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China always has Mongolia

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Dec 15, 2009
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Let's say the U.S. and China are at war and the U.S. Navy cuts off Middle Eastern oil. What is China's next move?

Well, there's a really big country next door called Mongolia. Mongolia is 1,564,115.75 square kilometers (or half the size of the Indian subcontinent) with only 2.7 million people.

Mongolia is full of coal and valuable minerals.


In conclusion, if the U.S. Navy blocks China's energy sources in the Middle East then China would just annex Mongolia. There's plenty of energy and mineral resources to sustain China indefinitely. This will provide China with ample time to build a massive navy for a counterstrike.



Coal-mining region - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Mongolia has proven reserves of 12.2 billion tons of coal including 2 billion tons of coking coal and 10.1 billion tons of thermal coal.[6] Mongolia is estimated to have potential coal reserves of some 100 billion metric tonnes.[7][8] While Mongolia's output is approximately only 5 million tonnes of coal per year, it will grow significantly given its proximity to China.[9]"


"Mongolia oil, coal, copper, molybdenum, tungsten, phosphates, tin, nickel, zinc, fluorspar, gold, silver, iron"

Mongolia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Natural resources
It is better to take Mongolia part of China map, I wonder why China can't do something? or Russia react?
It is better to take Mongolia part of China map, I wonder why China can't do something? or Russia react?

It'll make the Russians nervous, because they'll think they're next. Also, the Americans will be screaming at the top of their lungs. Only Americans are allowed to annex Hawaii in 1959. Other countries are not allowed to annex. We'll overlook the recent Russian annexation of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

Anyway, Chinese annexation of Mongolia is a last resort. I just wanted to point out that losing Middle Eastern oil is not as critical as some people believe. China always has Mongolia as a fallback option.
It'll make the Russians nervous, because they'll think they're next. Also, the Americans will be screaming at the top of their lungs. Only Americans are allowed to annex Hawaii in 1959. Other countries are not allowed to annex. We'll overlook the recent Russian annexation of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

Anyway, Chinese annexation of Mongolia is a last resort. I just wanted to point out that losing Middle Eastern oil is not as critical as some people believe. China always has Mongolia as a fallback option.

Claim hawaii also..... ;).... I guess Mongolia invaded china in13th century (Jin Dynasty, Western Xia, the Dali Kingdom and the Southern Song)....
Mongolians united China into a single nation, otherwise she had mostly been group of small kingdoms throughout her history.
Chini false flagger's bull$hit claims have no end !!! I wonder why he hides behind US flags?? :girl_wacko:

Anways- China does not have guts to attack & capture Mangolia..Daddy Russia is just around the corner... :fie:
It'll make the Russians nervous, because they'll think they're next. Also, the Americans will be screaming at the top of their lungs. Only Americans are allowed to annex Hawaii in 1959. Other countries are not allowed to annex. We'll overlook the recent Russian annexation of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

Anyway, Chinese annexation of Mongolia is a last resort. I just wanted to point out that losing Middle Eastern oil is not as critical as some people believe. China always has Mongolia as a fallback option.

It make sense, thanks man! I always think when I look at the map, someday Mongalia become part of China, it make your country look bigger.

Indians, don't do trolling time!
It'll make the Russians nervous, because they'll think they're next. Also, the Americans will be screaming at the top of their lungs. Only Americans are allowed to annex Hawaii in 1959. Other countries are not allowed to annex. We'll overlook the recent Russian annexation of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

Anyway, Chinese annexation of Mongolia is a last resort. I just wanted to point out that losing Middle Eastern oil is not as critical as some people believe. China always has Mongolia as a fallback option.

What a comedy article.. :rofl:
:lol: as if russia and US will be waiting...
Some people have lost sense of realism...

It make sense, thanks man! I always think when I look at the map, someday Mongalia become part of China, it make your country look bigger.

Indians, don't do trolling time!

We dont do pakistani jobs.....
What a comedy article.. :rofl:
:lol: as if russia and US will be waiting...
Some people have lost sense of realism...

You must not have read my post on how China is unstoppable in a land war. Let me get it for you. (See article below)


China: 2,285,000 active troops. U.S. pivot to Asia - only 2,500 additional troops. What pivot?

China has a relentlessly modernizing military of 2,285,000 active troops. The U.S. pivot to Asia has currently added only 250 troops (see citation below) and the total will be 2,500 marines over the coming years. This is a meaningless "pivot."


Commentary: Obama's Asia 'Bluff' | The National Interest

"Obama's Asia 'Bluff'
Amitai Etzioni | June 14, 2012


When a leading expert on military affairs recently told a Brookings Institution meeting that President Obama’s much-touted pivot to Asia was “a bluff,” I considered the statement way off the mark. But since then, I have concluded that there is indeed less to Obama’s grand change in strategy than meets the eye. In fact, the pivot makes little sense. This suggests that one ought to look for domestic explanations.

