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Cheney calls for air strike on Iran over captured drone

No. Am no idolator of anyone. What I dismiss is the charge that somehow the US 'lied' to the world about 'WMD' when it was the UN/IAEA who started the whole thing. Am still waiting for an explanation of why if the initials 'WMD' meant functional nuclear weapons, not merely devices, then what was the UN/IAEA doing in the Iraq in the first place? I have not got around to studying Cheney's and Rice's memoirs yet, but for the rest, am done.

This one aspect of the US war still confounds me. And want to hear what you guys think about it.

The US invades Iraq for Oil under the pretense of WMD in Iraq and their likely use in the near future. This was no small claim and the credibility of the US was on the line in a global court of opinion. Why then did the US which has the ability to have concocted or planted WMD proof in Iraq (Presuming it is that bent on making its case) not do that and avert the worlds scorn and loss of credibility. Why did it come out and say no we did not find any?? This makes me think that maybe there were delusional people in the White House that really did think (Believe … fear .. without facts) that Saddam may have something and they were so paranoid that they went in without proof on the hinges of their false anxieties and what ifs simply because they had the momentum built. I just don't understand that if a nation is so crooked, that it lies about the reasons to go to war against another sovereign. Why can't it at least also lie about it when they finally got there, and be completely vindicated. It would make their future endeavors into Iran and other places even easier. What do you guys think?
:lol: And I expected the usual from you: Complete and total reliance upon the same 'Zionist' media you decried -- when convenient. Be careful about bringing up memoirs. In Rumsfeld's, he consistently used 'WMD stockpiles', which is consistent with the UN/IAEA's attempt to distinguish the difference between 'WMD programs' and actual functional devices. So if anyone's face who is being slapped, it is yours, and the one doing the slapping is the UN/IAEA since they were the instigators of the Iraqi sanction regime in the first place.
So now you became so pathetic that you resorted to making up lies? Well actually you've always did that. Kindly show an example of where I complained about "Zionist" media. Remember Colin Powell walking into UN with that bottle of lie to scare the world? Only the stupid and gullible believed it then, and same goes today. Where is the anthrax? The nuclear weapon? The mustard gas?

That's right, nowhere because Saddam got rid of them long before your sorry excuse for an oil grab. I will continue to slap your face, since you make it so easy.

Bush says Iraq had no WMDs - YouTube

Report: No WMD stockpiles in Iraq - CNN

Iraq had no WMD: the final verdict | World news | The Guardian

What is there to duck? The only reason why your China has not succeeded in being an actual warmonger country was because the US and the rest of us 'inferior' Asians resisted you. Repeat: Your lack of conquests does not equal to lack of intent. And right now the smaller Asian countries are regretting the decisions they made years ago to believe that China does not have regional hegemonic intent, even by military means if necessary.
How many countries did United States invade in the past 30 years? And I laugh at your pathetic argument attempting to say "intent" is on the same level as both the act and intent. China has not fought a single war in 30 years, while United States cannot resist waging wars of aggression every few years.

What more funnies can I expect from a Dick worshipper?
Do not fret, little man. You are just another one I scroll right over as unworthy of my blood sugar to respond.
Still waiting for you to phone up CIA and the US government and tell them you are right on WMD and they're wrong. Oh and still laughing about "China couldn't do it cuz we stopped them" while refusing to admit the disparity in the wars both countries involved in the past 30 years. Oh the irony of a country born out of genocide of native Americans and believes in Manifest Destiny is calling others evil.

Maybe if you weren't hugging the Dick so hard, your head would be a little more clear.
why the **** is vietnam allowed to post on this site?

---------- Post added at 12:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:03 PM ----------

Cheney, you realize that after destroying that drone, Iranian forces would begin to kill US forces
and Jewtopia
Oh come on you folks ... If American's don't go around invading or attacking other countries how the hell will their children know their geography? let them do what they are doing for sake of young children learning geography? maybe one fine day they will be able to stand in front of a map and name all the countries ... hopefully?
So now you became so pathetic that you resorted to making up lies? Well actually you've always did that. Kindly show an example of where I complained about "Zionist" media. Remember Colin Powell walking into UN with that bottle of lie to scare the world? Only the stupid and gullible believed it then, and same goes today. Where is the anthrax? The nuclear weapon? The mustard gas?

That's right, nowhere because Saddam got rid of them long before your sorry excuse for an oil grab. I will continue to slap your face, since you make it so easy.

