the strait.

same happens in most many countries in the world. we have to take note of the errors in the past and move on

Yes, they are a foreign servant too. Just look at the comparison between mainland Chinese workers salary and foreign company profit earned from the poor Chinese workers. They enslaved Chinese people to make foreign master rich.

These are comments frequently used by most ignoranmous and simple minded people

China is going through the long and arduous process of industrialization. Labour intensive jobs are assigned to us because the west and usa cannot compete with their high labour cost for these jobs. So you can see garment, toys, common consumer electronics, auto parts and accessories, home decors ...are all produced in overseas manufacturers like China. These are the initial phase of industrialization. This conforms with economic principles!
Taiwan is too strategically important a location to lose to enemies

It's true.

The same administrative errors are committed by countries all over the world including usa, uk, germany, japan, s korea and of course Taiwan.

Commuinism in China is practised in our own way

Why do you choose a ‘democratic’ system?Is democracy originated from the west too?

The legacy of government structure from the communist era.

But China already reject and abandoned communism, partially. But still keep the name and the party. The most annoying part, the legacy of anti-China anti-Confucianism is still remain. Fanaticism toward Marxism as well, as every officials must learn Marxism.

I have made a post before, that we can still use the government structure from the communist legacy, but Confucianism as the main ideology. It's still a flexible country, but Confucianism as the core.

Of course, more people-centric, as it's a Confucianism and Taoism teaching.

same happens in most many countries in the world. we have to take note of the errors in the past and move on

Our biggest mistake is the defamed and demonized our Chinese civilization. It's an extreme humiliation, done by our own people. Some people are fully regret it, but most just half-regret it.

We need to clean up the stubborn people.

These are comments frequently used by most ignoranmous and simple minded people

China is going through the long and arduous process of industrialization. Labour intensive jobs are assigned to us because the west and usa cannot compete with their high labour cost for these jobs. So you can see garment, toys, common consumer electronics, auto parts and accessories, home decors ...are all produced in overseas manufacturers like China. These are the initial phase of industrialization. This conforms with economic principles!

In Taiwan perspective, the communist government don't care about the people. Unlike us in Taiwan.

You ask HK people, they will say the same thing.

Can you imagine Taiwan look like under mainland communist regime right now? Definitely not a pleasant thing!
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