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Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

Forced Conversions / Expulsions: Reconquista of Spain and after math. Jews suffered along with Muslims. Ottoman empire mitigated the consequences by adjusting the refugees.

Colonialism entailed exploiting local resources and transfer of wealth overseas. Hard to say if that happened with Muslim rule in parts of Europe. The conquerors, like Normans in England, were part of the landscape and continued to be for hundreds of years.

Please find comparable examples from '8th century' onwards and share with me.

Seljuk Empire
Ottoman Empire

Did you think the Crusades were sui generis?
As far as I remember Japan hasn't recently invaded any Muslim country, neither is it involved in toppling democratically elected governments in Muslim countries, neither has it been supporting and funding different extremists groups in Muslim countries. Why will there be conflict between Japan and the Muslim World? Muslims have a lot to learn from the innovation and the culture of the Japanese people.
of course its always others fault! what is reason behind muslim insurgency in China !

lol! will Muslim show the rest of the Humanity if they can co exist with human with different Point of view !
I am against the almost subliminal demonization of muslims and muslim people. As if their practice of their religion is a bad thing. My point of view.

Let their numbers grow first.

Japan is in no position of giving lectures to anyone regarding muslims, west or otherwise as your stringent immigration policy keep muslim population statistically insignificant.
I am against the almost subliminal demonization of muslims and muslim people. As if their practice of their religion is a bad thing. My point of view.

Friend, living in a peaceful, super developed country you do not see the dangers of islamic migration and demographic warfare that they do wherever they go.

There are people of multiple countries telling you the problem. Certainly all are not crazy to tell you the same problem right? :)

Welcoming organized religion into your country would be the worst thing you did. at 60-100,000 they will never be a threat. No one in them will be.

But 10 million in China and 190 million in India are a huge sum. Add Thai population and Philippines' population ratios to this.

That is where the problem starts. Japan should desist from these things.

If you are looking for a definite answer or logic, you will not find one. But history of multiple countries would be the testimony for you to research.
So, by your logic, the shear fact that we have over 100,000 Muslims in Japan doesn't meant jack squat because the west has more, has more negative experiences and this their point of view trumps the objective analysis of the Japanese. Sorry my friend , but I cannot think in such simplistic terms. The case basis for the west doesn't necessarily mean it is applicable to every other host nation. We have had Muslims in Japan for over 40 years, none of them isolate themselves in ghettos , but integrate with the overall general society. Perhaps the west can draw more clues to the success Japan has had in the way we treat Muslim minorities, or our immigration criterium.


You are not appreciating the fact that muslim population in japan is so minuscule that it could be taken as non existent. 100000 out of 250 million are in no position to enforce their own belief on non muslims and you need a critical mass of population even to form a ghetto.

Japan's example would be put to test if and when muslim population in japan reach 5-10%. It is here where problems start as history has proved time and again.
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of course its always others fault! what is reason behind muslim insurgency in China !

lol! will Muslim show the rest of the Humanity if they can co exist with human with different Point of view !

You better go and ask those Muslims. People like you are no different to extremists in Islam. You think more then a billion Muslims think the same, act the same and are out to kill Non-Muslims. If that was the case then trust me it would be much worse then it is.
You better go and ask those Muslims. People like you are no different to extremists in Islam. You think more then a billion Muslims think the same, act the same and are out to kill Non-Muslims. If that was the case then trust me it would be much worse then it is.

I NEVER blamed the entire muslim community. but the tendency of separatism is most common in muslim community. there has to be a reason.
I NEVER blamed the entire muslim community. but the tendency of separatism is most common in muslim community. there has to be a reason.

What reasons? Most likely corrupt clergy and illiteracy are to be blamed.
That link reflects a paper that was written in 2002 with data samples that was collected from Hezbollah during the 1980s and 1990s. So much has happened in the past 10 years, namely War on Terror. It would be better to develop new data sampling and a thorough multivariate statistical analysis and even Analysis of Variance. In the field of research , we cannot rely on data that is over 20 years old. Variables changes within a whim.

Thanks for your link tho.

You just need to look at terrorist group of present day to know that the study holds true. Majority of ISIS fighters are well educated and from financially strong background. Their ranks are replete with British muslims who want to kill some kuffars to earn sabab.


