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China allows Renminbi to directly trade against British Pound


Aug 15, 2013
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China and the U.K. will introduce direct trading between the yuan and the British pound, helping London steal a march on Frankfurt and Paris to become Europe’s hub for the Chinese currency.

An 80 billion yuan ($13 billion) quota for financial institutions in London to invest in China’s domestic securities under the Renminbi Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor program was also approved, U.K. Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne said at a briefing in Beijing today, after meeting Chinese Vice Premier Ma Kai. Further agreements on yuan settlement and clearing are planned, he said.

“My ambition is to make sure London is the western hub for yuan business,” Osborne said. “More trade and more investment means more business and more jobs for Britain.”

The Bank of England was the first among European central banks to establish a currency-swap facility with China when it agreed on a line of 200 billion yuan in June. The European Central Bank signed a 350 billion yuan swap line this month. Hong Kong was the first to host a yuan clearing bank and currently has the largest offshore pool of deposits denominated in the currency, which climbed to a 20-year high today.

China, the world’s second-largest economy, is seeking a greater role for the yuan in global trade and investment. The pound will be the fourth major currency to have direct trading links with the yuan, after the greenback, Japan’s yen and Australia’s dollar. Trading between the Australian and Chinese currencies started in April, while yuan-yen trades began in June 2012. Osborne didn’t give a timeframe for pound-yuan trading to commence.

‘Major Currency’

“The deal with the U.K. is an important gesture showing the yuan has become a major currency,” said Nathan Chow, a Hong Kong-based economist at DBS Group Holdings Ltd. “Practically, direct trading will save transaction costs and eliminate fluctuations stemming from changes in the dollar. It also signals further expansion of yuan usage in Europe, through empowering London with more yuan capability.”

The daily value of yuan trading in London now stands at around $5 billion a day, double the daily volume of some $2.5 billion in 2012, Osborne said, citing data by HSBC Holdings Plc. HSBC forecast in March that the currency will be fully convertible within five years and a third of China’s total trade will be settled in yuan by 2015, making it one of the top three global trade settlement currencies by volume.

Yuan Investment

Yuan investment activity is “low” in London partly because regulations “favor investment services offered from Hong Kong,” the City of London Corporation, which oversees the U.K.’s main financial district, said in an e-mailed statement on June 12. Granting RQFII quotas “specifically to London institutions” would help boost volumes, it said.

China’s currency has become the ninth most-actively traded in the world, up from 17th in 2010, according to a September report by the Bank for International Settlements. It was also the 12th most-used for global payments in August, according to an estimate this month by Belgium-based financial services firm Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications.

Talks will begin to enable Chinese banks to establish wholesale branches in the U.K. for the first time, allowing them to scale-up their business activities, Osborne said. China agreed to support the development of London as an offshore center for yuan debt issuance, he added.

European Hub

“It’s another step in securing London’s position as a European hub” for yuan trading, Mark Williams, chief Asia economist at Capital Economics Ltd., said by phone from London. “London already had a big head start in that competition because it’s already the global currency trading hub.”

The yuan has strengthened 36 percent against the dollar and 47 percent versus the pound since a peg to the U.S. currency was scrapped in July 2005, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. It has advanced 2.1 percent this year versus the greenback, making it the sole gainer among Asia’s 11 most-used currencies, and touched 6.1007 per dollar today in Shanghai, the strongest since the government unified official and market exchange rates at the end of 1993.

The People’s Bank of China announces several daily reference rates for the yuan and the allowed trading range is 1 percent on either side of the fixing against the dollar. For the British pound, the yen and the Hong Kong dollar, the limit is 3 percent and it’s 5 percent against the Malaysian ringgit and the Russian ruble. The yuan was fixed at 9.8063 per pound today.

Opening Markets

China is opening up its domestic capital markets under the RQFII and Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor programs as it promotes usage of its currency worldwide. RQFII enables offshore yuan to be invested in China, while QFII quotas allow dollars to be used for investments in the local currency.

The nation’s 25.4 trillion yuan onshore bond market offers greater choice, better liquidity and higher yields than are available in Hong Kong, where there is 253 billion yuan of Dim Sum debt outstanding, according to Bank of China data. Ten-year government bonds yielded 4.07 percent yesterday in Shanghai, compared with 3.67 percent in Hong Kong.

“We want the quota to be used as quickly as possible but licenses have to be issued,” Osborne said, referring to London’s RQFII allocation, which is the first in Europe.

Osborne Wins Yuan Deal Giving Boost to London Over Frankfurt - Bloomberg
Yuan DIRECT trading with following currencies (no intermediate currency):
- US Dollar (+/-1%)
- Japanese Yen (+/-3%)
- Australian Dollar
- British Pound (+/-3%)

Yuan INDIRECT trading against the following currencies (with US Dollar as Intermediate Currency):
- Euro
- Hong Kong Dollar (+/-3%)
- Malaysian Ringgit (+/-5%)
- Russian Rouble (+/-5%)
- Canadian Dollar

Swap agreements:
European Union
Hong Kong
New Zealand
South Korea
United Kingdom
Britain agrees to build investment hub for China's currency

Deutsche Presse-Agentur October 15, 2013 5:54 pm


Beijing - Britain and China agreed on measures that British Chancellor George Osborne said will develop London into a global hub for investments using China's renminbi currency Tuesday.

"A great nation like China should have a great global currency,"Osborne said following talks with Chinese Vice Premier Ma Kai.

"Today we agreed the next big step in making London - already the global centre for finance - a major global centre for trading and now investing the Chinese currency too," Osborne said.

"More trade and more investment means more business and more jobs for Britain," he said.

The British government said Osborne and Ma agreed to a pilot plan for licences to invest renminbi directly from London into China,removing the need to invest via the Chinese territory of Hong Kong.

The agreement gives London an initial investment quota of 80 billion yuan (13.1 billion dollars).

Under a separate agreement, British regulators will hold talks with Chinese banks on allowing them to open wholesale branches in Britain.

The two governments hailed the agreements as "an important step that cements London’s major role as one of the most important global centres for renminbi trading." London accounts for about 28 per cent of global renminbi payments,or 62 per cent of renminbi trade outside mainland China and Hong Kong, the British government said.

Britain agrees to build investment hub for China's currency - The Nation
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