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Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

Should Pakistan upgrade its Mirages to South African Cheetah standard if not Beyond?

  • Yes

    Votes: 181 59.0%
  • No

    Votes: 126 41.0%

  • Total voters
No. More like 300. A figure of 400 would make Pakistani skies invincible, but that is a far fetched number.

JF-17 is much cheaper than alternatives. So it can be procured in large numbers to act as the main work horse. 250 JF-17s, 60+ F-16s, and a third medium-heavy weight fighter in 3-4 squadrons would make PAF hard hitting.

I am sure PAF is looking for the same combination, but funds at the moment are limited.

So either PAF would be operating 3 fighters or have 2 main fighters and a 3rd stealth/low observation type like J-31, to skip J-10 entirely.

But in anycase, 200 total fleet size is not sufficient, considering 2 squadrons would be needed in maritime role and a couple more in ground role. That leaves too little for AWACs escorts and A-A combat.

F-7Ps will definitely go first, but we cannot drag Mirage ROSE too much. They are sitting ducks in modern combat.

PAF needs a 3rd type, either J-10 or J-31.

Funds Funds Funds!!!

Not just that, Pakistan has to handle the following issues:
Funds, Funds, Funds
Fundas, Fundas, Fundas
Fundos, Fundos, Fundos

In no particular order; that is left to one's choice, which to tackle first !
Not just that, Pakistan has to handle the following issues:
Funds, Funds, Funds
Fundas, Fundas, Fundas
Fundos, Fundos, Fundos

In no particular order; that is left to one's choice, which to tackle first !

Funds will come automatically when Fundos are gone. The biggest problem and rather main hurdle to Pakistan's growth is law and order. Regardless of whether this sounds exaggerated..there are foreign investors who are really interested in tapping this market.. because truly it is diverse and yet untapped. But their main concern is law and order. Fix law and order..and the economy will force itself straight automatically.
Funds will come automatically when Fundos are gone. The biggest problem and rather main hurdle to Pakistan's growth is law and order. Regardless of whether this sounds exaggerated..there are foreign investors who are really interested in tapping this market.. because truly it is diverse and yet untapped. But their main concern is law and order. Fix law and order..and the economy will force itself straight automatically.

But you won't be here with us ? And I thought we'd set up our very own Oscar & Armstrong Enterprises ! :cray:

Farangiyoon kiii SMEs setup kar kar keh pataa chaleiii keiii Oscar Sahib has lost his connection with the Motherland ! :cry:
Funds will come automatically when Fundos are gone. The biggest problem and rather main hurdle to Pakistan's growth is law and order. Regardless of whether this sounds exaggerated..there are foreign investors who are really interested in tapping this market.. because truly it is diverse and yet untapped. But their main concern is law and order. Fix law and order..and the economy will force itself straight automatically.

Of course there are the Fundas, Fundas, Fundas to be taken care of as well....

The Fundamentals like who actually should have the power to run the Country, who should be able to decide all Policies; stuff like that. These issues will not go away by themselves.

All of them overlap and impact each other to a greater or lesser extent. No short-cuts really.
Of course there are the Fundas, Fundas, Fundas to be taken care of as well....

The Fundamentals like who actually should have the power to run the Country, who should be able to decide all Policies; stuff like that. These issues will not go away by themselves.

All of them overlap and impact each other to a greater or lesser extent. No short-cuts really.

Like they say, money is something which can come or go.

Back in 2000s Pakistan had it's coffers full. Now it does't

While for majority of the history after Partition, Pakistan's economy averaged growth better than that of India, and thus was able to buy weapons from where ever it liked. What i am trying to say is, economy will improve.

India is the 2nd most populated region. Pakistan is 6th most population nation. So we sure too can make use of our population numbers.

Remember how India was faltering and running to IMF in 1990......but then initiated reforms.

So this funds issue is temporary.
Like they say, money is something which can come or go.

Back in 2000s Pakistan had it's coffers full. Now it does't

While for majority of the history after Partition, Pakistan's economy averaged growth better than that of India, and thus was able to buy weapons from where ever it liked. What i am trying to say is, economy will improve.

India is the 2nd most populated region. Pakistan is 6th most population nation. So we sure too can make use of our population numbers.

Remember how India was faltering and running to IMF in 1990......but then initiated reforms.

So this funds issue is temporary.

See, India also had this issue with Fundas, Fundas, Fundas; i.e. with Fundamentals, but they were mainly Economic Fundamentals. The Governance Fundamentals had largely been worked on in slow (but progressive) measures since 1947. The 1990s saw India attending to the Economic Fundamentals. If one wishes to see sustained Economic Growth, then one has to attend to all aspects. Also keep in my mind that a great deal of Money that has reached Pakistan since 1947 has been American Money, which did not come on the basis of Trade or Commercial reasons. That was the biggest component of the perceived buoyancy in the National Economy. This ironically was probably at its greatest during the Reigns of Ayub and Musharraff. But did that translate automatically into Pakistan being a great Investment Destination?

Another thing, Large Populations or the so-called Demographic Dividend are not an unmixed good or some "silver bullet". It can mean "either more hands to work" or "more mouths to feed" depending on how the other developmental issues are handled. India does not (and cannot) really attract Investment only because of a large Population. It can (and will) only achieve that if its perceived as a continuing Stable Political System with a functional System of Governance.
No Investor will ever overlook that, which external Govt. sourced financial handouts may; as America did in the case of Pakistan in the past.

Among the other Fundas; even issues of Equitable Governance or even Stable Foreign Policy or even International Image (or branding) need to be addressed. All of that need to fall in place too, for Pakistan to become an Investment Destination. Religion-driven discourse or debates or obscurantism cannot be helpful in any way, that regard.

Today's Pakistan needs to deal with the Fundas, Fundas, Fundas more than at any time in the past.
I am a big fan of the old Mirages but I think they had their time. Not only did they serve decades and decades but the technology is improved in two generations that much that we should give these superb planes some rest. Just like the F6 it i time to say goodbye.
Nomi, could you give an explanation of that payload in the back seat, please?
Or a link to the full description of it?
Thanks in advance, Tay.
So are we looking at a 200 combat aircraft airforce in front of IAF?
What matters more than the absolute numbers is the serviceability and sortie generation rates for the Air Force. The Air Force plans to streamline the types in use down to 3 in the next 6 to 8 years (JF-17, F-16s plus 1). As long as the aircraft are maintained to achieve high serviceability rates to give the PAF the required sortie generation capacity, this fleet is sufficient.

Secondly, for denial of air superiority to the other side, a 200-250 combat aircraft inventory is very significant. Generally speaking, you have multi-role aircraft which allow all of the mission profiles to be flown by the same set of aircraft and secondly, you also have early warning assets in service now which reduce the need for a very large fleet of aircraft which previously may have been needed to support standing patrolling missions etc.
@Manticore, Thank you very much for the prompt answer! :D

Radio equip and not ice cream making machine as I had first thought ;)

I had completely forgotten about this arrangement for the guns; it has been a while since these were used in France.

Good day all, Tay.
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