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Chicago Tribune:Chinese doctor drags M. Phelps into doping speculation

Can anyone give me an example of the USA accusing other for doping/cheating, after the USA has lost? If there's any. Thanks
Fox News: IOC defends China's Ye Shiwen amid doping speculation, says she passed drug test

"IOC: China's Shiwen passed drug test
Updated Jul 31, 2012 11:04 AM ET


The International Olympic Committee has sprung to the defense of China's teenage swim sensation Ye Shiwen, saying she passed a drug test after her world record win in the 400 medley.

IOC spokesman Mark Adams urged people to ''get real'' and said it is ''very sad'' if great performances cannot be applauded.

The 16-year-old shattered the world record in getting her gold Saturday. There has since been speculation about how she swam so fast.

Adams said: ''I think we need to get real here.''

''These are world class athletes competing at the very highest level with records being broken all over the place.'''
Chinese swimmer Ye Shiwen was tested on Saturday after winning. She's clean.

2012 Summer Olympics -- What does suspicion of Chinese swimmer say about fans? - ESPN

"Healthy skepticism, or cynicism?
What does suspicion of Chinese swimmer Ye Shiwen say about us as fans?
Originally Published: July 31, 2012
By Wayne Drehs | ESPN.com

After an amazing performance by Chinese swimmer Ye Shiwen, skeptics immediately raised the issue of doping. Is that fair? (Rob Schumacher/USA TODAY Sports)
It's Ljungqvist's job to help determine what we should and shouldn't believe. He said Monday that the IOC will test more than 5,000 samples during the London Games. The blood and urine of the top five finishers in every event will be tested, as will that of competitors when intelligence suggests they may be cheating. At minimum, Ye has been tested once after winning gold in the 400 IM. She'll probably undergo another test after the 200 IM on Tuesday night.

Asked if Ye's test Saturday had come back positive, IOC spokesman Mark Adams said, 'We would only comment if we had any adverse finding. I am not commenting, so you can draw your own conclusions.'
Ye Shiwen is current defending world champion and ranked #2 in the world prior to Olympics


China's Ye Shiwen is the current defending world champion and world #2 prior to the Olympics.

China's Ye Shiwen Bags Second Gold

"China's Ye Shiwen Bags Second Gold
China's Ye Shiwen, cleared after an earlier doping controversy, has collected her second swimming gold.
9:04pm UK, Tuesday 31 July 2012
'She won the World Championships last year, she was ranked second in the world. She's not a new swimmer who has just come out of nowhere.'"


"Statistics suggest Ye's performance in the 400m medley, which first prompted these questions, wasn't unprecedented. Her time of 4:28.43 was an improvement of about 2.44% on her time from the 2011 world championships, the last major international event she swam in. But in the same pool on Sunday in a different race—the semifinals of the 100-meter breaststroke—Ruta Meilutyte, a 15-year-old Lithuanian, shaved two seconds off of her pre-Olympic personal best. That performance represented a 3.1% improvement.

The raw speed of Ye's final 50-meter freestyle isn't unprecedented, either. In last year's World Championships in Shanghai, Great Britain's Rebecca Adlington swam the final 50 meters of the 800m freestyle final in 28.91 seconds, .02 second faster than Ye and 19 hundredths faster than Lochte's time from the 400m medley.


Also, she grew four inches during the last two years. Of course she improved her personal best by five seconds during the last two years. She grew up.

Ye Shiwen's 'unbelievable' swims are talk of Olympics. - NewsFeed Researcher - olympic, olympics, chinese, swimming, china, swimmers, swimmer, golds, gold, london, medals, medal

"13 minutes ago – [5] Teenage Chinese swimmer Ye Shiwen is not a drug cheat, the British .... at 14, she was just over 5' 2" -- she's grown four inches since."
folks, it's not fair isn't it? Make sure you have evidence before throwing suspicions on a 16 year teen! This is a shame!
I'd give anything if this news 'somehow' is true. All the preaching of the past several decades by the all holy U.S of A will come into perspective.
What the Chinese doctor is trying to do is simply returning the favor. Not because Chinese are sore losers but the allegation that made headlines these past few days is completely ridiculous. The finishing time Ye had set raised questions among that American coach, the press and obviously the Indian trolls as well. These people believe such record can't be set by a Chinese girl, had it been a white girl nobody would raise any alarm. If any country can beat us in badminton or table tennis we wouldn't accuse them of taking steroids. You win some you lose some. To me it's a rather pathetic attempt to discredit the talented Ye. Now even an Indian troll make up stories of Chinese athletes taking substances that's not detectable by the current test methods so all medals that we won are nothing but cheats. How low can Indian trolls get? It gives me pleasure just see how China tops the chart and India is nowhere near and shall never get there with such accusing mentalities. Now that Ye has been proven clean it will certainly shut the Americans' mouths.
Here is a list of a few drug cheats from the west from the top of my head.
Marion Jones, Justin Gatlin, Gary Hall Jr, Jessica Hardy, Floyd Landis, Barry Bonds, Alex Rodriguez, Dwayne Chambers, Antonio Pettigrew, Lance Armstrong, etc.