Bush says Iraq had no WMDs - YouTube

Report: No WMD stockpiles in Iraq - CNN

Iraq had no WMD: the final verdict | World news | The Guardian
And here is what your source said...

Report: No WMD stockpiles in Iraq - CNN
Saddam Hussein did not possess stockpiles of illicit weapons at the time of the U.S. invasion in March 2003 and had not begun any program to produce them, a CIA report concludes.
If you want to talk about Duelfer's book, let me know.

How many countries did United States invade in the past 30 years? And I laugh at your pathetic argument attempting to say "intent" is on the same level as both the act and intent. China has not fought a single war in 30 years, while United States cannot resist waging wars of aggression every few years.

What more funnies can I expect from a Dick worshipper?
Wars of aggression? For what? Land? Oil? Women? We contained China and that was a good thing for Asia.
And here is what your source said...

Report: No WMD stockpiles in Iraq - CNN

If you want to talk about Duelfer's book, let me know.

Wars of aggression? For what? Land? Oil? Women? We contained China and that was a good thing for Asia.

Why proving something & giving facts to someone who has doubts and super skeptical and do not care about your references. They just continue to think you're lying and you made up stuff to say just like they do. No point. The only point I can see that might work on these punks is a cold knockout punch to the face.
What is most telling about OP is that, according to (truly dick) Cheney, Obama let go of all the options. I think 32 years of Iranian 'provocations' would be enough to cause one single direct and overt attack on Iran. But none to my knowledge. Why so? Is it because Israel will burn?

And, yes, trust a Dick to be a dick. Cheney, the moron! Just look at his face! Is anyone--ANYONE--ever convinced that that guy had average Americans' interests in his mind? I never thought so. He is a corporate executive. Period.
This one aspect of the US war still confounds me. And want to hear what you guys think about it.

The US invades Iraq for Oil under the pretense of WMD in Iraq and their likely use in the near future. This was no small claim and the credibility of the US was on the line in a global court of opinion. Why then did the US which has the ability to have concocted or planted WMD proof in Iraq (Presuming it is that bent on making its case) not do that and avert the worlds scorn and loss of credibility. Why did it come out and say no we did not find any?? This makes me think that maybe there were delusional people in the White House that really did think (Believe … fear .. without facts) that Saddam may have something and they were so paranoid that they went in without proof on the hinges of their false anxieties

We are getting off-topic but excellent post!
I too have wondered about not implanting WMDs. The only thing I can think of is that America is, after all, an incredibly open society and that a lie of that proportion could not be hidden--with so many people being involved to engineer fabricated WMDs.
But, in the end, it was carefully calculated by the war-mongers in Washington, DC that the American public would be conniving toward anything after 9/11 and hence 'minor' errors like the Iraq WMD (false) claim could (and were) be forgiven.

PS. The list of American involvement in various wars since WWII alone should be an eye opener--if you have a conscience, that is.
Cheap fool is trying to act like a pro, what a cheap fool!

there was nobody talking about dirty sluts in this topic except that fool, fool is really a fool, trying to spread some sexual ideas to make it looked cool in people eyes?


No need to feed those retard fool!

Haters gonna hate. :tup:
Pakistan has Hamid Gul the US has Cheney some people just cant retire gracefully
Too many talk of dicks here lolz thread is turning gay hope some of you aren't stick to the topic plzz thx.
And here is what your source said...

Report: No WMD stockpiles in Iraq - CNN

If you want to talk about Duelfer's book, let me know.
Where are the chemical weapons? The mustard gas, anthrax and nuclear weapons Iraq was suppose to have? Oh I forgot, those were long gone and you simply used it as an excuse to invade. Hell, even Bush and his cronies admit it.

Wars of aggression? For what? Land? Oil? Women? We contained China and that was a good thing for Asia.

"A Nuremberg chief prosecutor says there is a case for trying Bush for the 'supreme crime against humanity, an illegal war of aggression against a sovereign nation.' "

Could Bush Be Prosecuted for War Crimes? | World | AlterNet

Now that's just Iraq alone. I still haven't counted all the countries you invaded, bombed and politically destablized. Your country is the the biggest bully on the block, and you're calling us the bully. The irony is strong with this one.

---------- Post added at 08:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:48 PM ----------

Why proving something & giving facts to someone who has doubts and super skeptical and do not care about your references. They just continue to think you're lying and you made up stuff to say just like they do. No point. The only point I can see that might work on these punks is a cold knockout punch to the face.
Heh, little Viets being internet tough guy.
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