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Cheap Drones Made in China Could Arm US Foes


Nov 29, 2009
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Taiwan, Province Of China
United States
Cheap Drones Made in China Could Arm US Foes

Cheap drones made in China could end up arming potential U.S. foes such as North Korea, Iran and terrorist organizations.

China already makes drones that don't quite match up to U.S. military drones, but for a fraction of the cost. The Chinese military envisions such unmanned autonomous vehicles (UAVs) scouting out battlefield targets, guiding missile and artillery strikes, and swarming potential adversaries, such as U.S. carrier battle groups.

"In whatever future conflict scenario we're in five or 10 years from now, the proliferation of UAVs is going to complicate things for the U.S. military," said Ian Easton, a research fellow at the Project 2049 Institute.

China has built a huge military-industrial complex to support its growing drone fleet, which consisted of about 280 military drones as of mid-2011, according to a report released by the Project 2049 Institute on March 11. Chinese manufacturers supplying the military and state agencies also have begun seeking foreign buyers in a global drone market that aerospace and defense market research firm Teal Group estimates to be worth $89 billion over the next 10 years.

Retired Chinese generals have stated on Chinese state television station CCTV that Chinese drone technology lags American technology by about five years, Easton said. However, Chinese manufacturers are touting their plans to build drones five or even 10 times cheaper than comparable U.S. drones, whose hardware alone costs $5 million to $10 million. [Video: RoboBees: Design Poses Intriguing Engineering Challenges]

The idea of cheap, China-made drones may not tempt countries such as Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia or NATO allies that want to buy the best U.S. or Israeli drone hardware. Instead, China is seeking buyers in the Middle East and Africa at glitzy expositions such as China’s biennial Zhuhai Air Show.

"In the area of the Middle East, there could be direct competition, and the Chinese would have an advantage because they can apparently make UAVs cheaper," Easton told TechNewsDaily. "For countries that don't demand the best technology, good enough would be good enough."

That means countries such as Syria might obtain Chinese drones for the surveillance or oppression of their own citizens, Easton said. He added that Chinese drones also could end up in the hands of North Korea or Iran — regional hotspots where the U.S. military may potentially find itself embroiled in future conflicts.

Iran has already sold its own crude drones to countries such as Syria and organizations such as Hezbollah, a militant group based in Lebanon and backed by Iran. In addition, China-made drones would allow countries like Iran and North Korea to obtain technology which Western countries refuse to sell.

"It's bad enough that China has that kind of capability, but the same capability could end up in the hands of the Iranians or North Koreans or a terrorist group like Hezbollah that Iran is cooperating with," Easton said.

The U.S. has already shown the world how battlefield drone surveillance and drone strikes can prove both effective and controversial. Still, the U.S. military faces a new challenge in detecting swarms of China-made drones during future conflicts, Easton said. Some drones may go undetected by radar because they can fly extremely low and may come in small sizes.
Now that's hilarious considering how many U.S. drones already landed in the hands of Iran , one of those three so called "foes" vilified and accused by only the U.S., their lackeys or blackmailed victims.

While there is only a void of reports for Chinese drones being used by any of the named countries and organisations.

Add to that the vast number of civilian and unjustified deaths trough U.S. drones just at hand of the U.S. it self.
"It's bad enough that China has that kind of capability, but the same capability could end up in the hands of the Iranians or North Koreans or a terrorist group like Hezbollah that Iran is cooperating with," Easton said.

This is why I hate the west, first of all Chinese Drone tech will catch up to the West and potentially surpass it with in a decade. It will still be cheaper to make than western counterparts. Then the market will be Chinese only.

But the thing that really makes me mad, who is he to say China can't have drone tech, US have use it to kill people in PAKISTAN AND ELSE WHERE. What does the Easton think China will do with these drones? And how could it be any worse than WHAT THE WEST ALREADY DID!

China would have to drop nukes with these drones to be considered worse. The arrogance of this guy.
They claimed China drone is cheap and unsophiscated and yet they are uneasy of it.. See the ironic of this writing. Typical western bull report.

