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China and India: Contest of the century


Dec 31, 2009
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As China and India rise in tandem, their relationship will shape world politics. Shame they do not get on better
Aug 19th 2010

A HUNDRED years ago it was perhaps already possible to discern the rising powers whose interaction and competition would shape the 20th century. The sun that shone on the British empire had passed midday. Vigorous new forces were flexing their muscles on the global stage, notably America, Japan and Germany. Their emergence brought undreamed-of prosperity; but also carnage on a scale hitherto unimaginable.

Now digest the main historical event of this week: China has officially become the world’s second-biggest economy, overtaking Japan. In the West this has prompted concerns about China overtaking the United States sooner than previously thought. But stand back a little farther, apply a more Asian perspective, and China’s longer-term contest is with that other recovering economic behemoth: India. These two Asian giants, which until 1800 used to make up half the world economy, are not, like Japan and Germany, mere nation states. In terms of size and population, each is a continent—and for all the glittering growth rates, a poor one.

Not destiny, but still pretty important

This is uncharted territory that should be seen in terms of decades, not years. Demography is not destiny. Nor for that matter are long-range economic forecasts from investment banks. Two decades ago Japan was seen as the main rival to America. Countries as huge and complicated as China can underachieve or collapse under their own contradictions. In the short term its other foreign relationships may matter more, even in Asia: there may, for instance, be a greater risk of conflict between rising China and an ageing but still powerful Japan. Western powers still wield considerable influence.

So caveats abound. Yet as the years roll forward, the chances are that it will increasingly come down once again to the two Asian giants facing each other over a disputed border (see article). How China and India manage their own relationship will determine whether similar mistakes to those that scarred the 20th century disfigure this one.

Neither is exactly comfortable in its skin. China’s leaders like to portray Western hype about their country’s rise as a conspiracy—a pretext either to offload expensive global burdens onto the Middle Kingdom or to encircle it. Witness America’s alliances with Japan and South Korea, its legal obligation to help Taiwan defend itself and its burgeoning friendships with China’s rivals, notably India but also now Vietnam.

This paranoia is overdone. Why shouldn’t more be asked from a place that, as well as being the world’s most-populous country, is already its biggest exporter, its biggest car market, its biggest carbon-emitter and its biggest consumer of energy (a rank China itself, typically, contests)? As for changing the balance of power, the People’s Liberation Army’s steady upgrading of its technological capacity, its building of a blue-water navy and its fast-developing skills in outer space and cyberspace do not yet threaten American supremacy, despite alarm expressed this week about the opacity of the PLA’s plans in a Pentagon report. But China’s military advances do unnerve neighbours and regional rivals. Recent weeks have seen China fall out with South Korea (as well as the West) over how to respond to the sinking in March, apparently by a North Korean torpedo, of a South Korean navy ship. And the Beijing regime has been at odds with South-East Asian countries over its greedy claim to almost all of the South China Sea.

India, too, is unnerved. Its humiliation at Chinese hands in a brief war nearly 50 years ago still rankles. A tradition of strategic mistrust of China is deeply ingrained. India sees China as working to undermine it at every level: by pre-empting it in securing supplies of the energy both must import; through manoeuvres to block a permanent seat for India on the United Nations Security Council; and, above all, through friendships with its smaller South Asian neighbours, notably Pakistan. India also notes that China, after decades of setting their border quarrels to one side in the interests of the broader relationship, has in recent years hardened its position on the disputes in Tibet and Kashmir that in 1962 led to war. This unease has pushed India strategically closer to America—most notably in a controversial deal on nuclear co-operation.

Autocrats in Beijing are contemptuous of India for its messy, indecisive democracy. But they must see it as a serious long-term rival—especially if it continues to tilt towards America. As recently as the early 1990s, India was as rich, in terms of national income per head. China then hurtled so far ahead that it seemed India could never catch up. But India’s long-term prospects now look stronger. While China is about to see its working-age population shrink (see article), India is enjoying the sort of bulge in manpower which brought sustained booms elsewhere in Asia. It is no longer inconceivable that its growth could outpace China’s for a considerable time. It has the advantage of democracy—at least as a pressure valve for discontent. And India’s army is, in numbers, second only to China’s and America’s: it has 100,000 soldiers in disputed Arunachal Pradesh (twice as many as America will soon have in Iraq). And because India does not threaten the West, it has powerful friends both on its own merits and as a counterweight to China.

A settlement in time

The prospect of renewed war between India and China is, for now, something that disturbs the sleep only of virulent nationalists in the Chinese press and retired colonels in Indian think-tanks. Optimists prefer to hail the $60 billion in trade the two are expected to do with each other this year (230 times the total in 1990). But the 20th century taught the world that blatantly foreseeable conflicts of interest can become increasingly foreseeable wars with unforeseeably dreadful consequences. Relying on prosperity and more democracy in China to sort things out thus seems unwise. Two things need to be done.

First, the slow progress towards a border settlement needs to resume. The main onus here is on China. It has the territory it really wants and has maintained its claim to Arunachal Pradesh only as a bargaining chip. It has, after all, solved intractable boundary quarrels with Russia, Mongolia, Myanmar and Vietnam. Surely it cannot be so difficult to treat with India?

That points to a second, deeper need, one that it took Europe two world wars to come close to solving: emerging Asia’s lack of serious institutions to bolster such deals. A regional forum run by the Association of South-East Asian Nations is rendered toothless by China’s aversion to multilateral diplomacy. Like any bully, it prefers to pick off its antagonists one by one. It would be better if China and India—and Japan—could start building regional forums to channel their inevitable rivalries into collaboration and healthy competition.

