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Can we change our ‘hate-India’ mindset?

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No what you stated is all false.... all happened with Indian army sending terrorists to Pakistan and installing a puppet regime for keeping the lid on heinous crimes of RAW.

It is only 3 years ago when Pakistan was prospering and peaceful.
If their is no RAW their is no terrorism in the region and with Indian migrating to west it is adding threat to Muslims abroad as well.

Truth is doctors have taken organs out of the bodies of injured and living Pashtuns for commercial and experimental reasons.
Not to mention RAW sending planes full of Afghan children back to India for medical experiments and later use them as suicide bombers.

See! That's it! That's the attitude I was talking about.

RAW puppet govt.! :lol:

What else do you expect from people whose entire universe revolves around India?

P.S. Sometimes I feel if India did not exist...Pakistan would also not exist lol
BATMAN said:
No what you stated is all false.... all happened with Indian army sending terrorists to Pakistan and installing a puppet regime for keeping the lid on heinous crimes of RAW.

[quote="BATMAN]Not to mention RAW sending planes full of Afghan children back to India for medical experiments and later use them as suicide bombers.[/quote]

Epic post..

Im going to save a screen capture for extra lulz
we dont hate india..it has nothing to do with India..but some of our india appeasing journalist will write anything to win a peace prize.

India is an amateur clown of Asia which constantly competes in a self-obsession of superiority by any means. This makes india a very annoying neighbor with constant politics of cheat, lie, deception, manipulation and cunning. The indian vision of a nation is the big brother of asia with smaller nations bowing down to its unquestioned superiority. Nobody would accept domination by such means. India wants to play a major role and does all the propaganda it can despite not being able to play any role. When the India political attitude can mature up to the level of rest countries it can be considered for bilateral ties as a serious neighbor.

lol,watever you just typed is your oen illusion and solution of india..!:woot:
Accept it, you guys also enjoy your daily dose of arguing with Indians or else there would not be so many Pakistanis/Indians here in the first place.

Well Thank you this forum has own status and can carry it without you too.

Nobodies is begging you to come here.

And above all If YOU Have came again with another ID that it shows that its the forum which has the charm NOT Indians.

BTW, your signature itself proves how much you have 'moved on'!

you know what your signature indicates? That you have nothing to think about in life except 'India' as if India were the center of your universe![/QUOTE]

Well Thank you for me India is an enemy of Pakistan simple straight and NO word mincing. ISI is blamed by Indians for even fluttering of MMS dhoti so obviously ISI must be giving you some great pain must be mentioned in my sig

Please keep your words of wisdom to yourself. I'm an indian muslim and I know 'kaun kitne paani mein hai'.

:lol: yeah we have just busted an Indian in disguise of Muslim last night too and i am having a take on you too.

Indians do not have to prove that two nation theory was wrong.

Creation of Bangladesh in itself proved that two-nation theory was wrong.

Here here i was waiting for this Indian favourit false claim and here we have which proves the Indian mind set is not changes.

1. BD Is an Islamic country with majority Muslims following the faith.

Its another matter that Indian dalals are in political victimisation are distorting things currently.

2. The Indian Orange justice System siding with Hindus over Babri Mosque

3. The Gujrat massacre, Plight of Muslims in India and so on

All these proves Two nation theory is still alive and there is need for another Two Nation theory application in India.

Everyday there are bomb blasts in Pakistan with muslims killing mulsims.

Everyday muslims are being killed in karachi.

Better to be killed in our own country at the hands of militants than being burnt by Hindu militants in India alive with Baghal main churi maun main ram ram slogan

Those who went to Pakistan from India are still discriminated against as 'Mohajirs'.

Then what 'two-nation theory' are you talking about?

Those who stayed back in India rejecting Two Nation theory when confronted with reality that their decision was wrong and Two Nation theory was right. They came to Pakistan only after the creation of Pakistan.

They did not sided with Pakistan movement at that time.

