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BRICS countries, A powerful group of the world : China Daily

Regarding resources, what makes you think any country, including a BRICS member, will not sell their resources to the West if they can get a better price?
The press conference after the meeting!



Its not about prices really, its about supply security during the time of crisis.

You don't need BRICS for that. China is busy building relationships throughout Africa and elsewhere precisely to secure resources. Other countries are doing likewise.

In case of a conflict, the real issue will be safeguarding supply routes, not sources. If you've got the money, you will get the honey.

And neither Brazil, India nor South Africa will get involved in any way if there is a conflict between China/Russia and the West. They will sell their resources to either side. So will Africa. So will the Middle East and the rest of the world.
Having South Africa on your side was a smartass.

Middle East is in the Pockets of the West.

Africa is divided between East and West.

Australia is in the Pockets of the East.

Brazil is with the East.

The next places to be exploited for resources is Arctic and Antartic.

Half of Arctic is with us. Thanks to Russia.

75% Antartic is with us. Thanks to Brazil, South Africa and India.
Regarding resources, what makes you think any country, including a BRICS member, will not sell their resources to the West if they can get a better price?

It is not about selling of resources. Every country is free to sell what it has to whoever it wishes. No one is talking about a security or guarantee of supply of resources during times of conflict. No one can guarantee such security and no one is asking for such a guarantee. There are no treaties being signed for assured supplies of natural resources. The Military might of Russia or the others is of little concern here. The BRICS are not a military alliance or any other kind of alliance for that matter. It is simply a conglomeration of third world, non western nations which have huge economies and growth rates to reckon with, which are looking to coordinating their international political stance on matters that concern them to voice an alternative opinion to the predominantly western one that rules the world today. The only criteria here that the country should have a strong economy and an opinion that varies from the current US led version.
BRIC(S) is an attempt by China and Russia to build an alliance to counterbalance the dominant West+Japan.

The only two countries that are relevant are China (economically) and Russia (militarily). Everybody else is a wannabe latch-on and will just as easily jump ship to the dominant West/Japan camp if offered a choice.

BRICS is doomed because there is absolutely NOTHING holding them together, other than resentment of the current elite.

LOL....@Bolded part..

Expected from a pakistani. Oouch!!:oops:

The only criteria here that the country should have a strong economy and an opinion that varies from the current US led version.

Exactly. It is a 'not US' alliance, which hardly equates to a joint purpose or agenda. Unless your agenda is to be contrarian, just because.

Although skeptical, I will be interested to see the evolution of BRICS. Certainly, the combined economic power of BRICS is extremely significant if they can coordinate their policies.

LOL....@Bolded part..

Expected from a pakistani. Oouch!!:oops:


So, no substantive reply, then? I didn't think so.
So, no substantive reply, then? I didn't think so.

Lol...Your post reflects your mindset. And i don't wana justify something to you which is well known to everyone. so, you are not worth it :tdown:

Stay happy with you Opinion on BRIC nations. I can only laugh at the frustration which reflects from your posts. :lol:

Lol...Your post reflects your mindset. And i don't wana justify something to you which is well known to everyone. so, you are not worth it :tdown:

Stay happy with you Opinion on BRIC nations. I can only laugh at the frustration which reflects from your posts. :lol:


Again, nothing substantive.
And once again, I am not surprised.
BRICS nations issue joint declaration, calling for reform to international monetary system
English.news.cn 2011-04-14 13:24:06

SANYA, Hainan, April 14 (Xinhua) -- Leaders of the five fast-growing emerging economies vowed to support the reform and improvement in international monetary system for the establishment of a stable, reliable and broad-based international reserve currency system.

"The international financial crisis has exposed the inadequacies and deficiencies of the existing international monetary and financial system," says a declaration issued Thursday after a summit of BRICS nations.

The summit was chaired by Chinese President Hu Jintao and attended by Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and South African President Jacob Zuma.

The management structure of the international financial institutions should reflect changes in the world economy and increase the voice and representation of emerging economies as well as developing nations, reads the Sanya Declaration.

"We welcome the current discussion about the role of the SDR (special drawing rights) in the existing international monetary system including the composition of SDR's basket of currencies," it says.

The five countries urged efforts to intensify international financial supervision and reform while enhancing policy coordination as well as financial regulation and supervision cooperation to promote the sound development of global financial markets and banking systems.

Meanwhile, the countries called for more attention to the risks of massive cross-border capital flows faced by the emerging economies.

They noted that current global economic recovery was still haunted by many uncertainties and major economies should coordinate their macroeconomic policies in order to push for a robust, sustainable and balanced growth in the world economy.


The leaders also highlighted the volatility in global commodity prices, particularly that of grain and energy, which they considered as a new challenge for world economic recovery.

To tackle the issue, "we support the international community in strengthening cooperation to ensure stability and strong development of physical market by reducing distortion and further regulate financial market," the declaration says.

Concerted efforts should be made to expand production capacity and enhance dialogue between producers and consumers to balance supply and demand while increasing support to developing nations in terms of funding and technologies, it says.


On the situation in the Middle East and north and west Africa, the declaration says that force should be avoided in resolving regional turbulence.

