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Brazilian world cup football 'Brazuca' is made in Pakistan


Jan 20, 2011
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this is such a pride for Pakistan :cheers:

Pakistan should give special attention to football industry, chinese would have got this credit, but fortunately we got it

so practically Pakistan will be present as an integral part of every football match, every pass, every kick and every goal will have Pakistan in it :pakistan: :cheers:
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News Update > Video News
World Cup ball: Pakistan launches the "Brazuca"
Reporter: Danial Khan 丨 CCTV.com

06-07-2014 14:59 BJT

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Even though Pakistan has never played in a football world cup, no other team would have had the chance to play it, if Pakistan did not produce the ball! So when Brazil and Croatia kick off the tournament in Sao Paolo on June 12th, they’ll be using a ball made in Pakistan, called the "Brazuca".

About 70 percent of the world’s hand-sewn footballs are made in Pakistan. In the 1980s, Sialkot gained international celebrity status when it produced the Tango ball used in the 1982 FIFA World Cup. Today Sialkot’s hand-stitched balls face competition from the machine-made balls produced in China. But despite tough competition, the manufacturers have managed to bring back the world cup football production to Pakistan.
While one factory has received the order of producing the ball to be played in the world cup, others have received much bigger orders to manufacture world cup promotional balls. Talon sports, a Sialkot sports goods factory have received an order to produce six million balls.

But with big orders comes bigger responsibility. Workers at talon sports are putting their hearts and minds - day in and day out - to meet the target.

Chaudhry saleem, chairman of talon sports gives all credit to the brazilian football legend, Pele, winner of three World Cups, in 1958, 1962 and 1970.

The workers seem quite satisfied with the big order, for now, they don’t have to worry about making their ends meet.

Despite witnessing financial crisis in the past, the football industry in Sialkot is going strong. Over Forty million foot balls, worth about $210 million are produced in Sialkot every year.

Sialkot is known as one of the leading sports goods industries in the world. This factory can produce over 30,000 footballs in a single day. The manufacturers say that with the help of international sporting brands they can be able to achieve bigger targets.

they are playing with our ball, they look so happy :woot: :partay::astagh:

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Arre arre its just a ball , no big deal :lol:
Vaise we knew the potential of Pakistan's football industry and the positive image that it creates .
Brazil 2014: Can the Brazuca pump up the deflated World Cup football?

A poor workman often blames his tools, and every four years the official World Cup football seems to provide the perfect excuse for poor play.
As balls go, the ones created for soccer's showpiece tournament have often fallen a bit flat.
At the 2002 tournament the Fevernova was deemed too light; four years later the Teamgeist was judged too heavy -- and then came the unloved Jabulani...
Compared to a "beach ball" by Spain goalkeeper Iker Casillas, called "dreadful" by England counterpart David James and described as "very complicated" by Argentina's star striker Lionel Messi -- who had actually been enlisted to help promote the ball -- the Jabulani left the 2010 tournament with a deflated reputation.
So it's over to the Brazuca -- a colloquial term used to describe pride in the Brazilian way of life -- to pump up pride for German manufacturer Adidas, which has been official ball supplier for the world's biggest sporting event since 1970.

Like those that have gone before it, the Brazuca is debuting innovative technology, as South America hosts the World Cup for the first time since 1978.

It is formed from six identical panels -- two fewer than South Africa's Jabulani -- which are glued together at a certain level of heat and pressure.

