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China 1992, India 2012

How many times did the People's Daily warn Nehru to stop India's aggressive "forward policy"? Like all of the trash-talking Indians in this thread, Nehru refused to listen to Chinese reasoning.

I now understand that Indians like Nehru (and all of the trash-talkers in here) lack critical reasoning. There is no point in talking to uppity Indians. Mao was right. The only thing they understand is a Chinese bullet.

If bullets don't work, I recommend the CCP to use 1967 Chinese thermonuclear technology to solve the problem.



One of my best childhood friends was Amit, an Indian. I used to play HotWheels with him all of the time. I have learned that Amit is an exceptional person of Indian origin. None of you Indians on this forum have shown any modicum of reasoning to match Amit.

Therefore, instead of being a moderate, I have changed my views. I now fully support another strong Mao-like leader in China and the use of all means necessary to subdue or eliminate all trash-talking Indians.
China also crashed a rocket on a village killing hundreds of people . We didn't do that either.
cheap indians cheap shot as we expected...your 1000 plus jets crashing record and millions died in road accident is the marvel of modern civilization feet, no any mega projects in the world can second India that
cheap indians cheap shot as we expected...your 1000 plus jets crashing record and millions died in road accident is the marvel of modern civilization feet, no any mega projects in the world can second India that

This indeed is very sad. So many human sacrificed and still no HSR system and man in space. ... but, but in so-and-so-many-future-working-on-it years, India will have it as well. :)
One of my best childhood friends was Amit, an Indian. I used to play HotWheels with him all of the time. I have learned that Amit is an exceptional person of Indian origin. None of you Indians on this forum have shown any modicum of reasoning to match Amit.

Therefore, instead of being a moderate, I have changed my views. I now fully support another strong Mao-like leader in China and the use of all means necessary to subdue or eliminate all trash-talking Indians.

Hey Martian, waiting for your state of the Art Submarine in Brahmaputra River, just make sure that it don't struct in the Dam. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
One of my best childhood friends was Amit, an Indian. I used to play HotWheels with him all of the time. I have learned that Amit is an exceptional person of Indian origin. None of you Indians on this forum have shown any modicum of reasoning to match Amit.

Therefore, instead of being a moderate, I have changed my views. I now fully support another strong Mao-like leader in China and the use of all means necessary to subdue or eliminate all trash-talking Indians.
your story about your friend is nice but this is your life. you can expect that it sounds stupid to compare a friend of you with people you don't even know the existence in real life, right?

so you are maoist living in USA and your two flags are US , so you are not chinese ?
are you communist?
i am curious (with respect) because i heard communists are so rare in USA ...
by the way you never thought to go China to be in the perfect communist system?
One of my best childhood friends was Amit, an Indian. I used to play HotWheels with him all of the time. I have learned that Amit is an exceptional person of Indian origin. None of you Indians on this forum have shown any modicum of reasoning to match Amit.

Therefore, instead of being a moderate, I have changed my views. I now fully support another strong Mao-like leader in China and the use of all means necessary to subdue or eliminate all trash-talking Indians.
Gandhian values are almost washed off from Indian defense side. We'll be ready to eliminate any/all possible threats getting in our path.
of course myself has changed my view on China. How many times one help a chinese, they'll forget it. So no mercy for them.
Unless the border issues are resolved peacefully China Will only be considered as the Major Threat to us.
So much for the Asian century. LOL

---------- Post added at 10:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:01 PM ----------

One of my best childhood friends was Amit, an Indian. I used to play HotWheels with him all of the time. I have learned that Amit is an exceptional person of Indian origin. None of you Indians on this forum have shown any modicum of reasoning to match Amit.