If you have already formed a view than providing explanation to you is futile but it won't change the fact that terrorism has no correlation with poverty.
collapsing EU? Even the poorest EU members have higher living standards than turkey. Simple fact is, that turkey is not european, has no european culture and values and its best for both if this nonsense is just stopped. Does the EU want a boarder wird Iran, iraq and syria? certainly not.

Bulgaria is better then Turkey?hahahah Albania is soon coming in EU. Good luck with dealing Albanian mafias running around EU.
The bigger question is can Muslims live peacefully with non-Muslims? Muslims in non-Muslim countries must get same level of freedom and constitutional rights like non-Muslims get in Islamic countries.

Japanese society has traditionally been intolerant to other cultures so much so that they love to carry their cultural baggage to foreign lands, also Muslims are less than 1% of Japan's population, hence Japan has got nothing to teach on this front.
For one, there were no personal remarks on my part, my retort to you was based on your erroneous assumption that a muslim-majority nation will become radicalized. I find fault in that assumption because there are many countries with a muslim-majority that takes an enlightened and democratic approach to its minorities per se Indonesia, Malaysia. In regards to Saudi Arabia, the problem is not the people, the problem is the government that rules the country with pure absolutism. The country may be "rich", but it is not a democracy. Now let us compare Indonesia with Saudi Arabia; the former is a democracy that affords civil rights for its ethnic and religious minorities that the latter may not allow.

@al-Hasani , @Arabian Knight , @Arabian Legend , @Hazzy997 , can you guys give input? Thanks.

Shukran sadeeq!

Japan is representing a great pattern for many to learn from not only the west. A pattern of coexistence with its muslim community is a model that makes it distinctive. Islam has always been part of the world since the birth of it and Muslim have lived side by side with those of different ideological beliefs. In the past few years the west decided to launch an offensive campaign against Islam, invaded Muslim countries, killed innocent people, stole the resources and forcibly tried to impose their imperialistic capitalistic ideology expecting no resistance and retaliation.!

Saudi Arabia is a country that hosts around 10 million foreigners from different backgrounds, religions, and cultures. Christian have their own private places of worship so do the hindus, sikhs, and the rest. A places like Jeddah, Riyadh and Khobar cities is an example of multicultural environment where everyone lives by the other peacefully and joyfully. There is no problem with Saudi Arabia government but a balance b/t the conservative and the liberal is essential for our society structure.

Mind those indians which are anti-Islam by nature and have limited understanding of Islam. Despite their ignorance they refuse to learn.
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A pattern of coexistence with its muslim community is a mold that makes it distinctive. Islam has always been part of the world since the birth of it
Isn't Islam just 1400 odd years old.The world definitely seems a lot older than that.

Muslim have lived side by side with those of different ideological beliefs
After they accepted their status as sub-humans,paid extortion money in form of jizya and agreed to suffer all the atrocities and barbarism of muslims.

In the past few years the west decided to launch an offensive campaign against Islam, invaded Muslim countries, killed innocent people, stole the resources and forcibly tried to impose their imperialistic capitalistic ideology expecting no resistance and retaliation.!
Seems to be the other way round in reality.Muslim terrorists attacked the west and the west acted in self-defense.Not to mention the "sensitive and moderate" muslim immigrants in the western world who demand sharia for their adopted countries.

Saudi Arabia is a country that hosts around 10 million foreigners from different backgrounds, religions, and cultures. Christian have their own private places of worship so do the hindus, sikhs, and the rest. A places like Jeddah, Riyadh and Khobar cities is an example of multicultural environment where everyone lives by the other peacefully and joyfully. There is no problem with Saudi Arabia government but a balance b/t the conservative and the liberal is essential for our society structure.
Yeah,except the fact that the migrants have little or no rights and have to put up with all the whims of the saudis especially those migrants which they consider racially inferior to them

Mind those indians which are anti-Islam by nature and have limited understanding of Islam. Despite their ignorance they refuse to learn.
Look who is taking about ignorance and learning.
Saudi Arabia is a country that hosts around 10 million foreigners from different backgrounds, religions, and cultures. Christian have their own private places of worship so do the hindus, sikhs, and the rest. A places like Jeddah, Riyadh and Khobar cities is an example of multicultural environment where everyone lives by the other peacefully and joyfully. There is no problem with Saudi Arabia government but a balance b/t the conservative and the liberal is essential for our society structure.
Sounds like a model policy. But why don't Muslims also have their own private places of worship like the rest?
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