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Can anyone tell me why India and Pakistan don’t get along?

you are wrong on all points you made.. so you are just an ignorant person from outside of the indian subcontinent.

Just wondering If you could be kind enough to educate me out of this ignorance :enjoy:
We have mutual understanding with Punjabis and Sindhis of India who believe their culture is Indian culture(whatever may be their percentage), brainfarts from the other side of the border doesn't matter for us. :enjoy:

95% of Pakistanis have no connection with your national language Urdu, which is native to Uttar Pradesh. :enjoy:

Does that make you Iranian. :laugh:

We don't expect from you.


Does that make you Arabs. :what:

Some Muhajirs of this forum were telling us that we shared common heritage with India. I hope they must not feel awkward when you try to look different from Indian starting from Indus valley civilization. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
pakistan has let men from all regions into her
We as scions of and holders of the cradle of Indus Valley Civilization are the insiders. You are the outsiders and therefore out of it.

Since you are Pashtun, you are neither the holder of IVC because your community migrated to present Pashtun dominated areas only when the Islamic conquest in subcontinent started through Khyber Pass.
agreed.....we r far apart at the poles of culture & religion & identity etc......but how long will it
take to finish this bulk of hate? m dread a day when literally this hate would result in outbreak of
a war & both the effin' cultures would go to perish...!!

m not denying any fact of qaadyanis & Ismaili's, & not exonerating express tribune even, but there
lies a difference in "be friends" & "live as friends", we can atleast choose the 2nd one, coz now i believe both of the nations are breathing not living....!!

lets forget the past yara.....move ahead in peace, no one can afford war anymore...!!:tup:
Since you are Pashtun, you are neither the holder of IVC because your community migrated to present Pashtun dominated areas only when the Islamic conquest in subcontinent started through Khyber Pass.

oh so you have woken up from a deep slumber.

or when Alexander the great invaded india.

Or when the Turks started their incursions in 1100 AD.

Or when you see the map of the areas which were part of Indus Valley Civilization.
We have mutual understanding with Punjabis and Sindhis of India who believe their culture is Indian culture(whatever may be their percentage), brainfarts from the other side of the border doesn't matter for us

Then I could say they have mutual understanding that it had nothing to do with Bharti Culture :D come with facts, and not your mutual understanding. Thanks in advance :enjoy:

95% of Pakistanis have no connection with your national language Urdu, which is native to Uttar Pradesh.

Urdu, A Turkish word meaning army troops. A language formed among army of Turkish, Central Asian, Persian and Arab soldiers. Its vocabulary is hugely dependant on those language.

Does that make you Iranian.

We have no claim, though we have a huge population of Persian origin. Our Army Chief General Kiani is an example :enjoy:

We don't expect from you.

But you do wish so :D

Does that make you Arabs. :what:

Absolutely not!

Some Muhajirs of this forum were telling us that we shared common heritage with India. I hope they must not feel awkward when you try to look different from Indian starting from Indus valley civilization. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Muhajirs! They came from India. Those who came from Punjab and Kashmir mostly settled in Punjab and have mixed in society so much that its really hard to distinguish them from the rest of us. But those who came from Eastern Parts, still have cultural difference with other Punjabis and Sindhis.
oh so you have woken up from a deep slumber.

or when Alexander the great invaded india.

Or when the Turks started their incursions in 1100 AD.

Or when you see the map of the areas which were part of Indus Valley Civilization.

Whatever is your logic, you were not the one who founded the great city of Pushkalavati.
If only someone could define Hiduism... You had to say Blah Blah, coz u had no point. How innocent u get while on the basis of religion some 1300 years ago u consider Pakistan a part of India and yet curse Jinnah that he "divided" India on the basis of religion. LOL.

Anyway Hiduism is a set of ever evolving rituals and traditions. You religion may be derieved from the religion of IVC, when bharat was invaded and Hinduism founded some 1000 BC. But archeological evidence of IVC have proved.

1) Their language was written from right to left unlike sanskrit.
2) Cemetries have been discovered showing they buried their dead.
3) They would eat meat.
4) No sculpture of Hinduism like that of Arjun, Shiva was discovered.