Therefore, instead of being a moderate, I have changed my views. I now fully support another strong Mao-like leader in China and the use of all means necessary to subdue or eliminate all trash-talking Indians.
Gandhian values are almost washed off from Indian defense side. We'll be ready to eliminate any/all possible threats getting in our path.
of course myself has changed my view on China. How many times one help a chinese, they'll forget it. So no mercy for them.
Unless the border issues are resolved peacefully China Will only be considered as the Major Threat to us.
So much for the Asian century. LOL
Hey Martian, waiting for your state of the Art Submarine in Brahmaputra River, just make sure that it don't struct in the Dam. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Don't worry, the PLA Navy won't disappoint you.


I would not be surprised if China is indeed building the next-generation Type 095 nuclear attack submarine. China's naval development would parallel its aviation progress from J-10A to J-10B to J-20 Mighty Dragon. The proliferation of powerful supercomputers and decades of weapons-design experience among its engineers are culminating in weapon systems that approach American performance.

As far as I know, there are only two Type 093 Shang-class nuclear attack submarines. Nuclear submarines are very expensive billion-dollar naval vessels. If the PLA Navy planned for the Type 093 Shang to serve as merely an intermediate design, it would explain the reason that only two Shangs were built.

Also, I want to mention that China's nuclear submarine program is an extension of its conventional submarine program. The reactor may be different, but the acoustic-dampening technology and experience are clearly an extension of the decades-old conventional submarine program.

China's nuclear and conventional attack submarines


The uppermost picture is a conceptual illustration of the hydrodynamic third-generation Type 095 nuclear attack submarine. The bottom two pictures depict the next-generation Type 096 ballistic missile submarine (e.g. the successor to the Type 094 Jin-class SSBN).


Type 093 Shang-class nuclear attack submarine (SSN)


Type 039 Song-class diesel-electric attack submarine


Yuan-class SSKs represent the new generation of PLA Navy conventional attack submarines.

[Note: Huitong's website is located at Chinese Navy]
cheap indians cheap shot as we expected...your 1000 plus jets crashing record and millions died in road accident is the marvel of modern civilization feet, no any mega projects in the world can second India that

First ask your government to give real statistics of people dying in all crashes. then there could be a comparison.

I did not understand the bold part.
The only 90% I see in India's lack of indoors plumbing.

Serious, 90%, you believe that number pulled out of nowhere.

Truth is American Universities are going out of their to recruit the Chinese Middle Class (remember the so-called Indian Middle class is defined as anyone with $2 to $20 of disposable income per day, and you can't afford American tuition on $2 per day).

A Classic case of "Apne Mooh Miyan Mithoo" - A self praising parrot.. The article is not written by me.. I just quoted what's been reported in the media.. Gotta problem talk to the one who wrote the article and tell him how American universities are fishing for Chinese students in China.

I am not going to reply anymore to you morally dishonest Chinese. What can be the moral values of the people who hate the very same land which gave them shelter? What can be said about the moral values of people who were saved from atrocities by the very same country that they hate today?
Maybe the "superpower Indians" :-)lol:) can reply to this post?

LOL, anything to make themselves feel better. Meanwhile, here are the facts.

1990 - China GDP : India GDP - 1 : 1
2000 - China GDP : India GDP - 2 : 1
2010 - China GDP : India GDP - 4 : 1

Rather than them "catching up" (as Indians love to convince themselves), the numbers actually show them falling further and further behind.

It's not hard to see why. China has been able to sustain double-digit growth for three decades, with a base economy four times larger than India's.

India meanwhile, has constantly tried and failed to achieve sustained double-digit growth. Latest data shows India growing at around 6.9%, slower than Turkey/Argentina/Sri Lanka etc. Contrary to the Indian dreams of being the "second fastest growing major economy in the world". :lol:

That's not what I said. I said that the reforms were only implemented across the country in the 1990's.

China and India had the exact same GDP in 1990. There was no "head start", that is only a story that Indians like to tell themselves. Our GDP was the same.

The difference is that we were able to sustain double-digit growth rates, and India was not.

And even if India manages to match our "percentage" growth rate one day (doubtful), then we will still be adding four times more to our economy every year then you will, because our base economy is four times larger.

