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Can Muslims sing "Vande_Mataram"?

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Ancient times didn't any muslim bow infront of empiror or sultan ? Or they used to hand shake ?
We shake hands now, I've done so on a 2 occasions with royalty. The comparison is not valid, one is a FORCED bowing and here we're talking about bowing out of freewill.

We already discussed this 3 pages back
i really dont know the point of this thread , if you think indian muslims are people are forced to sing something, we would not be having a seperatist leader in kashmir would we ?.

they sing the song coz they know the true meaning intended of the song. and not because they are forced to ....

By equating Kashmiris separation struggle as a 'Muslim Struggle', you are exposing your own mentality. Kashmir problem, till date, has strictly remained a REGIONAL issue. Muslims from rest of India, NEVER Joined/Supported the Kasmiri separatists, with an insane reason that it is a MUSLIM STRUGGLE/JIHAD and so on. This attitude from Indian Muslims clearly shows that Kashmir issue is strictly political and regional, within Indian Republic!

And Muslims know the true meaning of Vande-Mataram. They DO NOT sing it, as a general rule. And do not try to make your own. known exceptions as 'All Muslims'!
Read the wordings in my avatar. Simple.

At this time of the year when we both nations are celebrating our independence day, if by any chance had our forefathers who have fought for the independence of our lands had seen this thread, they should have stopped their freedom struggle and handed over the rule back to British saying that" you guys are better than us'..
What a shame we throw dirt at each other at this time of the year.


Sorry buddy but your post is irrelevent.

Why are you so sensitive that one little aspect is making you so frustrated that you are willing to surrender your freedom? Vande Mataram is not Indian Song, rather it has relegious dimension. If you admit all Indians are not Hindus then riddle is solved. All Indians including Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims and non-religious people sing Nationoal Ahthem and this should matter the most.

By not singing Vande Matram, you don't become non-Indian. Please take the point of view right and also clear any doubts that anybody in the forum has been anti-India. No sir, we are not. We are talking to protect the essence of Islam and this is all about it.
A Typical Image of Bharat Mata



It is a hymn to the goddess Bharat Mata and goes like that

I bow to thee, Mother,
richly-watered, richly-fruited,
cool with the winds of the south,
dark with the crops of the harvests,
the Mother!

Her nights rejoicing
in the glory of the moonlight,
her lands clothed beautifully
with her trees in flowering bloom,
sweet of laughter,
sweet of speech,
The Mother,
giver of boons, giver of bliss!

In my opinion, anybody who sings this song Commits the sin of Shirak. No matter what, Muslims do not bow to anybody but Allah. There are no devi's in Islam, we are asked to love our homeland, defend it sacrifice our lives for it but "worship it" or its "symbol"... NO! Not in any chase whatsoever.

In my understanding, No Muslim in India or anywhere else in the world should chant that hymn. Muslims do not bow to any entity except Allah and anybody who chants that could be committing the unforgivable sin, the Shirk committing which one would not be forgiven..ever!

Vande Mataram - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bharat Mata - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

vande matram has never been imposed on Muslims, there are other ways to show your patriotism too, even in IMA when the song is played Muslims can stand over there with other guys while not singing it, though singing of national anthem is necessary and every muslim sings it, the topic you have chosen is old now, the controversy is over
The song conflicts with the secular disposition and nature of the government. That's the only bone we can pick with this issue. I am really tired of becoming a cheerleader for Indian Muslims who prefer India to Pakistan.
How is it in any way throwing dirt at India? It's a question of freedom. The Pakistani interest is obvious, as I said this was contributing factor to the Tehreek-e-Pakistan since the issue rose up back then too.

Ahh come on Asim , i was talking about the war of words including religious insults in all these pages of this thread.

Between i dont know much about 'vande matharam or its words..

u ask me the lyrics of Sepultura or Linkin Park i can sing along better..

But i do respect 'vande matharam' .. its not compulsary here.. its just a song... if u dont like it sing "hotel California" by eagles instead. nobody is forcing to sing it here in India.