The media points to the drawdown of American troops in the Middle East (particularly in Iraq and Afghanistan) and their increase in the Far East as exhibit one of the realignment of American military forces called for by the pivot. Actually, the new commitment to Asia is minuscule. The press refers to new deployment of 2,500 Marines in the region, but only 250 troops have actually arrived to date. The remainder are not expected to arrive for years. Furthermore, even when in full force—some say ten years from now—the Marines will add little to the 55,442 troops already stationed in the Asia-Pacific region at the end of last year, mostly in Japan (36,708), Guam (4,272) and afloat (13,618).

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta announced in early June that there also will be a shift in U.S. naval forces. While until now the United States has divided its warships roughly equally between the Atlantic and the Pacific, the Pacific will now host 60 percent of the fleet, albeit of a smaller fleet.

However, Panetta stressed that it will “take years for these concepts, and many of the investments we are making, to be fully realized.” There also will be more frequent visits by the American warships in Asian ports, and some ships will be berthed in Singapore, which is sure to delight the sailors and some local professionals but otherwise not matter much.

More significant is the question of what role these forces will play in the region. Obviously, our troops—even as augmented with a few Marines—are not meant to engage in any forthcoming military confrontation with China, with its constantly expanding and increasingly modernized army consisting of 2,285,000 active troops.

Nor is there any sign that China seeks a military confrontation with the United States. Although China’s military capacity is expanding, even the most hawkish American observers do not think China could stage such a confrontation for at least a decade. Moreover, that the Marines will be located 2,600 miles away from China reveals they are not meant to serve as a tripwire, which would entail placing them on the beaches of Taiwan or at the island chains contested in the South China Sea.

Military analysts will argue that these moves are not meant to provide a substantial realignment of military assets but rather to send a message. But as moviemaker Samuel Goldwyn famously quipped, “If you want to send a message, use Western Union.” Using troops does send a message—but is it one we wish to send?

Both Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski strongly favored heightened U.S. attempts to engage China as a partner in maintaining global order and urged “co-evolution” with China rather than attempts to contain it. There remains plenty of time to turn to military moves if China refuses to become a responsible stakeholder in the international order. True, China has made several rather assertive claims in the South China Sea, but these have almost uniformly involved laying claims as a starting point for negotiations. The United States may feel that it ought to support countries close to China, such as Vietnam, Malaysia and the Philippines, so that they will not risk being bullied by the rising global power. However, this can be accomplished through treaties, trade and aid without resorting to the present U.S. strategy of militarizing the conflict.

Why then the military “pivot to Asia”? It does make sense as one part of an election-year campaign, designed to deprive the GOP of one of its favorite and winning claims: that Democrats are weak on foreign policy. The more American voters concentrate on the Far East—in which no war looms and we can act as tough as we want without facing short-term consequences or exorbitant expenditures—the more they might be distracted from the shambles in Afghanistan and the resurgence of Al Qaeda in Yemen and Somalia. Hence, the better the world looks.

Mitt Romney’s hawkish statements about China and Russia suggest the Democrats are not the only ones seeking to play this card. Both sides should note, though, that the message is being received. China is likely to respond in kind by further accelerating its military buildup and repositioning some of its own forces. Indeed, it may well deepen its already considerable military ties with Pakistan. The notion that the United States could bankrupt China by involving it in an arms race, as Reagan did to speed the disintegration of the Soviet Union, is fanciful given that the United States is in more dire economic straits than is China and that China can invest in next-generation cyber weapons, space arms and antiship missiles without straining its economy.

It might be too much to hope that the Chinese authorities will understand the role domestic politics plays in our foreign policy. But one can rest assured that events in the Middle East—in Iran, Pakistan, Syria and Afghanistan—will remind us soon where the true front lines are.

Amitai Etzioni served as a senior advisor to the Carter White House; taught at Columbia University, Harvard and The University of California at Berkeley; and is a university professor and professor of international relations at The George Washington University."
Indian education level is not determined by knowledge of some han, tang or dong empire in china...:D

that's the level of Indian education??

have they ever heard Han empire and Tang empire...no wonder the country's iliteracy rate is the highest in the world.
Even their race are called Mongoloids i think...

education time:because those Mongols were the first group of Eastern Asian people the Europeans met,so they gave that name to all Eastern Asian people.it is just an western name and doesnt mean anything scientifically.

Indian education level is not determined by knowledge of some han, tang or dong empire in china...:D

ok,so it is ok or common to be this ignorant in India,got it.
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