But the Brazuca has another important design difference which could kick the problems of its predecessors into touch.
"As soon as I got hold of the ball I could see how different it was from the previous two," says Dr. Simon Choppin, a research fellow at the Center for Sports Engineering Research at Britain's Sheffield Hallam University.
"Adidas have come up with a design where they've got a deeper and longer seam between the panels than on the Jubulani," he told CNN.
"It seems strange to say, but this is an innovation because it's more like the traditional, hand-stitched football where the seam is quite prominent on the ball.
"That seam size and the depth are really important in terms of how the ball behaves aerodynamically."
Choppin said the Jabulani "misbehaved" because of the smoothness it gained through its thermal bonding process.
"The player would strike the ball, and in certain regions of the ball the air was chaotic and in others the air was smooth," he explains.
"That creates an imbalance in the forces, so the ball tends to get pushed upwards or sideways or downwards.
"With the Brazuca you won't get that patchiness of air, you won't have areas of turbulent or smooth flow, and that will lead to its trajectory being more predictable, more like a normal football.
"It might be better than other balls in how it consistently rolls, and traveling through the air I think it will be more like the footballs that the players are used to in their domestic leagues."
Adidas is taking nothing for granted and has applied a policy of "practice makes perfect" to make sure its 2014 World Cup match ball is a success.
It is even calling the Brazuca "the most tested ball Adidas has ever produced" -- and it has the statistics to prove it.

"It was tested in 10 countries, across three continents by more than 600 players and 30 teams," Matthias Mecking, Adidas business unit director of football, explained to CNN.
"The Brazuca was tested by teams including Argentina and Spain, Bayern Munich and Chelsea and current players such as Messi and Casillas.
"It was also tested in Brazil's diverse seasons and climate conditions. We tested it in June and July in various cities to replicate the conditions and temperatures during the tournament.
"The ball was also tested at altitude, at 1300m in Sao Paulo and 1600m in Colorado in the United States.
"It was also tested on dry, slightly damp and very wet pitches, and in windy conditions, gusts and heavy rain."
After such a huge tick list, it is no surprise that the Brazuca has received positive reviews from many of the players who hope to kick and curl it to World Cup glory over the next month.
"The weight is really good, which tells me it's going to be a very reliable and true ball," says England midfielder and captain Steven Gerrard, who is sponsored by Adidas.
"The players want to try to be as accurate as they can with the ball, and we get a better chance of doing that if the weight's right because it does what you ask it to do."
Four-time world player of the year Messi said in a similar press release: "My first impression of the ball is that it's really good."
Even non-Adidas contracted players such as Wayne Rooney, Julio Cesar and Joe Hart have praised the ball in the buildup to the tournament.

The first batch of Brazucas were dropped off to all 32 national federations competing in the World Cup in time for Christmas last year.
In May, the 4,000 official match balls to be used arrived in Brazil and the training balls were, in turn, handed over to each federation when they arrived at their warmup camps.
With such meticulous planning, the players have had plenty of time to get used to the Brazuca, but will armchair football fans be able to tell one ball from another?

"If a piece of sports equipment is doing its job, you won't notice it," says Choppin, who has spent much of his career analyzing the behavior of footballs and tennis racquets.
"Previously when these balls wobbled in the air they made the job hard for goalkeepers, so there were more goals, and that's quite good for the person at home watching.
"Adidas has remedied that behavior so I'm predicting the Brazuca is not going to do anything completely crazy or unexpected, so maybe we won't notice as much."

If the Brazuca does have any hidden idiosyncrasies, then the World Cup's most gifted players could still turn them to their advantage.
"When the football at one of the previous World Cups started behaving strangely and wobbling in a certain way Portugal's Cristiano Ronaldo learned how to kick the ball in that way repeatedly," Choppin explains..
"So if a piece of equipment starts behaving differently it potentially gives the player an advantage.
"The best players won't complain about it -- they'll exploit it and use it to their advantage.

"Once he had learned to control the ball, Ronaldo saw it was a big advantage and he started scoring lots of free kicks."
But for those without the rare ability to bend the ball like Ronaldo and Messi, could a perfect football be created?
"Maybe as technology progresses, we can do away with seams altogether and start with a blank canvas," Choppin predicts.
"Manufacturers will be able to choose ball behavior themselves by adding indented roughness.
"I imagine a future where you can make a football that's marble smooth and then you press in the roughness and seams like adding dimples to a golf ball."
Even if the perfect football was conceived and created, there may never be such a thing as a universal ball -- at least not in today's competitive, commercial market.
The raison d'etre for the Teamgeist, the Jubulani and the Brazuca is to showcase Adidas technology and create demand for an exciting new product in front of a global audience.
World football's governing body FIFA is expecting 3.2 billion people to watch some portion of the month-long tournament.
As long as Adidas, Nike, Mitre, Umbro and other rival companies are competing to sell sports equipment, then a football with universal match appeal will remain as elusive as the gold World Cup trophy itself.
As for the Brazuca, no matter how consistently it performs in Brazil, its fate on future football fields has already been decided.
After the tournament the match balls rolled out in Brazil will become another Adidas marketing tool used in giveaways, exhibitions and retails.
The march of technology and the demand of the dollar means in many ways the Brazuca has already been consigned to history before the World Cup kicks off.

