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Breaking News: First visual evidence of Baitullah Mehsud's dead body

Yes Sir, fake was my initial reaction when i looked at this video. The beared looks kind of fake to me and i doubt his face would be so intact after hellfire hit. But what amazes me is if indeed it is fake, howcome the GEO continues to show this as main news in its headlines.....If it indeed is fake then GEO should publish an apology for misleading Pakistanis, who are always prone to fall for these kind of fake disinformations....I wont be surprised if i hear some simple man saying, "look how satisfied Masood's face looked after death, he must have gone to heaven for having fougth a just 'Jihad'.

so what your point the Baitullah Mehsud is alive . american are still playing games with Pakistan.
It seems that his body is also intact... but may be burnt. As far as his face being intact we don't know how far he was from actual impact point of hellfire... I think missile did not hit him directly otherwise he would had been roosted.
Guys.He is now gone. It does not suit a Muslim to make fun of the dead. Let him go in peace and meat his maker and answer for his deeds as all of us have to. Inna Lillahe wa Inna Elaihe Raajeoon.
LOST IDENTITY: Baitullah Mahsuds Video controversy

Yesterday BBC released a video, which it claimed to be was of Baitullahs corpse released by Taliban
A video received by the BBC shows the body of the former head of Pakistan's largest Taliban group lying in a room. It is not clear where it was taken.

This simple video raises many questions
• The man in the video is real Baitullah Mahsud or Not?
• Why the video is released at a time when its becoming clear that Army is preparing for ground operation
• Why TTP always contact BBC for such releases and news when they know local journalists and can also contact Pakistani News services

The man in the video is not Baitullah Mahsud. Any body who has seen pictures of Baitullah Mahsud, published in Media after his death can easily compare and reach to the conclusion that video is fake. I agree with Lt.Col® Inamullah khan Wazir, former Intelligence officer who yesterday gave beeper on our show that
1. There is no similarity between the actual Baitullah Mahsud and the one shown in the video.
2. Baitullah Mahsud according to Reports was in second floor of his father in Laws house when drone attacked him. The condition of body doesn’t show that. The body gives the idea that he was shot dead and was not killed any drone strike. Even an artillery shell could have mutilated the bodies of those sitting on upper story of house.

The timing of the release is very important to understand. It appears that Security forces are preparing for operation against TTP. Any body who knows Islam and Islamic concept and legends about martyrs can understand that by showing Baitullah Mahsud body in fine condition and any common innocent but ignorant man who don’t know the Strategic realities will say "look how satisfied Mehsud’s face looked after death, he must have gone to heaven for having fought a just 'Jihad'(I have copied and pasted this bold comment from a chat forum). In fact this video is supportive to TTP propaganda and BBC has done a crime by releasing it, and by releasing it without research and common sense helped terrorists. And have helped in TTP recruitment efforts.

I don’t know but I feel BBC focus on sensationalism, especially when it comes to Pakistan. Some time as student of Strategic Studies I feel BBC intentionally commit such blunders which help negative forces. I wrote in Past about it.
Now it’s up to readers to judge them selves

LOST IDENTITY: Baitullah Mahsuds Video controversy
so what your point the Baitullah Mehsud is alive . american are still playing games with Pakistan.

Well I dont think that my post suggests any of what you mentioned, rather a "doubt" on the video not being real.

I would like to see Masood dead as much as any patriotic Pakistani....so to answer your question: No that is not my point that he s still alive.
If you've ever seen Baitullah Mehsud, you'd know that this video isn't fake.

He died, and this is a video of his corpse and from what I can tell, there's no "Conspiracy" attached with this development.

This isexactly the point! we have seen other B.Mehsud on media before?
Now this new moron..... declared to be B.Mehsud!

^^Who is this guy? if the man in vedio is B. Mehsud!

I suspect more this man who has been seen working with indian looking people some times face covered people.

To be honest... I would only believe that B.Mehsud is dead when i see the dead body of this man in picture.
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This isexactly the point! we have seen other B.Mehsud on media before?
Now this new moron..... declared to be B.Mehsud!

^^Who is this guy? if the man in vedio is B. Mehsud!

I suspect more this man who has been seen working with indian looking people some times face covered people.

To be honest... I would only believe that B.Mehsud is dead when i see the dead body of this man in picture.

The picture you posted is not of Baitullah Mehsud. Thats his brother "Abdullah Meshud" and he was killed back in 2007.

This is Baitullah Mehsud;

The above picture is of Abdullah Mehsood who killed in Balochistan.
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