So the have no excuse for questioning two nation theory now.

We fight amongst ourselves..yes! But when push comes to the shove..we are all one!

I can tell you that.

Same here even Taliban here are ready to shove something up our enemy when the time comes
No what you stated is all false.... all happened with Indian army sending terrorists to Pakistan and installing a puppet regime for keeping the lid on heinous crimes of RAW.

It is only 3 years ago when Pakistan was prospering and peaceful.
If their is no RAW their is no terrorism in the region and with Indian migrating to west it is adding threat to Muslims abroad as well.

Truth is doctors have taken organs out of the bodies of injured and living Pashtuns for commercial and experimental reasons.
Not to mention RAW sending planes full of Afghan children back to India for medical experiments and later use them as suicide bombers.
you have started blaming India again...... you are confined in a mental prison where the raw guys keep on hunting you..... wake up...if you need to escape the nightmare...
The presence of Indians on this forum is in itself proves that we had moved whereas Indians thronging our forum for spewing hate against Pakistan.

The taunt "Go to Pakistan" the Indian Muslims even hear today itself proves its India that is having Hate Pakistan issue.

Indians trying tooth and nail proving Two Nation theory on different levels itself shows that You are having Pakistan phobia and in denial about existence of Pakistan.

The Talk of We are one people by Indians when they themselves are not one having so many differences also show that you somehow want to negate existence of Pakistan.

The list is long :wave:

Indian on this forum is due to curiosity abt wat ppl in pakistan think n when they come across some very informative post n standerds maintained by this forum they get hooked up

Secondly no matter how ppl on other side of border perceive muslims in India to be their population is incresing not decreasing unlike some religious countries where minority are decresing n whose law relegate their citizen to second class on the basis of religion

Well majority of Indian thinks two nation theory was wrong so what Pakistan is there as a nation n every indian respects it as a nation ppl comin to this forum does show they accept Pakistan

We are one big community of south asian ppl if this line induces any kinda phobia in anybody's mind then that person has some complex regarding Indian's not other way round
Line which epitomizes INDIA "Unity In Diversity":angel:
Please keep your words of wisdom to yourself. I'm an indian muslim and I know 'kaun kitne paani mein hai'.
Indian Muslim is the biggest one under water. Thanks for admittance.

Indians do not have to prove that two nation theory was wrong.
Yet every news coming out of India and IOK is sensationalised with Kashmiri Hindus, Sepratist sunnis, islamic rebels etc etc..Pakistan may be two nation theory, India needs a thousand nation theory to make sense.
Creation of Bangladesh in itself proved that two-nation theory was wrong.
Bangladesh remains closer ties to Pakistan than India which proves that Muslims are knitted in brotherhood. Fail has been the Indian attempt to prove nationalism which the India is highly prudent of and remains today.

Everyday there are bomb blasts in Pakistan with muslims killing mulsims.
Often funded by your country and its anti-Muslim secret services.

Everyday muslims are being killed in karachi.
By "hollow nationalist" terrorist of MQM which nobody but your "muslim friendly" state created to prove two nation theory a failure. MQM was the AL equivalent in west-Pakistan.

Those who went to Pakistan from India are still discriminated against as 'Mohajirs'.
And how many of them you happen to know?? i would rather say, destitute poor criminals of India who wanted to hijack our economic heart and assisted by RAW with nationalistic sentiments indoctrination. We dont have any place or feelings for people who wants to portray themselves as emigrant Indians. Be a Pakistani or go to hell! ironically, the whole of first generation Pakistanis who built this country were "mohajirs" (as per Indian definition) who willfully and voluntarily participated in nation building often not drawing much benefits for themselves and their families. The so-called "mohajirs" of today like Altaf and his followers are indian criminal thugs dancing at the whim of RAW.

Then what 'two-nation theory' are you talking about?
The difference which exist between India and Pakistan. straight forward people versus cunning, deceptive and manipulative likes of Nehru, gandi and modi!