Brazil 2014: Can the Brazuca pump up the deflated World Cup football? - CNN.com

'Visa waiver for Pakistani fans travelling to the World Cup'

ISLAMABAD: Close to 500 Pakistani fans are travelling to Brazil to witness the biggest sporting carnival - the 2014 FIFA World Cup, Brazil’s Ambassador to Pakistan Alfredo Leoni said on Thursday.

“We have issued visas to around 200 people from Pakistan, while the rest of Pakistanis are travelling to our country from other parts of the world,” Leoni told reporters at the Brazilian Embassy here.

“Here in Pakistan, we've given 100 per cent waiver on visas to Pakistani fans to help them enjoy football extravaganza in our country,” he said.

Leoni praised Pakistan’s football manufacturing industry which will be supplying the balls being used at this year’s World Cup.

Pakistan secured the contract when FIFA World Cup’s Chinese supplier Adidas failed to keep up with the demand of footballs in Rio de Janeiro. Sialkot ball manufacturing company Forward Sports stepped in and secured the deal. They had only 33 days to make it happen but they managed and now Pakistan will be represented at the World Cup by the ‘Brazuca’.

“Though Pakistan is a 164th-ranked football team, it has left all others behind in production of quality balls. I feel proud to be ambassador in a country which will be supplying all the balls being used in the FIFA World Cup,” he added.

Pakistan produces around 70 per cent of the total number of hand-made balls in the world. Around the time of the World Cup the production jumps to more than 60 million balls. The Pakistani city of Sialkot is the hub of the country's football manufacturing industry.

Forward Sports owner, Malik Khwaja Masood Akhtar, told DW he had prepared footballs for a number of international events, but preparing ‘Brazucas’ was more challenging.

“We normally make hand-made footballs. Manufacturing machine-made balls was a tough task. We had to use various computer programs and modern equipment to produce the footballs. We didn't have experts who could do this job, but we worked hard and did not compromise on quality,” Akhtar added.
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or 2202. :D

India or Pakistan should qualify together, or it'd be a waste.

To Qualify for world cup India or Pakistan will have to beat teams like Iraq, Iran, KSA, Australia, UAE, South Korea, North Korea, Japan or Uzbekistan. I don't see this happening for another 50 years.
Give a Chance and train the boys of Liyari Karachi.... they stood 3rd in Street Football in Brazil.... :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::victory::victory::victory:
Give a Chance and train the boys of Liyari Karachi.... they stood 3rd in Street Football in Brazil.... :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::victory::victory::victory:

The Brazillian Ambassador Once Visited Lyari and Was Very Impressed.He Said He Thought For A While He Was In The Streets of Brazil Watching Young Boys Play.(The Very Streets Which Gave The World Ronaldo Rivaldo Kaka etc).He Even Offered To Take Some Lyari Boys To Brazil For Training

Our Boys Have Talent All They Need Is Patronisation
To Qualify for world cup India or Pakistan will have to beat teams like Iraq, Iran, KSA, Australia, UAE, South Korea, North Korea, Japan or Uzbekistan. I don't see this happening for another 50 years.

they are asian Brazils :D
Give a Chance and train the boys of Liyari Karachi.... they stood 3rd in Street Football in Brazil.... :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::victory::victory::victory:

its not like that football is in Lyariites genes, its just that pakistanis are more fanatic about cricket than football, lyariites love football more, and so do makranis

pakistanis need to through out this colonial game called cricket and field hockey and embrace those game the entire world plays,

even brits don't care about cricket, why should pakistanis?
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