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Can Pakistan become another Asian tiger

Can Pakistan become another Asian Tiger

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Yes I believe Pakistan will rise to become a responsible regional power with a strong and vibrant economy and a progressive and tolerant society Amen.
i miss dota``hadnt been playing that for age``i remember i started plaied version 3.8 until 6.01`
Just see how things have changed in just 5 years.
Pak growth rate was 8.4% and now 2.4%
While that of India growth rate was 6% and now 10.4%

you know why? because the damn war (of the US for its revenge of 911). it's the Pakistanis that' suffered.
you know why? because the damn war (of the US for its revenge of 911). it's the Pakistanis that' suffered.

Yeah . I know
I was just trying to say that how fast things change in 5 years
So ppl cant predict this and that will happen to our economy or their economy
China was a 3rd grade few decades back now it is an economic giant
Pakistan in current state...being an Asian tiger is a distant dream.
no pakistan, pakistan have to achieve a lot of milestones in doing that
This thread needs to be preserved, an ancient thread on PDF. Many members that i see in this thread either are being banned or retired.

P.S. : Nevertheless, Who can become another Asian Tiger ? Hehe :)
such informed posts in the starting g pages of this thread,where have so many good writers gone. really sad.
Can it? Sure it can. Will it? Unlikely. Too many internal frictions.
What a beautiful thread it was for first 3-4 pages, so much information & quality post.

Loved Post#16, how true the poster was to predict reasons of possible failures of Pakistan in 2005 which we are seeing in last 3-4 years.

Its really tragic experience for Pakistan in on-going WOT.

Hope it recovers soon & develops well.
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