Only thing about Hinduism discovered here was Swastika and as I said your religion may be derieved from the religion of IVC, but it was not Hinduism. If u saying that the people of Pakistan were Hindus in 8th century then that time is gone, its 21st cenury and we are all Muslims, Alhamdulillah.

Regarding your claims that we are invaders.. LOL. You are right, and so are most of the Indians (excluding low casts). First expell them, then you may ask us for to leave Pakistan. But remember even after that, by no logic whatsoever, u could have any claim over Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, Kashmir or Pukhtoonistan. Cheers!

Your comments are thought provoking, but factual mistakes tend to distract attention from their underlying logic, as is the case with your comment referred above. All four assertions are wrong. In order not to divert attention, I shall not go into a detailed explanation, except to hope that you will find the time to check your facts more carefully in future. Also to find the time to spell Hinduism as such, rather than as Hiduism, which makes an odd impression.
Your comments are thought provoking, but factual mistakes tend to distract attention from their underlying logic, as is the case with your comment referred above. All four assertions are wrong. In order not to divert attention, I shall not go into a detailed explanation, except to hope that you will find the time to check your facts more carefully in future. Also to find the time to spell Hinduism as such, rather than as Hiduism, which makes an odd impression.

I understand my friend! In the end it has to be some grammar and spelling correction :D
Anyway, i shall be glad and thankful to u, if u could prove something otherwise :enjoy:
I understand my friend! In the end it has to be some grammar and spelling correction :D
Anyway, i shall be glad and thankful to u, if u could prove something otherwise :enjoy:

That was an unnecessarily sarcastic response to a polite reminder.
And how is that true? Punjabis make 44 % of Pakistan (excluding Saraiki belt), In India Punjabis are less than 3%. Does that make the history of today's pakistan the history of today's India?

1) Historically, IVC had nothing to do with 95% of todays India
2) Then Pakistan was a part of the Achaemenid Persian Empire
3) Then for a brief period it remained a part of Maurya empire. Those 100 years of occupation doesn't make us Bharties.
4) Then today's Pakistani region again became part of the Persian Empire (The Sussanid Empire)
5) Then it got disintegrated and the western parts always remained separate from yours.
6) By 720 C.E. almost 90% of today's Pakistan had become part of The Arad Ummayyad Caliphate.
7) It remained so and unitll it was united by the Mughals.
8) It again disintegrated into hundreds of state.
9) Then it was united under British rule.

Historically we never lived together... and its wrong to use the word Partition. I said it before and saying again. British had fought hundreds of states and dynasties to form their rule over subcontinent and when they left it consisted of only two states. Thus there was no patition.

The only common thing i See with Indians is the language. It is because there was no language available to India that could be used on national level. So Hindi, un-undeniably Urdu with some Sanskrit and regional vocabulary came to rescue. Hindi was formulated only in 1958. Talk sense and tell me how the history of Punjab and Sindh is the History of India?

I think your version of history is better than official Pakistani version of history. Afterall it's better to call oneself Persian than an Arab. Please send a request to include it in Pakistan studies. But take care, Sipah e Sahiba may not like it. They would prefer the Arab thing.
I think your version of history is better than official Pakistani version of history. Afterall it's better to call oneself Persian than an Arab. Please send a request to include it in Pakistan studies. But take care, Sipah e Sahiba may not like it. They would prefer the Arab thing.

I didn't claim to be any Arab or Persian. Perhaps you need to work on your comprehension.

Then I could say they have mutual understanding that it had nothing to do with Bharti Culture :D come with facts, and not your mutual understanding. Thanks in advance :enjoy:

Majority of your founding father were from present territory of India. Jinnah was a Gujarati. Here look at the photo of Jinnah in traditional Gujarati dress, do you see anything native Pakistani culture in that. :what::what:

. Urdu, A Turkish word meaning army troops. A language formed among army of Turkish, Central Asian, Persian and Arab soldiers. Its vocabulary is hugely dependant on those language.

Urdu never originated in Mongolia, it is based on Khariboli of India and 95% Pakistanis have no connection with it. Why don't you follow your own logic.

. We have no claim, though we have a huge population of Persian origin. Our Army Chief General Kiani is an example :enjoy:

I have already seen opinions of Iranians about Pakistanis. :laugh:
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