Tell me how many UAV can do that besides US made? Mind you, this is just an export set. Far superior one are reserve for PLA.
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don't drag india in it..


Great power comes with even greater responsibility.China should restrict its arms flow to control the conflict,not enlarge it.especially usage of Chinese weapons by terrorists/rebels is the main concern of mine..
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Cheap Drones Made in China Could Arm US Foes

Cheap drones made in China could end up arming potential U.S. foes such as North Korea, Iran and terrorist organizations...........

Who made by US against Ruusss and now against Pakistan also same terrorist used against Ghadafi.. etc oh ya right! Amazing story seems... Terrorist (USA) itself insecure feel that those who made for her own objectives got something from others.
This is why I hate the west, first of all Chinese Drone tech will catch up to the West and potentially surpass it with in a decade. It will still be cheaper to make than western counterparts. Then the market will be Chinese only.

But the thing that really makes me mad, who is he to say China can't have drone tech, US have use it to kill people in PAKISTAN AND ELSE WHERE. What does the Easton think China will do with these drones? And how could it be any worse than WHAT THE WEST ALREADY DID!

China would have to drop nukes with these drones to be considered worse. The arrogance of this guy.

According to the article, China is 5 years behind. This would put China at where US was at 2008. By 2008, US was already very advanced.
Got to export these to our friends and allies in South Asia. Let the fascists in New Delhi cry.

good idea.

for the cost of 1 US drone, the countries under US oppression can buy 5~10 Chinese made drones and surround the lone fVcker UAV from all sides.

no wonder the fvckers now cr@p their pants!

don't drag india in it..


Great power comes with even greater responsibility.China should restrict its arms flow to control the conflict,not enlarge it.especially usage of Chinese weapons by terrorists/rebels is the main concern of mine..

It is a kind thought, but...are you aware the fact that US is the biggest arms exporter on the planet and the five UN security members, arguable the powerful nations in the world, also happen to be the biggest arms exporters themselves? I mean, where do you think the stinger missile used by Taliban came from?
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These westerners are so pathetic.

Iran downs so many of their drones and now Iran need to buy from China? So they are admitting the American drones are inferior to the chinese drones? this cheapness is nonsense because 1 very good drone is better than 10 cheap ones unless those cheap drones offer the same capability but for much less price which is complete BS. For example, the RQ-170 was a very advance drone and making a cheaper version of it would mean reducing it's quality in a proportionate amount relative to how much cheaper it is.

The western fools just can't bare to admit China is getting very powerful. There is always alot of cognitive dissonance with these people. Remember the amount of excuses they came up with when Iran downed RQ-170?
China may sell low quality stuff, but don't forget China also manufactures apple products for apple.
so when it comes to quality, don't judge China just because your own pathetic country decided to buy the lower quality stuff.

I looked at the chinese UAV thread and was very impressed by what I could see :tup:

Time for a China-Iran-Russia triangle to finish off these Americans.
These parasite can caused enough problems.
Well they should have thought of this prior to placing an arms embargo upon China...........They donot provide any kind of assistance to China so she is not under any obligations to address western grievances. Besides, why are they worried, arent they decades ahead of China in military tech :disagree:.....atleast this is what they gloat about.
It is a kind thought, but...are you aware the fact that US is the biggest arms exporter on the planet and the five UN security members, arguable the powerful nations in the world, also happen to be the biggest arms exporters themselves? I mean, where do you think the stinger missile used by Taliban came from?

i know all about USA and its weapons flow to the terrorists.but thats what i said..they armed taliban(not taliban actually,but mujahidin fighters).now look,taliban is fighting against USA itself.you'll reap what you sow.same goes to the chinese.Illegal arms racket is a common in most armed force.but in case of china,its excessive.huge amount of weapons and ammo recovered from both Kashmiri and N-E terrorists.and most of them are china made.how come they get so many weapons with a country with strict arms regulation.kind of strange,right.China always blame arms racket.but it is sometimes state's policy that via shady organization,they arm some terrorist groups.and proliferating drone tech is another wary thing.drone is used to track down terrorists.now if they have this capability,they can freely observe the activities of govt forces.thats what i meant.
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