We fight amongst ourselves..yes! But when push comes to the shove..we are all one!

I can tell you that.
Yes, I can see that! The same people who pushed out thousands of their own country men as "mohajirs" across the border by staging riots! Now come to PDF and sympathies with them. Where was this sense of "indianhood" in 47?? It was Islamic brotherhood and Pakistan which saved the a55 and honor of thousands of your fellow Indian muslims, a feat still unmatched in the history. For them, Pakistan was the promise of security, hope and honor even if that meant living under a tent with no permanent toilet.

What pisses me off about these so called "proud to be indian" muslim crowd is that where was their brotherhood in 1947 to save the fellow muslims fleeing from hindu and sikh mobsters??

These few million "proud to be indian" Muslim crowd could not offer protection to their fellows in 1947 what Jinnah did single handed!

beghairti he haade intha hote hai!!
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Indian on this forum is due to curiosity abt wat ppl in pakistan think n when they come across some very informative post n standerds maintained by this forum they get hooked up

Secondly no matter how ppl on other side of border perceive muslims in India to be their population is incresing not decreasing unlike some religious countries where minority are decresing n whose law relegate their citizen to second class on the basis of religion

Well majority of Indian thinks two nation theory was wrong so what Pakistan is there as a nation n every indian respects it as a nation ppl comin to this forum does show they accept Pakistan

We are one big community of south asian ppl if this line induces any kinda phobia in anybody's mind then that person has some complex regarding Indian's not other way round
Line which epitomizes INDIA "Unity In Diversity":angel:

well i am new on this forum and confused about some feature like how to start a thread or intrduction,,etc,etc..
Indian Muslim is the biggest one under water. Thanks for admittance!:

This statment by you clearly shows how much you know about india and indian muslims..!! no need to read the rest:pop:
yeah thats wat i am trying to say about your thinking !! OH CRAP!!
The reason why we are discussing this is post #1 , an article written , reproduced & commented by Pakistanis. Evidently, it is a Pakistani who is suggesting that the hate India mindset ( in Pak) must change.

Ppl on this forum do not represent an iota of Pak populace.Neither do the Indian here reflect the Indian thought process in any significant %. There fore the fact that Indians are allowed here does not indicate any tectonic shift in mind sets or approaches. Deep in our hearts we are not much different than what we were a few decades ago.

Neither a conterversial writer represents an iota Pakistani Populace Period. :)

No one wants to negate the Pak existence. What one wishes is that Pak should stop lamenting over the past / spilt milk, be stable, self reliant & in control of its self & what lies within its geographical boundaries - something that has happened since 47 in fits & starts only.

:lol: its other way round we have split the milk got our share and moved on now our eastern neighboure still cry over that split milk sometimes blame Jinnah for it some times Blame own Congress for it.

Indians before opening their mouth about Pakistan and control over our geographical boundaries should first look into own NE, Maoists, Naxals etc etc the list is long. Its better to volunteer yourself as missionary on Pakistani internal matters you should speak up about Lack of Indian control over own geographical boundaries within India.
well i am new on this forum and confused about some feature like how to start a thread or intrduction,,etc,etc..

Go to introduction section and at left top you will see a feature Open New Thread just click that and you will see a window to post
we dont hate india..it has nothing to do with India..but some of our india appeasing journalist will write anything to win a peace prize.

India is an amateur clown of Asia which constantly competes in a self-obsession of superiority by any means. This makes india a very annoying neighbor with constant politics of cheat, lie, deception, manipulation and cunning. The indian vision of a nation is the big brother of asia with smaller nations bowing down to its unquestioned superiority. Nobody would accept domination by such means. India wants to play a major role and does all the propaganda it can despite not being able to play any role. When the India political attitude can mature up to the level of rest countries it can be considered for bilateral ties as a serious neighbor.

You saying....you don’t hate India….just check your previous posts…everything you write is full of hate on India.
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