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China and India : Brothers at Odds Who Shared the Same Destiny?

He means in India, they call computer/inspector the same way as English words
That's a sad story for a country with great history.

But with number, abbreviation is better.
More convenient

He thinks we use English words in Chinese, especially those technical words.
All chemical have its translation in Chinese.
And Chinese has its naming method to these kinds of↓
Fe3[Fe(CN)6]2 普鲁士蓝


lol you wanna talk shit about modern buildings? Here's a top university in my hometown, Wuhan University. Built in the 1950's.

View attachment 256297 View attachment 256298
The asphalt not so good as Wuhan,but it's okay for village
View attachment 256301
Indeed I like this kind of road in Wuhan.Look at my little friend :D
View attachment 256303

Why not post these in Wuhan:p:
Okay,have to admit that these architecture in Wuhan cant be compared with Suzhou,Nanjing and Hangzhou..

——Even Chengdu..:cry:
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Yet here you are talking in English and interacting in English.

What is the equivalent name of Computer and inspector in Chinese? tell me in 2 mins?

Technologies we use today come from west, reason why most of the english words got mixed up in our languages. No harm when India does technology and innovation people will also mix Indian words in their Native languages.

It gets even better.

Computer: 电脑(dian nao)
Inspector: 检查员 (jian cha yuan)

Quantum communication: 量子通信 (liang zi tong xin)
Semiconductor: 半导体 (ban dao ti)
Exciton (激子) (ji zi)

best one:
Entropy (熵)(shang) - yes, it is a single character noun that's not a transliteration.
And you conveniently ignore that orientals are regarded as inferior in Indian caste system. The China India relationship is beyond Border conflicts or political situations. There is a racism angle from the Hindu side as well.

Orientals in Hindu caste sysstem ?? huh :blink: And is this the region why Indians have been hating Chinese ?? LOL... an oversmart lady you are... jus trying to prove you have knwoledge on this subject.

India still practice arranged marriage and its culture of mistreatment of women. It's time to end this culture..

arranged marriage is not the factor for mistreatment of women. a country as developed as america also has the same problem, only that the world and its citizens (epecially gnorants like you) chose to ignore it. Go mend your own society first before commenting on Indians.
It gets even better.

Computer: 电脑(dian nao)
Inspector: 检查员 (jian cha yuan)

Quantum communication: 量子通信 (liang zi tong xin)
Semiconductor: 半导体 (ban dao ti)
Exciton (激子) (ji zi)

best one:
Entropy (熵)(shang) - yes, it is a single character noun that's not a transliteration.

The only Chinese phrase I know is

That's not right -sum ting wong
. .
The only Chinese phrase I know is

That's not right -sum ting wong
Sum ting wong:o:

It gets even better.

Computer: 电脑(dian nao)
Inspector: 检查员 (jian cha yuan)

Quantum communication: 量子通信 (liang zi tong xin)
Semiconductor: 半导体 (ban dao ti)
Exciton (激子) (ji zi)

best one:
Entropy (熵)(shang) - yes, it is a single character noun that's not a transliteration.
laser = ji guang 激光。
This is one of the best Chinese translations.
It means the light(光) is stimulated (激).
. .
Sum ting wong:o:

laser = ji guang 激光。
This is one of the best Chinese translations.
It means the light(光) is stimulated (激).

agree. Worst translation is Radar = 雷达。If it was translated like laser it should be 电波定位, 电定 for short. seems to me like alot of the things translated before 1949 are sound translations while things translated after 1949 are meaning translations.
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agree. Worst translation is Radar = 雷达。If it was translated like laser it should be 电波定位, 电定 for short. seems to me like alot of the things translated before 1949 are sound translations while things translated after 1949 are meaning translations.
True, Chinese adopted meaning translations after 1949.
Once Japanese had many excellent meaning translation which was also used in Chinese.
Like democracy = 民主(min zhu), republic = 共和 (gong he)
But now Japanese only uses katakana for transliteration which totally ruins modern Japanese.
How absurd; their caste system is uniquely part of their religion. And as from i have studied and from my exchanges with Indian academics, the caste system is but a trivial aperture since there are forms wherein people may rise despite their caste. If I may make an example the current Prime Minister of India: Narendra Modi-Ji. He is of the Ghanchi (Vaishyas) caste, definitely not high such as Brahmin, however, he was able to rise as Prime Minister of India; the most powerful position in the land.

