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Calls to Destroy Egypt’s Great Pyramids Begin

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May 25, 2010
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Calls to Destroy Egypt’s Great Pyramids Begin

According to several reports in the Arabic media, prominent Muslim clerics have begun to call for the demolition of Egypt’s Great Pyramids—or, in the words of Saudi Sheikh Ali bin Said al-Rabi‘i, those “symbols of paganism,” which Egypt’s Salafi party has long planned to cover with wax. Most recently, Bahrain’s “Sheikh of Sunni Sheikhs” and President of National Unity, Abd al-Latif al-Mahmoud, called on Egypt’s new president, Muhammad Morsi, to “destroy the Pyramids and accomplish what the Sahabi Amr bin al-As could not.”
This is a reference to the Muslim Prophet Muhammad’s companion, Amr bin al-As and his Arabian tribesmen, who invaded and conquered Egypt circa 641. Under al-As and subsequent Muslim rule, many Egyptian antiquities were destroyed as relics of infidelity. While most Western academics argue otherwise, according to early Muslim writers, the great Library of Alexandria itself—deemed a repository of pagan knowledge contradicting the Koran—was destroyed under bin al-As’s reign and in compliance with Caliph Omar’s command.
However, while book-burning was an easy activity in the 7th century, destroying the mountain-like pyramids and their guardian Sphinx was not—even if Egypt’s Medieval Mamluk rulers “de-nosed” the latter during target practice (though popular legend still attributes it to a Westerner, Napoleon).

Now, however, as Bahrain’s “Sheikh of Sheikhs” observes, and thanks to modern technology, the pyramids can be destroyed. The only question left is whether the Muslim Brotherhood president of Egypt is “pious” enough—if he is willing to complete the Islamization process that started under the hands of Egypt’s first Islamic conqueror.
Nor is such a course of action implausible. History is laden with examples of Muslims destroying their own pre-Islamic heritage—starting with Islam’s prophet Muhammad himself, who destroyed Arabia’s Ka‘ba temple, transforming it into a mosque.
Asking “What is it about Islam that so often turns its adherents against their own patrimony?” Daniel Pipes provides several examples, from Medieval Muslims in India destroying their forefathers’ temples, to contemporary Muslims destroying their non-Islamic heritage in Egypt, Iraq, Israel, Malaysia, and Tunisia.

Currently, in what the International Criminal Court is describing as a possible “war crime,” Islamic fanatics are destroying the ancient heritage of the city of Timbuktu in Mali—all to Islam’s triumphant war cry, “Allahu Akbar!”
Much of this hate for their own pre-Islamic heritage is tied to the fact that, traditionally, Muslims do not identify with this or that nation, culture, heritage, or language, but only with the Islamic nation—the Umma.
Accordingly, while many Egyptians—Muslims and non-Muslims alike—see themselves as Egyptians, Islamists have no national identity, identifying only with Islam’s “culture,” based on the “sunna” of the prophet and Islam’s language, Arabic. This sentiment was clearly reflected when the former Leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Muhammad Akef, declared “the hell with Egypt,” indicating that the interests of his country are secondary to Islam’s.

It is further telling that such calls are being made now—immediately after a Muslim Brotherhood member became Egypt’s president. In fact, the same reports discussing the call to demolish the last of the Seven Wonders of the Word, also note that Egyptian Salafis are calling on Morsi to banish all Shias and Baha’is from Egypt.
In other words, Morsi’s call to release the Blind Sheikh, a terrorist mastermind, may be the tip of the iceberg in coming audacity. From calls to legalize Islamic sex-slave marriage to calls to institute “morality police” to calls to destroy Egypt’s mountain-like monuments, under Muslim Brotherhood tutelage, the bottle has been uncorked, and the genie unleashed in Egypt.
Will all those international institutions, which make it a point to look the other way whenever human rights abuses are committed by Muslims, lest they appear “Islamophobic,” at least take note now that the Great Pyramids appear to be next on Islam’s hit list, or will the fact that Muslims are involved silence them once again—even as those most ancient symbols of human civilization are pummeled to the ground?
Need to book my holiday to Egypt earlier now. lol
It's Their Country Whatever They Wish .
I hope the pyramids are preserved, there is no Islamic requirement I have ever heard off that necessitates the destruction of the pre-Islamic heritage of a nation. These monuments are reminders of the efforts & accomplishments of those who came before, that itself is sufficient a reason to look after & preserve the pyramids.
nothing to do with Islam

these people are bored and clueless, currently there are a lot of issues plauging Egypt like unemployment, insecurity, unrest, power shortage curroption etc (we have 'em too lol) but these people find the time and energy to destory somethign that will not improve their current ecnomic and social conditions

the ancient sites of Pharaohs bring money from tourism, and provide jobs and livelihood to thousands of people who work there and set up their business
its outright fanaticism and abuse of the power hiding behind religion.
Frontpage magazine is not a trustworthy source.

