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May be PRC government is not idiot, but the people of Mainland China are! The "smart" CCP able to manipulate all of you!

How can you people fail to see the sick of Chinese economy? 7.6%???

Disgracefully fall from the double-digit!

It won't rise again to the level of 10% of growth. Forget about 9% too. It's just getting slower and slower than 7%, to 6% 5% 4% and so on...Any economists around the world, including CCP said so.


Yeah, a 8.2 trillion economy is not growing 10% per year, the sky is falling.
Yeah, a 8.2 trillion economy is not growing 10% per year, the sky is falling.

You will not see the effect of China economy today, but years to come.

I will tell you the truth. Just look Taiwan. Years ago, because we are democracy and you are not, we were used by foreign media as a propaganda tool against the mainland. We were media darling and it made Taiwanese head huge. Just 4-5 years ago, we still believe we are 1000x superior than you. We are extremely snob people, we looked down everything about the UGLY DIRTY mainland, down, down down!

But it turn out, our greatness is just a fake. We are now facing a fact, that mainland is probably better than us...far better. I just realized that we are being fooled by the media propaganda for all these years. Taiwan was not great, our economy is sick, very very sick.

I just want to tell all mainlanders here, to open your eyes wider, to know the truth about your country. So you can escape from the same mistake Taiwan did. Realize the problems soon, so you can fix it fast, and back again to double-digit! Or at least 9% of growth!
May be PRC government is not idiot, but the people of Mainland China are! The "smart" CCP able to manipulate all of you!

How can you people fail to see the sick of Chinese economy? 7.6%???

Disgracefully fall from the double-digit!

It won't rise again to the level of 10% of growth. Forget about 9% too. It's just getting slower and slower than 7%, to 6% 5% 4% and so on...Any economists around the world, including CCP said so.


When CPC is not happy, then Taiwan is going to be bankrupt, the Mainlanders are also happy of not overbuying your craps. :coffee:
You will not see the effect of China economy today, but years to come.

I will tell you the truth. Just look Taiwan. Years ago, because we are democracy and you are not, we were used by foreign media as a propaganda tool against the mainland. We were media darling and it made Taiwanese head huge. Just 4-5 years ago, we still believe we are 1000x superior than you. We are extremely snob people, we looked down everything about the UGLY DIRTY mainland, down, down down!

But it turn out, our greatness is just a fake. We are now facing a fact, that mainland is probably better than us...far better. I just realized that we are being fooled by the media propaganda for all these years. Taiwan was not great, our economy is sick, very very sick.

I just want to tell all mainlanders here, to open your eyes wider, to know the truth about your country. So you can escape from the same mistake Taiwan did. Realize the problems soon, so you can fix it fast, and back again to double-digit! Or at least 9% of growth!

Taiwan's problem is that it is an island with about 23 million population. It has neither the population nor the resource to form a complete industrial base. As a result, it is dependent on a narrow spectrum of products. To make the matter worse, its small population also means that the amount of engineers and researchers produced each year is insufficient for Taiwan to even compete against South Korea or Japan, let alone the likes of US and China.

To identify mainland China's economy with Taiwan's economy is just plain silly. The two entities have completely different management method, resource base and external environment. For example, Taiwan's financial industry is extreme susceptible to economic attacks because it simply does not have the political/military power to say no, neither could it produce enough goods to back up its currency when it is needed. Mainland, on the other hand, is completely different because it is a nuclear states with enormous industrial capacity to backup any decision it makes.
India's economy is the second & fouth largest in terms of PPP and Nominal GDP.The influence also counts.

And what global influence does India have? Zilch, if you take out its economy. Your own region isn't under your 'influence'. What influence does South Africa have? Zilch again. What military might does it have?
Taiwan's problem is that it is an island with about 23 million population. It has neither the population nor the resource to form a complete industrial base. As a result, it is dependent on a narrow spectrum of products. To make the matter worse, its small population also means that the amount of engineers and researchers produced each year is insufficient for Taiwan to even compete against South Korea or Japan, let alone the likes of US and China.

To identify mainland China's economy with Taiwan's economy is just plain silly. The two entities have completely different management method, resource base and external environment. For example, Taiwan's financial industry is extreme susceptible to economic attacks because it simply does not have the political/military power to say no, neither could it produce enough goods to back up its currency when it is needed. Mainland, on the other hand, is completely different because it is a nuclear states with enormous industrial capacity to backup any decision it makes.

Today is the era of information.

We don't need to be big so we can to be great, nor having strong natural resources. What we need is the brain, the high quality human resource. This is 21st century, btw.

Taiwan missed the opportunity and we pay the price now,...or actually Taiwan is not missed the opportunity...it just our brightest people are running away from the "dangerous island" of Taiwan, an island under siege! You see a lot of great Taiwanese companies and talented people around the world under foreign country flag.

It is hard to say, whatever it's the mainland who back up Taiwan economy, or it's Taiwan who spur growth in the mainland. It is mainland who lowering their competition standard to give Taiwan advantages, or it just Taiwan smart and hardworking. Can any mainlander here tell me? What is your government economy policy to give advantages to Taiwan over mainland companies?

Taiwan has a very strong financial industry. You see the world second tallest tower, Taipei 101 (aka Taipei World Financial Center).
fall of brics will make way for another global depression. they may not be doing great but most of them are not bad compared to global position.
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