"We are deeply concerned with the turbulence in the Middle East, the North African and West African regions and sincerely wish that the countries affected achieve peace, stability, prosperity and progress and enjoy their due standing and dignity in the world according to legitimate aspirations of their peoples," reads the Sanya Declaration.

"We share the principle that the use of force should be avoided," says the declaration.

The five countries vowed continuous cooperation in the UN Security Council on the issue of Libya and urged parties concerned to resolve their differences through peaceful means and dialogue, according to the document.

They expressed their support for the African Union High-Level Panel Initiative on Libya, saying the UN and regional organizations should play their role appropriately.

The countries also reaffirmed the need for a comprehensive reform of the UN, including its Security Council, to make it "more effective, efficient and representative" in order to better deal with current global challenges, the declaration says.


Chinese president urges bigger say for emerging economies in global economic governance

SANYA, Hainan, April 14 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Hu Jintao said Thursday that reforming and improving the global economic governance and increasing the say and representation of emerging economies and developing nations would be conducive to world peace and common prosperity.

Hu made the remarks while meeting the media with leaders of other BRICS countries after a meeting in China's southern beach side resort of Sanya. Full story

Hu stresses world peace, stability at BRICS summit

SANYA, Hainan, April 14 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Hu Jintao called for joint efforts to maintain world peace and stability at the BRICS summit Thursday morning in Sanya, saying that peace and stability form the prerequisite and foundation for development.

Hu said all countries should abide by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and bring into full play the central role of the United Nations and its Security Council in "peace keeping, peace making and peace building. Full story

Hu calls for stronger partnership among BRICS members

SANYA, Hainan, April 14 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Hu Jintao urged BRICS countries to strengthen partnership for common development at the bloc's summit in Sanya on Thursday.

Hu said BRICS cooperation has contributed not only to the economic and social development of five countries, but also to the peace and development of the world. Full story

Special Report: Hu Chairs BRICS Summit, Addresses Boao Forum
yeah !! Why not include whole world in BRICS

It is not for the developing nation only, it is still odd that Russia holds the dual membership of both G8 and BRICS.

Anyway, they have asked China to take the place of Canada in G8, but China has simply rejected that offer.
Growing ODI boosts regional cooperation - People's Daily Online April 14, 2011


A security guard stands in front of a floral arrangement ahead of the BRICS Summit in Sanya, Hainan province. BRICS member nations accounted for 18 percent of global GDP in 2010, and trade volume between the countries has increased with an average growth rate of 28 percent in the past 10 years.(Photo / Agencies)

China's growing overseas investments to other emerging markets will further boost regional cooperation, which may help stimulate the world's economic recovery, economists said on Monday.

The nation has increased it overseas direct investment (ODI) to other emerging economies in recent years.

In 2010, its ODI to Brazil saw a 50-fold jump from 2009 to $17 billion, accounting for one-third of Brazil's investment inflows, according to the Chinese Ministry of Commerce.

Its ODI to Russia also surged by 59 percent year-on-year to $260 million during the first six months of 2010, the ministry said.

Sang Baichuan, director of the Institute of International Economy at University of International Business and Economics in Beijing said China's investments will help further the economic development of the BRICS countries - Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

"China's investments have helped create more jobs, improve infrastructure and increase people's incomes in the local markets," he said.

Meanwhile, China's investments have expanded to new sectors besides the traditional mining, manufacturing and labor-intensive industries.

In Russia, cooperation between the two countries has expanded to include sectors such as transportation, telecommunication, and technological research and development.

In India, bilateral investments tap into sectors including pharmaceutical, software and new materials.

Yang Lihua, director of the Center of Southern African Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that China's investments in South Africa have increased the country's industrialization.

"Besides more jobs and better infrastructure, Chinese companies brought in their experience and advanced technologies in manufacturing and processing industries," she said

While developed economies are still working on recovery, BRICS countries have emerged as the new engine driving the world's economy.

Over the past decade, the emerging economies registered an annual economic growth rate of more than 6 percent on average - China more than 10 percent, India more than 7 percent, Russia more than 6 percent - compared with an average of 2.6 percent in developed economies and the 4.1 percent global average increase.

By 2015, the combined output of BRICS countries is expected to exceed that of the United States, with the total value of their gross domestic product (GDP) accounting for more than 22 percent of the world's total, according to a report released by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences on April 7.

The report also cautioned that the emerging economies should pay more attention to cooperation and foster more trading partners, instead of growing too dependent on developed economies.

Huo Jianguo, director of the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation, a think tank affiliated with the Ministry of Commerce, advocates for more investments among BRICS countries.

"A mechanism should be established to boost investments among BRICS countries and increase their economic development," he said.

"This will help spur the world's economic development," he added.

China's ODI surged by 13.1 percent year-on-year to $5.27 billion during the first two months this year. Authorities are confident that it will continue to grow in the long term because of "the growing competitiveness of Chinese companies", Yao Jian, a spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce, said on Tuesday.

Source: China Daily
It is not for the developing nation only, it is still odd that Russia holds the dual membership of both G8 and BRICS.

Anyway, they have asked China to take the place of Canada in G8, but China has simply rejected that offer.

Canada doesn't deserve to be in G8, since its only a proxy of US.
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