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British dictatorship on display - mandatory oath


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Brits urged to swear oath to their king for first time​

The Archbishop of Canterbury will call for a “chorus of millions” to recite a pledge of fealty to the UK monarchy
Brits urged to swear oath to their king for first time

King Charles III leaves Westminster Palace after the presentation of addresses by both houses of Parliament last September in London. © Getty Images / Ian Vogler
Next week’s coronation of King Charles III will feature an invitation for all British people to swear their allegiance to the new monarch and his descendants in what organizers have billed as a “chorus of millions.”
The ceremony has been revised to include a “homage of the people,” rather than the traditional “homage of peers” in which dukes pledge their allegiance to the sovereign, according to plans announced on Saturday by the Church of England.
Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby will call upon “all persons of goodwill” in the UK and its territories – those attending the ceremony at Westminster Abbey and those watching on television or the internet – to recite the following vows: “I swear that I will pay true allegiance to Your Majesty and to your heirs and successors according to the law, so help me God.” The archbishop will then proclaim, “God save the king” and ask all to respond: “God save King Charles. Long live King Charles. May the king live forever.”
The public pledge is among several tweaks to a ceremony with ancient traditions, some of which date back nearly half a millennium. “Our hope is at that point, when the archbishop invites people to join in, that people wherever they are, if they’re watching at home on their own, watching the telly, ill say it out loud this sense of a great cry around the nation and around the world of support for the king,” a Lambeth Palace spokesperson said.

Among other changes to the traditional ceremony, the coronation will feature female clergy taking a prominent role and leaders of other faiths presenting the king with regalia for the events, including his robe, ring and bracelets. A hymn will be sung in Welsh, Scottish Gaelic and Irish Gaelic. The service will celebrate tradition while adding “new elements that reflect the diversity of our contemporary society,” the archbishop said.

However, King Charles III will take the traditional oaths, including a pledge to maintain “the Protestant Reformed religion.” The archbishop will preface the oath by saying that the Church of England will seek to foster an environment where “people of all faiths and beliefs may live freely.”

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We will be singing the Celtic football club chant and playing it loud

Behold the "liberal" Church of England, suggesting you to swear oaths. The Church of England only exists to serve the crown and defend the crown.

I am not sure if there are actual Christians left in the "elites" of the Church of England. Though there are only Church of England members that deepthroat the boots of the British "royals".

If you want to know British Crown history, loyalists to the British Crown are responsible for the two world wars. These are crazed fanatics that start wars to keep "Anglo-dominance".

And the worst of the USA are British crown devotees:



"Liberal" is pro-Republic, pro-Democracy and anti-crown. Except in the UK. The UK cronies promoted republicanism among Catholic monarchies to weaken rivals for centuries. Yet UK is "anti-crown for thee, not for me". UK exceptionalism.
I am not sure if there are actual Christians left in the "elites" of the Church of England. Though there are only Church of England members that deepthroat the boots of the British "royals".

The British are not religious Christians any more but they’re cultural Christians.

Probably few of the clergy believe in Christianity any more and even fewer professors of theology. Churches are lying empty and being sold off. But the Anglican Church is considered an integral part of British culture. People still use churches for ceremonial purposes like marriages and funerals.

The British Royal Family is also a cultural relic. They put on a good show of pomp and ceremony and people love it. It reminds the British of the good old days of empire. It’s also good for tourism.

I would say that the British are very strong supporters of the cultural symbolism associated with the monarchy and church.
It's not mandatory. It's a suggestion.

What a minor thing to hype.
Your point is valid. But you need to consider the true meaning of an oath. What happens if you don't swear it?

The answer is clear, due to its natural meaning, you would be called a traitor because you have no loyalty to that monarchy, a monarchy that you have had no choice but to accept it.

Swearing an oath to someone that you haven't chosen him or her by yourself represents the laws of a dictatorship.
Your point is valid. But you need to consider the true meaning of an oath. What happens if you don't swear it?

The answer is clear, due to its natural meaning, you would be called a traitor because you have no loyalty to that monarchy, a monarchy that you have had no choice but to accept it.

Swearing an oath to someone that you haven't chosen him or her by yourself represents the laws of a dictatorship.
Brother people are openly republican in this country. The only people who sign an oath are naturalised citizens.

They don't need to take oaths to call us traitors - they imply it all the time.
They should beat that @mike2000 is back with a cane and make him swear the oath. Oh wait, Mikey will get on his knees to swear the oath on a voluntary basis. He is a loyal servant of the king.
The King is irrelevant in the UK tho.. They don't yield any power.. They are only there for clickbaits and for public consumption
Literally no one will do this.

Only the gora oldies might.

The Queen has more power over British law than we ever thought​

Now we know that the mysterious ‘Queen’s consent’ is more than just a procedural formality, it must be scrapped

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