Globally, the rules-based system that the West set up in the second half of the 20th century brought huge benefits to emerging powers. But it reflects an out-of-date world order, not the current global balance, let alone a future one. China and India should be playing a bigger role in shaping the rules that will govern the 21st century. That requires concessions from the West. But it also requires commitment to a rules-based international order from China and India. A serious effort to solve their own disagreements is a good place to start.

Source: The Economist
Ahhh the economist. A good and intelligent magazine, but it still can't shed that father knows best attitude that the Europeans still have.

One thing is interesting to note, amidst the finger wagging.

This paranoia is overdone. Why shouldn’t more be asked from a place that, as well as being the world’s most-populous country, is already its biggest exporter, its biggest car market, its biggest carbon-emitter and its biggest consumer of energy (a rank China itself, typically, contests)? As for changing the balance of power, the People’s Liberation Army’s steady upgrading of its technological capacity, its building of a blue-water navy and its fast-developing skills in outer space and cyberspace do not yet threaten American supremacy, despite alarm expressed this week about the opacity of the PLA’s plans in a Pentagon report. But China’s military advances do unnerve neighbours and regional rivals. Recent weeks have seen China fall out with South Korea (as well as the West) over how to respond to the sinking in March, apparently by a North Korean torpedo, of a South Korean navy ship. And the Beijing regime has been at odds with South-East Asian countries over its greedy claim to almost all of the South China Sea.

It seems that even the Economist is doubting the Korean and American story now.
The prospect of renewed war between India and China is, for now, something that disturbs the sleep only of virulent nationalists in the Chinese press and retired colonels in Indian think-tanks.

That sums the whole thing up.

The only one interested in a China-India war is the USA.

They want to use India to contain the rise of China... and they want to use China to contain the rise of India.

Luckily we are both smarter than that. :lol:
Ahhh the economist. A good and intelligent magazine, but it still can't shed that father knows best attitude that the Europeans still have.

One thing is interesting to note, amidst the finger wagging.

It seems that even the Economist is doubting the Korean and American story now.
It is an old habit of newspapers man. They never take sides overtly to remain on the safe side. :lol:
India may be sheer numbers in terms of GDP but their infrastructure is no where near that of China.

If India really wants its growth to continue at such high pace, it must build nationwide infrastructure fast, and by looking at the Pakistan floods, that infrastructure better include water resources management.
India may be sheer numbers in terms of GDP but their infrastructure is no where near that of China.

If India really wants its growth to continue at such high pace, it must build nationwide infrastructure fast, and by looking at the Pakistan floods, that infrastructure better include water resources management.
you are right that we are nowhere near to china, but the kind of investment we are making in the field of housing, road transport, railways, energy sector, healthcare, irrigation etc are running in 100 of billions dollar. we surely achieve some serious success on all front.

the reforms are the doctor's order for us. biggest asset of a country is land so land reforms should be our priority. as we should take our lessons from pakistan because we are also very probe to these kinds of disaster.
but the kind of investment we are making in the field of housing, road transport, railways, energy sector, healthcare, irrigation etc are running in 100 of billions dollar. we surely achieve some serious success on all front.

I remember reading that our Govt assigned approx $411 billion for infrastructure development for 2010-2015(not sure).I wonder how much of it will go to the Swiss banks :hitwall:

If some infrastructure development does take place we"ll see most of it mostly in South India not anywhere else.:frown:
Personally I think that India has a good chance in the contest since like China, India has a huge number of young and talented people. Many of the top engineers (and faculties) at my school are Indian and if the government could get them to return to Indian (kinda like China's haigui) it will give the nation a huge boost technologically. Right now I think the largest problem facing India right now, as with China, is corruption and unequal distribution of wealth. Neither nation could truly become super powers until such problems are adequately addressed.

Well it is going to be a hell of an Asian century :D.
Personally I think that India has a good chance in the contest since like China, India has a huge number of young and talented people. Many of the top engineers (and faculties) at my school are Indian and if the government could get them to return to Indian (kinda like China's haigui) it will give the nation a huge boost technologically. Right now I think the largest problem facing India right now, as with China, is corruption and unequal distribution of wealth. Neither nation could truly become super powers until such problems are adequately addressed.

Well it is going to be a hell of an Asian century :D.
i totally agreed with you, i would also like to add few points which goes in India's favor

our fundamentals are very strong, financial market are well regulated and investors have a lot of faith.

politically we are very stable

more than 70 % of our population is below 35. that is a great assets that we have.

but still a long way to go. no day dreaming, get back to work.
agreed, you wonder when all the western whites are talking about "china vs. india", what they really want.

funny thing: they say china is a bully because it likes to fight 1v1.
then what is the USA, who gets all his buddies and beats down 1 helpless iraq?
Its India and China's century period, now its upto us what we make of it.
i totally agreed with you, i would also like to add few points which goes in India's favor

our fundamentals are very strong, financial market are well regulated and investors have a lot of faith.

politically we are very stable

more than 70 % of our population is below 35. that is a great assets that we have.

but still a long way to go. no day dreaming, get back to work.

if politically you are very stable why could nt you get rid of corruption? and how can your fundamentals very strong while you have so much corruption in yr country?
stop day dreaming india you r still very poor compare to china

Indeed we are...... But Our Growth is as stable as Yours, Foundation has been laid and The work is progressing.... The west has started to feel the warmth of the 2 Asian Giants...... Never Underestimate anyone, I dont think Any chinese would do that, Only if You are one I guess:lol:
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