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Can Indonesia Lead ASEAN?

SF units are relatively small for all countries, so equipping them with the best gears is not going to bankrupt the country. One of your pic show that they are still using old cold war era steel helmet. Plus you guys don't train with other SF. Even PRC and Kopassus have trained together, that's how you gain experience when not in combat.

Best trained and equipped SF in asia is PRC, South Korea and Japan. Most experienced is Vietnam and Indonesia.

Kopassus gears looks pretty modern to me. Vietnamese SF looks ancient lol so I don't know why they are not getting the best gears. Doesn't cost much money to equip 300-700 soldiers.
Modern gear will reduce ur natural instinct, when u wear shoes, u can feel what u r stepping in. Our 'mud men' can feel that coz they r almost naked , so, enemy land-mine can't trap them. Modern gear cant help u to avoid being detected by enemy dog,snake when they are almost useless in detecting our 'mud men' coz they cant smell our men

Not sure I can trust your source 100%. But even if it true, it only said some VPA soldier attacked the PLA site with motar from a distance. It is not a special force infiltration raid. Not impressed.

The raid on LIMA site 85 in Laos was impressive and a true spec ops infiltration.
China only can GUESS coz they didnt know how we attack them. after 6 days of the raid They still thought the radar was destroyed by our artillery.
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your SF must train together with kopassus, they got the best stuff available in this world before any units in ASEAN got them

U will be detected by enemy's dog, snake, goose etc easily when wearing this stuff :pop:
Modern gear will reduce ur natural instinct, when u wear shoes, u can feel what u r stepping in. Our 'mud men' can feel that coz they r almost naked , so, enemy land-mine can't trap them. Modern gear cant help u to avoid being detected by enemy dog,snake when they are almost useless in detecting our 'mud men' coz they cant smell our men

China only can GUESS coz they didnt know how we attack them. after 6 days of the raid They still thought the radar was destroyed by our artillery.

So thats what your SF leaders must be thinking. Even some of your regulars soldier have more impressive gears like Israeli Tavors and Negev. I feel sorry for your SF. One big cut on their bare feet and you'll see them limping. Dogs can smell you no matter what mud you're covered with.

Drug mole try these kind of trick all the time at the airport to hide their drugs but can never get pass the security dogs. I don't believe your story.
It is funny because instead of RMB0.5 I smell VND100 in this forum more often.
So thats what your SF leaders must be thinking. Even some of your regulars soldier have more impressive gears like Israeli Tavors and Negev. I feel sorry for your SF. One big cut on their bare feet and you'll see them limping. Dogs can smell you no matter what mud you're covered with.

Drug mole try these kind of trick all the time at the airport to hide their drugs but can never get pass
the security dogs. I don't believe your story.

He's the site's IDIOT what do you expect? I even stop listening to him when he mentioned "Mudmen." Like that will stop a full company of blood thirsty hard trained commandos armed to the teeth with the most modern equipment known to man. Real sabotage shit like that have more chances to go tits up when its gone wrong & it will go wrong.
He's the site's IDIOT what do you expect? I even stop listening to him when he mentioned "Mudmen." Like that will stop a full company of blood thirsty hard trained commandos armed to the teeth with the most modern equipment known to man. Real sabotage shit like that have more chances to go tits up when its gone wrong & it will go wrong.

Their mudmen can infiltrate "goose", that must be hardcore lol.
Muslim soldiers are extremely brave, but also extremely stupid (suidcide bombers are good examples). Israeli SF is one of the best in the world and can eat hizbullah for breakfast. Their SF could not be fully utilized in the previous conflict with Hisbullah due to the IDF tactic. Indonesian SF are good though.

Wow....you dont know that Israel was lost in the previous war.......btw suicide bombing is banned in Islam. Too many people try to relate Moslem Soldiers as Al-Qaeda type of guy. If you learned Islam well....you know there is similarity between Khawarij and Al-Qaeda. Khawarij is the force that break Khulafaur Rashidin by killing Ali Bin Abi Thalib...and Islam world becomes kingdom since then...from democraticly elected khalifah (Abu Bakar, Umar, Ustman, Ali) into Umayyah Kingdom.

For this forum learning....Our independent were fought by 30.000 PETA from Sumatra....and 40.000 PETA from Java......some Japanese deserter and 500 Indian Muslim (Pakistani)....The battle of Independent was so brutal.....400 Indian Muslim (Pakistani) syahid..only 100 left alive. Our liberation Army is so close to Islam. Gen Sudirman is a Muhammadiyah teacher before....pious Moslem...and almost all Indonesians know that what Bung Tomo called on the radio during the Surabaya war in Java where British and Dutch attacked that city there....ALLAHU AKBAR many times...Jihadis Movement in our Land......No one dares to dispute that fact........

