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Chengdu J-10 Multirole Fighter Air Craft News & Discussions

J-10/FC-20 will only be delivered to PAF if it is powered by a chinese powerplant. so wait 3-5 years at least. case closed.
Nope recently in airshow and Paf officials cleared that the j10b is coming.

PAF is doing stupidity of 80's not going for Mirage-2000 or getting more F-16s instead of settling for F-7s either invest in Thunder blocks or forget Thunder and go for J-10s.
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I,m interested in how good is j-10 compared to jf-17,
Whether it would be wise to have similar capability aircraft.
Is it your personal opinion?

The current atmosphere indicates Pakistan putting it's money on JF upgrades and America is not in mood to finance any further F-16 deal through FMS

Situation is much worse. Lets wait and see.

AFAIC PAF is looking for used vipers to be upgraded and inducted.
Situation is much worse. Lets wait and see.

AFAIC PAF is looking for used vipers to be upgraded and inducted.

And US has indirectly put the string on F-16 procurement through OHP Frigate program, where by Pakistan has to ensure It's not working against US interests and we all know What happens in 1990 would be repeated once America moves out of Af-Pak region and Pakistan moves ahead with it Iran pipleline deal
PAF is doing stupidity of 80's not going for Mirage-2000 or getting more F-16s instead of settling for F-7s either invest in Thunder blocks for forget Thunder and go for J-10s.

Our paid F-16s are on the way. We dont have the money, nobody is making the 80's mistake. We have an AF budget of $1.5 B which is not at all enough for weird fetishes and fantasies of all the gullible people. We are broke if we get something from China on soft loans. Thunders are more important than F-16s as F-7s are nearing their end.

You being an airforce/luftwaffe guy should have more info about the issues we face.

More F-16s are coming.

We hope J-10s would be by passed for the better future of Thunder for a sizeable Air Force where as keep a check on 5th Gen product in the next 10 years period. Coming back to F-16s PAF was looking for around 77-78 to 90 F-16s. One additional squadron can make a difference.

Galian bhee deni hain aur F-16s bhee lenay hain?........ :P

Just like Turkey...your military deals should be separate from political monkey stunts, you can call it whatever you want.

All those who are jumping at me F-16 procurement won't need additional training or all the trouble that comes with entirely new aircraft I don't need to pen down detail about it, why not put that money into completing the 150 JF-17s rather than going for 36-48 J-10s for a completely new setup only fools would do it, by you people logic all F-16s are sitting ducks...so you are doomed anyways 36 J-10s would change much? Not at all, my opinion is opposite. J-10s can only come once 150 JF-17s are inducted that would make sense and when you have funds to spare.
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You guys do understand that your JF17 are competing against used F16s and mirages don't you? And you also want to go for the same? Way to kill the export market.
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