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Breaking News - MiG29 damaged at hard landing at Carrier

Well such accidents do happen, hope pilot and the ground crew is safe, but they are costly for us because we don't have huge defence industry to compensate the lost equipments on time.
was that incident happen because of fault in plane or landing system of Carrier ?
Firstly I'd like to haver a confirmation.

Anyway if this is true it shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone- I always knew the IN's transition from operating Harriers to supersonic high performance MiG-29Ks off mid-sized ACCs was going to be potentially dangerous- any expert would tell you as much. There is a steep learning curve for the IN and landing on shore is one thing but at sea on a moving pithing deck is VERY different. The USN loses/damages a/c this way every year and that too when operating significantly larger ACCs. These pilots will just be getting to grips with carrier operations, they've been training on it for only a few months now.

These things happen, if this is true I hope the pilot is safe.

New one of course! New says hard landing/ crash landing. No details about Pilot. It seems Pilots are safe.
There's a BIG difference between a hard landing and a crabs landing- typical Indian media.

You guys seriously need to recheck your equipment
Shooo troll.
You guys seriously need to recheck your equipment

Come on don't be that rude. Give Indian Naval pilots some time. They just shifted from a vintage Harrier to a newbie Mig-29K.
Only ten Indian pilots so far have been qualified for flight ops from Vikramaditya and the rest are still training. Don't be shocked if such news come again.
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