Yes, there appears to have been past and present(?) calls from extremist preachers to demolish the pyramids, but there is absolutely no indication that Egypt government is seeking to destroy them as the article hints. The nature of this news report is very tendentious and suggestive, the author is quoting Daniel Pipes (a well known Muslim hater), and the author even resorts to hoaxes (Egyptian slave sex marriage) and historical distortions (the Library of Alexandria) to build up his case.

So I doubt that the Pyramids will be destroyed in the nearby future. It would be political suicide, since the already weakened tourism sector on which Egypt depends heavily, would be a given a deathblow. Even the conservative leaders are not that stupid.

Ultra-conservative Frontpage claims Egypt gov’t to “destroy Pyramids” in fearmongering article

CAIRO: In arguably the oddest of news, the American ultra-conservative Frontpage Magazine has said that Egypt’s new government under President Mohamed Morsi has plans to destroy the Great Pyramids of Giza.

The publication, known for its virulent anti-Islamic sentiments and meandering between reality and truth and fiction pertaining to Islam globally and in the United States, argued that the country’s Salafist al-Nour party has brought forth plans to demolish the country’s iconic monuments to take down “symbols of paganism.”

It cited Bahrain’s “Sheikh of Sunni Sheikhs” and President of National Unity, Abdal Latif al-Mahmoud, who reportedly urged Egypt’s new president to “destroy the Pyramids and accomplish what Amr bin al-As could not.”

Mahmoud’s quotes were referring to what Frontpage said were efforts by al-As, a companion to the Prophet Mohamed, who another right-wing publication The Christian Post reported invaded Egypt in 641 and “began destroying Egyptian artifacts.”

That publication does admit to the historical accuracy of the accusations against al-As and the Prophet’s companions in Egypt. But it goes on to allude to al-As being responsible for destroying the Great Library of Alexandria, even though historians attribute its destruction to a fire.

The FrontPage Magazine article then details “examples” of contemporary Muslims across several African and Middle Eastern countries who have destroyed historical monuments.

“Much of this hate for their own pre-Islamic heritage is tied to the fact that, traditionally, Muslims do not identify with this or that nation, culture, or language, but only with the Islamic nation – the Umma,” the article states.

“Accordingly, while many Egyptians – Muslims and non-Muslims alike – see themselves first and foremost as Egyptians, Islamists have no national identity, identifying only with Islam’s ‘culture,’ based on the ‘sunna’ of the prophet and Islam’s language, Arabic,” it claims.

The article is yet another example of fearmongering that highlights the growing divide among real scholarship regarding the Muslim Brotherhood, which is not a Salafist organization, and a few outliers who do not speak for the greater Islamic community, in Egypt and elsewhere.

Lol- destroy the pyramids and uncover the secrets and wealth they may hold-
Lol- destroy the pyramids and uncover the secrets and wealth they may hold-

not much left except some broken clay pots and rags
the riches have been snatched by tomb raiders throughout the time and finally by the Western "archeologists " they can be found in the Museums in the west now
nothing new in it. world has lost mny great monuments because some religion believed its against there religious value.
I hope that this in false news because as a lover of 'Ancient Egypt' (wanted to be an Egyptologist when growing up !), it would pain me deeply to see such an action even being contemplated !
its outright fanaticism and abuse of the power hiding behind religion.
License to such things was granted when unjustifiable Israel-hatred was made the rule in the Muslim world. But why bother with the dangerous business of attacking Jews when so many defenseless people and things can serve as the objects of fanaticism instead?

Muslims can't claim to be unique here; Crusader Christians and even Zealot Jews had similar issues. But Muslims are the problem today and there are few Egyptians and even fewer Pakistanis - willing to tackle it: Egyptians: "Oops, we goofed." Pakistanis: "Go solve your own problems instead Solomon2....blah, blah, blah -"
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