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BrahMos eyes 20% of global Missile market share

Indian Tiger

May 31, 2011
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New Delhi: On the completion of 10 years since its first flight in June 2001, supersonic cruise missile BrahMos, jointly developed and produced by India and Russia, is looking forward to capture 20% of the global missile market share in the next decade.

CEO BrahMos Aerospace Dr A Sivathanu Pillai told FE, said: “While the global missile market is being dominated by the American and French missiles, in 10 years time we are looking at capturing 20% of the global market share, besides fulfilling the need of the Indian armed forces.”

The missile systems which cost nearly R10 crore each has impressed many a countries. Highly placed sources have revealed that some Latin American countries had almost finalised a deal for the weapon when the US intervened and offered Harpoons. Also, several middle eastern countries have also shown interest in the product. Termed as India’s Brahmastra (the ultimate weapon),it is the only supersonic cruise missile of its class in the world with a range of 290 km and a speed of 2.8 Mach (nearly three times the speed of the sound).

While the Indo-Russian joint venture BrahMos can be fired from land, air and sea, earlier this year, a war of words between India and Russia threatened to delay the development of the air version of the BrahMos cruise missile. The standoff has already delayed the testing of the air version of the missile. “We have made the launcher that would be integrated with the Sukhoi. It has been ground-tested. But we need to confirm our studies by firing a missile from it when the aircraft is engaged in high-speed manoeuvres,” sources said.

This missile gives it a formidable edge over its contemporaries and makes it a lucrative investment for countries seeking to boost their defences. Currently, both the Indian Army and the Navy have already inducted the land and naval variant of the missile respectively. Modifications are being carried out on the frontline fighter jets Sukhoi Su-30MKI to integrate BrahMos on the platform.

Interestingly, in an effort to further cement its military relations with India, Russia , which prohibits weapons manufactured outside the country from being deployed in its soil, has made changes to its laws to help induction of BrahMos in its forces.

BrahMos Aerospace has a professional market division to pitch the missile for sales to friendly foreign countries to India and Russia. BrahMos Aerospace is looking forward to export 1000 units of the missile systems and supply an equal number to the Indian forces. The test of an underwater BrahMos is also slated by the end of this financial year.

According to Pillai, “A joint venture for the missile development was new for both the parties (India and Russia). While Russians had the liquid ramjet engine we had the upper hand in the ground systems like fire control systems, launchers. So we decided to pool in our resources and knowledge to achieve BrahMos.

BrahMos eyes 20% of global market share
Highly placed sources have revealed that some Latin American countries had almost finalised a deal for the weapon when the US intervened and offered Harpoons.
Highly placed sources have revealed that some Latin American countries had almost finalised a deal for the weapon when the US intervened and offered Harpoons.

Yes most probably South American nations like Equador and Venezuela
Yes most probably South American nations like Equador and Venezuela

Venezuela?Have you been smoking weed.After Chavez the US would sell none of it's military equipment to Venezuela.They've been relying on the Russians for military equipment.
The best best missile that can be fired from various platforms that can hit a variety of targets.
I personally think its a terrible idea. Selling a crusie missile and that too like Brahmos which is the most notorious among this is not a good idea. US-Russia never sells their best weapon so should we. If we really wanna sell we now have many weapon systems like dhruv, LUH and LCH in helicopters. We have also developed a couple trainers which could be sold. For maritime surveillance we can sell dronier. We can also sell barak or upcoming Maetri or Akash or Nag or Astra. We can also sell Arjun or tank ex or abhay IFV or the new vehicles being built by our private sector but we don't have to sell our best weapons like Brahmos, FGFA or AMCA.

Brahmos Corp. have already sold billions worth of Brahmos missiles to our armed forces and more orders of block 3 will be placed followed by orders by IAF for its aircraft and Navy for its submarines and then the Brahmos 2 will be ready for sale. I highly doubt there's a need to sell Brahmos especially when Brahmos is busy fulfilling the order of our armed forces at the moment.
I personally think its a terrible idea. Selling a crusie missile and that too like Brahmos which is the most notorious among this is not a good idea. US-Russia never sells their best weapon so should we. If we really wanna sell we now have many weapon systems like dhruv, LUH and LCH in helicopters. We have also developed a couple trainers which could be sold. For maritime surveillance we can sell dronier. We can also sell barak or upcoming Maetri or Akash or Nag or Astra. We can also sell Arjun or tank ex or abhay IFV or the new vehicles being built by our private sector but we don't have to sell our best weapons like Brahmos, FGFA or AMCA.

Brahmos Corp. have already sold billions worth of Brahmos missiles to our armed forces and more orders of block 3 will be placed followed by orders by IAF for its aircraft and Navy for its submarines and then the Brahmos 2 will be ready for sale. I highly doubt there's a need to sell Brahmos especially when Brahmos is busy fulfilling the order of our armed forces at the moment.

Its a common market strategy, if you wish to enter the market, you must deliver something better than what is already available in the market. This helps a lot in building up the recognisition and goodwill of the company.

This formula applies to all products be it a mobile or a missile. India is quiet new in the field of arms delivery, hence india need to sell the best.

moreover brahmos I is only the initial version product, in the coming decade we are going to see a much better improved version of it, at that time brahmos I would be the thing of past.