That's just the more famous athletes, the list for the non-famous drug cheats from the west are far too long to post.

And that's just the ones that have been caught, just imagine the amount of drug cheats that gets away. Western pharmaceutical technology is so advanced that they have access to masking agents. Remember BALCO scandal.

Bay Area Laboratory Co-operative - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Oh I see, the bot herd is in full force. A toothless flag march of sorts, eh?

The difference here is that there are only so many western athletes who abuse substances. Almost all of them get reported and punished. In the BALCO case, FYI it was the coach who reported the matter to the agencies. It might also be noted that the substance that was being abused had no tests developed for its detection and hence the name "the clear". Likewise whos not to say someone in China developed a new drug which cannot be detected with the present testing protocols. And your talk about "masking agents" is pure BS. If you knew anything about human physiology you would understand why.

This whistle blower mentality for the greater good is absent in propaganda fed herds. Contrasting western athletes, entire contingents from many eastern block countries were heavily involved in doping one time or the other. Not surprisingly, that mentality has carried over to the remaining commie fiefdoms.

you just forget the bombast star, Micheal Johnson, the huge scandal.

Yup. When he broke that 100m sprint's 10sec barrier, instead of applauding, people immediately suspected doping and they were proven right. Unless proven otherwise, such superhuman feats shall always remain suspicious.
the US tech is always ahead of international doping test that's four sure.

who has produced the most Child prodigies, the Americans. the whole thing is in doubt.
Most performance enhancing drugs are originated from United States, and more US athletes have been caught cheating by Olympics anti-doping agency than any other country on earth. For Americans to continue accusing Ye of doping when she's tested clean is simply hypocritical at best. I think it is a reflection of underlying racial attitude many whites have towards Asians in general. They cannot accept the fact that a Chinese went faster than a white man on the last peg, especially a female.
Test samples from the athletes are kept for years by the IOC.

So even if this girl used some drug which cannot be detected by technology today, that sample will be tested in the future, and if she cheated, she will get caught.

Same thing happened to Marion Jones. She used some advanced drugs which could not be detected by IOC in 2000 Olympics but she got caught 7 years later and was stripped of her Olympic medals.
a telling sign of a liar and a cheater is that they always try to deflect things, they always react angrily, they then try to turn things back onto the other person, always try to divert the attention elsewhere... this is all the chinese have done.. and if you read Ye Shicheats comments, they are an exact replica of the chinese officials statements.. she used the same excuses, points fingers at phelps, uses the american girl swimmer as example too.. exact replica of chinese official... it sounds more like she was coached in her reply.. and instead of being calm and just saying ok well, the IOC will handle it, nothing more to say etc... they instead do what ALL liars, cheats and manipulators do...
Most people, even from western countries, know the root cause of the acccusation by US is purely or mostly jeoulousy, but they do not speak about it and just keep silent. However, this show the real ascendency of China. If the Chinese girl is prooved innocent, next time less and less people care about US accusations, as it now happens with Western media. Western people now put much less credit to the news on China written by their "experts", as compared to 4 or 5 years ago.
a telling sign of a liar and a cheater is that they always try to deflect things, they always react angrily, they then try to turn things back onto the other person, always try to divert the attention elsewhere... this is all the chinese have done.. and if you read Ye Shicheats comments, they are an exact replica of the chinese officials statements.. she used the same excuses, points fingers at phelps, uses the american girl swimmer as example too.. exact replica of chinese official... it sounds more like she was coached in her reply.. and instead of being calm and just saying ok well, the IOC will handle it, nothing more to say etc... they instead do what ALL liars, cheats and manipulators do...

sounds like a 16 year old girl can do more than just pool, way better than those dumb kid in the west.

if that's the case, I am worried about the west's downfall faster than expected, remember to prepare one day the whites knee down to their Chinese masters when all their deeds will be retaliated.
a telling sign of a liar and a cheater is that they always try to deflect things, they always react angrily, they then try to turn things back onto the other person, always try to divert the attention elsewhere... this is all the chinese have done.. and if you read Ye Shicheats comments, they are an exact replica of the chinese officials statements.. she used the same excuses, points fingers at phelps, uses the american girl swimmer as example too.. exact replica of chinese official... it sounds more like she was coached in her reply.. and instead of being calm and just saying ok well, the IOC will handle it, nothing more to say etc... they instead do what ALL liars, cheats and manipulators do...

sounds like a 16 year old girl can do more than just pool, way better than those dumb kid in the west.

if that's the case, I am worried about the west's downfall faster than expected, remember to prepare one day the whites knee down to their Chinese masters when all their deeds will be retaliated.
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