In India, one can rise from whatever caste. So long as one has education.

Lastly, why do you put down on India's own unique social order when your own country, Malaysia, has its own version such as the Bumiputra? I believe it is important for you , as a Malaysian, to focus on the problems of your own country, first, before you look at the issues of other peoples' countries.

The old adage of, "Tend to your village first before you look at the next village over," comes to mind.


Yes and no, Yes a low caste can be a manager. No they will always be look down by higher caste. I have seen it first hand here in Malaysia. Just as dowry the bride has to fork out. Yes I have witness many Indian weddings. Some (not all ) I can see from the body language, the bride uneasiness, the groom care free behavior. I been invited to ride brand new cars by my Indian colleagues right after they get married. Going rate for to marry a manager is a house !
Malay privileges are entirely different. These are to allow the a middle class Malays to rise. A confident strong Malay middle brings stability. Entirely different.

Amazing, the extend you will go to justify your "SO POLITICALLY CORRECT" point of view. :disagree:
Yes and no, Yes a low caste can be a manager. No they will always be look down by higher caste. I have seen it first hand here in Malaysia. Just as dowry the bride has to fork out. Yes I have witness many Indian weddings. Some (not all ) I can see from the body language, the bride uneasiness, the groom care free behavior. I been invited to ride brand new cars by my Indian colleagues right after they get married. Going rate for to marry a manager is a house !
Malay privileges are entirely different. These are to allow the a middle class Malays to rise. A confident strong Malay middle brings stability. Entirely different.

Amazing, the extend you will go to justify your "SO POLITICALLY CORRECT" point of view. :disagree:

As I have said there are various means where people of lower caste may rise to high social and political positions in India. Do you know that there are social programs and scholarships made available for untouchables? In fact there are those who are of the ganchi caste and whatnot who may rise to officer ranks in the military, high political positions as well as succeeded in business and have become moguls in business ventures.

I think you have to understand that the caste system in India is a religious based social order and is in context to religious importance not necessarily of political contextual aperture.

Therein lies the difference between India's caste system with Malaysia's Bumiputra System since the latter is a state sponsored and defended majority based affirmative action that inhibits the minority and enables only th Malay majority. In India, there are mechanisms and political processes that elevate folks who are born in a lower religious order.

It's not being "politically correct", it's just simply being CORRECT, period.

As I have said there are various means where people of lower caste may rise to high social and political positions in India. Do you know that there are social programs and scholarships made available for untouchables? In fact there are those who are of the ganchi caste and whatnot who may rise to officer ranks in the military, high political positions as well as succeeded in business and have become moguls in business ventures.

I think you have to understand that the caste system in India is a religious based social order and is in context to religious importance not necessarily of political contextual aperture.

Therein lies the difference between India's caste system with Malaysia's Bumiputra System since the latter is a state sponsored and defended majority based affirmative action that inhibits the minority and enables only th Malay majority. In India, there are mechanisms and political processes that elevate folks who are born in a lower religious order.

It's not being "politically correct", it's just simply being CORRECT, period.


Couldn't have explained better myself.

Just to add a few points,

1. It is illegal to practice caste system and it's discriminatory practices in India. Such practices are immediate grounds for incarceration.

To correct for the past wrongs, GoI has allowed for affirmative action in form of reservations upto 50% in schools, colleges and public sector jobs.

3. Most countries have had discrimination in less enlightened times of history. It was a collective failing of humanity not one particular country or community.

4. Basis for discrimination is often times economic - religion is just used to make such discrimination more acceptable to conscience.

5. Caste System is just another name for discrimination.
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