Then india would keep next decade better weapons only for herself kept aside in the pocket and would make current decade weapons for sale..
Its a common market strategy, if you wish to enter the market, you must deliver something better than what is already available in the market. This helps a lot in building up the recognisition and goodwill of the company.

This formula applies to all products be it a mobile or a missile. India is quiet new in the field of arms delivery, hence india need to sell the best.

moreover brahmos I is only the initial version product, in the coming decade we are going to see a much better improved version of it, at that time brahmos I would be the thing of past.

Then india would keep next decade better weapons only for herself kept aside in the pocket and would make current decade weapons for sale..

We sell Brahmos to the wrong countries ad we end up giving the enemies an edge! They willl pick it apart and exmine its weaknesses and strengths. We should really focus on developing our forces, not sales. If you take a closer look, the military industrial complex is what has given an edge to US/Russian enemies. We need to be more diligent as we all know how easily mistakes are made and corruption is rooted in India.
I personally think its a terrible idea. Selling a crusie missile and that too like Brahmos which is the most notorious among this is not a good idea. US-Russia never sells their best weapon so should we. If we really wanna sell we now have many weapon systems like dhruv, LUH and LCH in helicopters. We have also developed a couple trainers which could be sold. For maritime surveillance we can sell dronier. We can also sell barak or upcoming Maetri or Akash or Nag or Astra. We can also sell Arjun or tank ex or abhay IFV or the new vehicles being built by our private sector but we don't have to sell our best weapons like Brahmos, FGFA or AMCA.

Brahmos Corp. have already sold billions worth of Brahmos missiles to our armed forces and more orders of block 3 will be placed followed by orders by IAF for its aircraft and Navy for its submarines and then the Brahmos 2 will be ready for sale. I highly doubt there's a need to sell Brahmos especially when Brahmos is busy fulfilling the order of our armed forces at the moment.
What if Russia thought the same?
No mki's, brahmos...
Thats not the strategy...
To everyone who is concerned about the sale of the missiles. We are not selling the best version. That would be Bramhos-2. Also there are no reports of Missile launching platforms to be sold.
Missiles sold to Russia and India are subsidized. The money made off these sales would allow financing for future missile technology. Which means burden on my money (taxes) is less.
For those worrying about people taking it apart and finding weaknesses..C'mon! By that definition US would not sell us Patriot missiles or the Russians would not have sold the Sukhoi's to the Chinese. Despite a strong economy India and China are taking decades to build their own capabilities, I doubt Ecuador or Venezuela would be able to do it anytime soon.
We sell Brahmos to the wrong countries ad we end up giving the enemies an edge! They willl pick it apart and exmine its weaknesses and strengths. We should really focus on developing our forces, not sales. If you take a closer look, the military industrial complex is what has given an edge to US/Russian enemies. We need to be more diligent as we all know how easily mistakes are made and corruption is rooted in India.

nope we wont be selling them neither are we selling them to any hostile country, our leadears wont do anything that stupid just to make few extra dollars
and the countries we are selling them to, i dont think they are smart enough to reverse engineer that mighty weapon
it would take decades for them to come even close to that, by that time technology will have changed completely and we would see better weapons coming up, and by then weapons of toady ( even brahmos I ) would become not so usefull. hence no need to worry
What if Russia thought the same?
No mki's, brahmos...
Thats not the strategy...
Russia India has a special relationship, you can see that from FGFA deal. As far as Brahmos is considered Russia is not at all interested in selling it (its official). They believe that some country might increase the range of this missile which could be more dangerous and might even turn deadly for us.

I still don't get it, according to the Russians its not difficult that anyone can increase the range of Brahmos, so why haven't we built a longer range different missile ? I hope Brahmos hyper-sonic should have a longer range.

We have a responsibly for not making this world more dangerous, lets be serious US Tomahawk is nothing in comparison to Brahmos and we also have to make sure that our weapons is not used against us.
We should not proliferate weapons to countries which are not reliable. We will also end up changing regional balances.
Russia India has a special relationship, you can see that from FGFA deal. As far as Brahmos is considered Russia is not at all interested in selling it (its official). They believe that some country might increase the range of this missile which could be more dangerous and might even turn deadly for us.

I still don't get it, according to the Russians its not difficult that anyone can increase the range of Brahmos, so why haven't we built a longer range different missile ? I hope Brahmos hyper-sonic should have a longer range.

We have a responsibly for not making this world more dangerous, lets be serious US Tomahawk is nothing in comparison to Brahmos and we also have to make sure that our weapons is not used against us.
Then what do you think SAURYA is.
It is a supersonic/hypersonic missile with range 750-1000km.
Shaurya can reach a velocity of
Mach 6 even at low altitudes. On
November 12, the missile
reached a velocity of Mach 5 as
it crossed a distance of 300 km,
with a surface temperature of
700{+0} Celsius. The missile
performed rolls to spread the
heat uniformly on its surface.
Flight time is between 500
seconds and 700 seconds. It has
been described as a complex
system with high-performance
navigation and guidance systems,
efficient propulsion systems,
state-of-the-art control
technologies and canisterised
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