So the whole debate is just flame inviting one where people like AlZakir and Jana can poke a few funshots at Indians and religion and when the Indians retaliate they can face the wrath of the mods.

Obama is not Muslim and his bowing is not a guideline for the other Muslims.
PS: Even if some Muslim had bowed before another, he would have done something that is forbidden in Islam. One man's mistake is not a guideline even he was Kind Abdullah himself.

Muslims follow none but Allah and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Anybody who deviates from the teachings of Islam doesn't become a new role-model. Hope this clears many things in your mind.
Muslims follow none but Allah and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Anybody who deviates from the teachings of Islam doesn't become a new role-model. Hope this clears many things in your mind

Certainly it is not a Muslim gesture I agree. But India is not a Muslim country nor are we interested to become one and are happy with our inter-mingled traditions that allow tolerance at personal level (barring political level issues that all countries have---some racial some religious).

You might be a person of a Muslim country but you cannot really claim to be superior just because Indian Muslims respect Vande Mataram and sing it proudly.

You think all of us Indians keep the map of India at home and pray it? No. But this song merely reflects devotion to the country in the form of Mother. It has mainstream Hindu-oriented material because let's face it: India is ancestrally a mainstream Hindu country before any other religion was born and it was based on this tolerant faith that other religions got to live in the country.

I know it is difficult for you to understand this social harmony, but this is what happens in India. :)
The song conflicts with the secular disposition and nature of the government. That's the only bone we can pick with this issue. I am really tired of becoming a cheerleader for Indian Muslims who prefer India to Pakistan.
there is no conflicts because it is optionl not mandatory. so where is the conflict??
We shake hands now, I've done so on a 2 occasions with royalty. The comparison is not valid, one is a FORCED bowing and here we're talking about bowing out of freewill.

We already discussed this 3 pages back

How come it is forced ?
it was just a way of showing respect.sultans wife and kids must have done that, is that also forced ? Sultan must have bowed infront of his father and his teacher ? Is it forced ?
The song conflicts with the secular disposition and nature of the government. That's the only bone we can pick with this issue. I am really tired of becoming a cheerleader for Indian Muslims who prefer India to Pakistan.

you are not the one to tell that indian muslims should prefer pakistan over india, the song is not mandatory and it was because of that we shortened our national anthem and vande matram to only one stanza so that muslims are comfortable with that:hitwall:
But India is not a Muslim country
You might be a person of a Muslim country but you cannot really claim to be superior just because Indian Muslims respect Vande Mataram and sing it proudly.

True indeed! But then you stopped short on saying 'India IS NOT a Hindu Country as well and nor we intend it to be! ' Don't be so SELECTIVE man!:azn:

Indian muslims, to my knowldge, NEVER sing this song proudly! You are placing your assumptions as Fact here. Refrain from it please. Had it been the case there would have been no controversy!
They are Indians First and then Muslims, Vande Matram is our pride song and everyone in India Feel Pride in singing this song.
Vande Matram.

This is no pakistan.

You last line forced me to jump into this thread.

Be loyal to yourself. "They are Indians First and then Muslims" Ask this quesiton to Dr. Zakir Nayak again as I know the answer through peace tv. They are Muslim first and then Indians.
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Singing Vande matharam is not a mandatory thing .
Most of the Indians including me dont know the full lyrics .

It just got more popular after AR RAHMAN made a remake of it with a brilliant video, which most people have seen here.

The only song which is compulsory in INDIA is

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Optional or mandatory is not a valid argument here. It's still a symbol of Indian nationality that doesn't take into account all of Indian demographics.

Give me an effin break !

Like I said in this thread earlier, the flag of India has a Buddhist symbol Ashok Chakra on it, so hmmm India doesn't take into account demographics?

Should we have Om+Swastika+Crescent+Cross+Khalsa symbol on the Indian flag too ? !!

Better idea we should split it according to % composition of Population!

So multiple Oms and Swastikas, some crescent a Khalsa symbol here and there and we could sprinkle a bit of the cross too ??

Stop making a mountain of a molehill !
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