The Pillar of our country is Pancasila where the First Pillar is "There is no God beside God Him self" (Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa)..which is the pillar of Islam is Tauhid...so similar. :coffee:
So thats what your SF leaders must be thinking. Even some of your regulars soldier have more impressive gears like Israeli Tavors and Negev. I feel sorry for your SF. One big cut on their bare feet and you'll see them limping. Dogs can smell you no matter what mud you're covered with.
if u step on land mine, then u will lose ur leg too even when u r wearing cool stuff.
Black Flag said:
Drug mole try these kind of trick all the time at the airport to hide their drugs but can never get pass the security dogs. I don't believe your story.
but mud can help our men getting closer to attack range before being detected by dog while it can detect u easily when wearing this stuff

Drug mole try these kind of trick all the time at the airport to hide their drugs but can never get pass the security dogs. I don't believe your story

He's the site's IDIOT what do you expect? I even stop listening to him when he mentioned "Mudmen." Like that will stop a full company of blood thirsty hard trained commandos armed to the teeth with the most modern equipment known to man. Real sabotage shit like that have more chances to go tits up when its gone wrong & it will go wrong.
at least our men infiltrated successfully to China and destroy its radar when I've never heard that ur Kopassus can destroyed any enemy's defensive hardware
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if u step on land mine, then u will lose ur leg too even when u r wearing cool stuff.

but mud it can help our men get closer to attack range before being detected by dog

Drug mole try these kind of trick all the time at the airport to hide their drugs but can never get pass the security dogs. I don't believe your story

AP Mine is banned under International law.
We don't call it empire any more, but power is the same in all countries, it's just different. True Royalty doesn't exist in China or America, but people like royalty does, are you going to say that because we call them something else and they are not exactly alike, privilege doesn't happen?

You have not listed facts, just what you think of the situation, but I learned long time ago, what I think doesn't matter, what matters is what you have. The real world and your little ideal world is not the same.

I'm not saying buy friends, but when you are rich people flock to you, you know why right? Especially in democracies, economy matters, and you think you can risk pissing China off? Elections are at stake.

As to encirclement, and isolation? British Prime minister, French President, Obama, and German Chancellors all flock to China and we to them. If you can't explain exactly what encirclement will do, you can't cause it's not real and useless, then don't mention it again.

BTW it's not our time in the sun, it's always our time, it's just on our walk we stumbled under a tree and was in the shade a while.

I also explained the difference between Germany and China, if you don't understand then.....

Please use facts.

Its always your time?Lol.China has been an isolated bloc for nearly whole of its history.The rest of the world wasn't even bothered with you-apparently the sun.So in modern times if u kept to yourselves it wouldn't be an issue either.But now your trying to experiment in imperialism, a failed idea that was discarded after the 2 world wars.
As for your mockery of the basis of democracy-popular will, know that national honour is more important to any people than ur money.
As for encirclement and not mentioning it,i understand its ur worst nightmare.And encirclement will take place politically.Economically business may still go on as such is the nature of globalized economics,but politically u will be surrounded by a group of nations in mutual support withe ach other and will oppose any attempt by you to expand ur hegemonistic ambitions.This may be expressed by economic embargoes/blockade or military alliances that will squeeze china out of any room for manuevre.If u try to keep up an arms race on multiple fronts ur economy will simply collapse.More arroagnce china displays ,more closer this encirclement comes to reality.USA already has u virtually surrounded.If japan militarizes in earnest and india joins the ASEAN nations and USA ur position will be hopeless.Russia is skeptical of greedy eyes on siberia and previous claims,and also not amused by ur constant technology thefts.We are hoping the day will not come when such an occurence takes place and china comes to its senses.
Civility or Encirclement-Your choice.
your SF must train together with kopassus, they got the best stuff available in this world before any units in ASEAN got them

joint their training camps .............

maybe they can facing against her in one on one combat simulation :oops:

Well, We also test many small arm type at recently, some info give clues that we will choose many new toys in 2014: new standard rifle, new pistol, carbine and SMG for special forces.





I can't picture about FN F2000 and F2000TR, I will post it later.

VPA special force:


P/S: for the beauty, have some fun with this pic:

He's the site's IDIOT what do you expect? I even stop listening to him when he mentioned "Mudmen." Like that will stop a full company of blood thirsty hard trained commandos armed to the teeth with the most modern equipment known to man. Real sabotage shit like that have more chances to go tits up when its gone wrong & it will go wrong.
funy to hear the word "idiot" coming from you considering you are the one who cheers the idea Indonesia becoming a leader. Wait until East Timor joins ASEAN, then Indonesian role is as important as East Timor. :omghaha:

You can laugh at our SF, but unlike Indonesia, Vietnam has seen numerous victories in the last 1,000 years, defeating enemies much larger than itself, including China, Mongolia, America, France, Thailand, Cambodia and Champa.
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