Sir, I can see that you really want to get to know how things happened between India and China during last 60 years. I also got your this question as an opportunity to teach Indian and Chinese internet warriors few bottom line things which first they don’t know and second, they aren’t prepared to understand. Im giving credible references to support my data’s/ claims but you may search the same news by yourself and ask me as many questions as you can.

(Administrator of PDF may keep my this post to give first hand knowledge about economy and wars among India, China and Pakistan, and then nationals of these three countries would participate in talks.) thanks

1st, I want to inform the Indian members by informing them that till my age of 17-18, till 1994, I only read that per capita income of Pakistan was always higher than that of India since its freedom ‘till 1994’, on the back of high agriculture output of land of Punjab and Sindh. And its also true that per capita income of China on PPP was always less than that of Pakistan in between its independence to 1992. And if per capita income of India was closed to China in between 1948 to 1976, it was well above to that of China in between 1978 to 1991.


2nd, population ratio of China and India was 1.4:1.0 in 1991 which reduced to 1.1:1.0 till 2011, on the back of 1.4% annual growth rate of India and one Child policy of China. And since 1991, GDP growth rate of China was over 10% and that of India was around 7%, making Chinese GDP size around 8 time on PPP to 1991 level while due to 7% growth rate, Indian GDP on PPP size could increase by 4 times till 2011 w.r.t. to 1991 level. And due to the combined effect of GDP growth and population growth, now ratio of per capita income of China and India on PPP is around 2.2:1.0 as compare to around 1:1 in 1991. And as Pakistan suffered 2.5% population growth since 1991 with hardly 5% annual growth on average since 1991, now per capita income of India is around 1.4 times to that of Pakistan, and of China’s its around 3 times to that of Pakistan by 2011. Hence, the 'Total' GDP ratio of China and India on PPP has now raised to around 2.4:1.0 by 2011, than around 1.35:1.0 in 1991, on the back of 10% growth rate of China and around 7% of India in between 1991 to 2011. in the same way GDP ratio of India and Pakistan on PPP reached around 9.5:1.0 by 2011. and also, on the back of high appreciation of Yuan with higher Value Added factor than India, GDP of China on nominal term is around 4 times to India right now but we would stick with PPP term as it is the true way of measuring GDP. (in fact GDP of CHina on PPP would be around 35% more than current $11tn if we add 'undocumented part' of GDP on PPP also, making it already equal to that of US's economy. similarily 'undocumented part' of GDP on PPP for India and Pakistan is estimated as around 50% to their current level on PPP.) :tup:

List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(I must clear to mainly Chinese internet warriors that per capita income of Russia was around $10,000 on PPP term in 1990 while that of India and China was hardly around $900 each on PPP in 1990. Hence, I would clear that life style of both Indians and Chinese was very inferior to that of Russians till 1989. Russian economy and its per capita income on PPP suffered heavy loss in between 1989 to 1998 due to collapse of SU and it could again reach its 1989 level by 2007.) :wave:

(and again, India and China were the two largest economies in between 1st to 18th century, India was the largest economy in between 1st to 16th and in 18th century while China was the largest economy in 17th century and was on 2nd place during rest of time after India, in between 1st to 18th centuries. And as Human DNA is 1000s year old and Pakistan was part of India till 1947, they would accept this facts for whole Indian sub continent.) :tup:


3rd, to Chinese members, as investment of 1 dollar cause return of 66 cents (66%) due to different direct and indirect taxes, and as export of China was around $1.7tn than India's hardly $290bn in 2011, the external demand has a big share in the current size of China's GDP. If India registered around 7% growth rate since 1991 then it was mainly because of internal demand while 10% GDP growth rate of China since 1991 had major impact of external demands. Therefore, until China doesn’t make its economy less dependent on external demand/ export, they have less to laugh and more to be careful. :agree:

4th, as it might have been cleared to Indian and Chinese members that per capita income of India and China was close to Congo, democratic republic of, in between 1948 to 1965, it was hard for the nationals of both the countries to afford proper cloths also till then. Having even Dhoti-Kurta on body in India wasn’t easy till that period. Hence, their war in 1962 occurred mainly in between braves of todays Congo, (China), and Indian Chirkut’s and the land China could occupy in 1962 wasn’t really that worth for India, very small population live on those mountains. and about Indo-Pak wars, as Pakistan fought war with a 5 times bigger economy, India, in 1971 and also Bangladesh wanted independence from Pakistan, at the same time India was always fully supported by Russia/ SU by all means while Pakistan’s friends always kicked it on the time of need, India won in 1971. And even if 7 times bigger economy, India, may show proud to win in Kargil in 1999, they have less to laugh as they could hardly get their mountains back from militants, nothing else. :no:

GDP per capita in 1950 statistics - countries compared - NationMaster

(and for those Chinese who proud on themselves for their wars with Russia in 60s and 70s, they would always understand that a country of the standard of Congo, the China in 60s and 70s, was never concerned much for SU/ Russia. Chinese total proud in defense were their ability to copy 2nd gen Mig21 in 70s and 80s, while Russia had got even 4th gen Mig29s in early 80s. SU/ Russia always tried to use China against US/ West, till now, as it was never worth fighting with China for them.):pop:

Since 1992, China’s GDP increased 5.3 times, India’s rose by 3.5 times and Brazil’s more than three. It is noteworthy that this growth went hand-in-hand with the structural diversification of economies, renovation of their industrial base and infrastructure as well as an expansion of purchasing power, social services and public welfare.

But what about Russia? During the same time span, Russia suffered an industrial and technological degradation that was more devastating than its losses in World War II. As a result, Russia reached its 1990 GDP level only in 2007 while the volume of industrial production remains less than in the Soviet era.



one more comparison between India and China in 1991, including Pakistan and Russia, from one more credible source:-


GDP per capita on PPP of China in January 1991 = $793.52

GDP per capita on PPP of India in January 1991 = $871.73

GDP per capita on PPP of Pakistan in January 1991 = $1211.4

GDP per capita of Russia in January 1991 = $9,116.6


here, we also have comparative Per Capita Income on PPP of India, China, Russia with rest of the world in January 1991

$16,319.6 of UK/Britain (king of Western Europe)

$5,460.8 of Poland (developed Eastern Europe)

Malaysia of $4,797.2 (emerging Asia)

$490.95 of Bangladesh (South Asia)

$5,647.8 of South Africa (developed Africa)

$5,407.8 of Argentina (developed South America)

$6,179.2 of Maxico (the OECD member from North America)

$4,272.0 of Turkey (Role Model of Arab countries)

One of my best childhood friends was Amit, an Indian. I used to play HotWheels with him all of the time. I have learned that Amit is an exceptional person of Indian origin. None of you Indians on this forum have shown any modicum of reasoning to match Amit.

Therefore, instead of being a moderate, I have changed my views. I now fully support another strong Mao-like leader in China and the use of all means necessary to subdue or eliminate all trash-talking Indians.

You will have someone equally fierce to deal with sonny. Don't worry.

Go on, ask for someone like Mao. he'd make our job easier by killing your own people first.
Götterdämmerung;2554368 said:
This indeed is very sad. So many human sacrificed and still no HSR system and man in space. ... but, but in so-and-so-many-future-working-on-it years, India will have it as well. :)

if India were a monarchy, then I'd say, it is not Indian's fault, its the regime.

However, since India is supposedly a democracy, I am forced to come to this conclusion: Indians do not care about human life, or, India is actually a fascist monarchy.
First ask your government to give real statistics of people dying in all crashes. then there could be a comparison.

I did not understand the bold part.
its like clueless indian'd know horrible things happening in India everyday
Dear killing thousands of non-violent students on 4 June 1989 isn't caring of human life..or killing 50k in tibet during 1950s.
There are things both countries couldn't avoid, so better we stop bashing each other, and talk constructively.

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