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Bradley Manning Deserves 60-Year Sentence, Government Argues


Nov 18, 2010
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FORT MEADE, Md. -- Bradley Manning's crimes were so serious that he deserves to spend 60 years in prison, the government asserted during closing arguments in the sentencing phase of Manning's court martial on Monday.

While acknowledging that Manning is young and pleaded guilty to some of the charges against him, Army prosecutor Capt. Joe Morrow said Manning "betrayed" the United States and "deserves to spend the majority of his remaining life in confinement."

Defense attorney David Coombs, meanwhile, did not request a specific sentence for his client. But he argued that Manning is "a young man capable of being redeemed," and said that military judge Col. Denise Lind should offer him the opportunity to one day raise a family.

Manning, a 25-year-old Army private first class, sent 700,000 sensitive government documents to WikiLeaks. He was convicted in July on 20 counts -- including six Espionage Act violations -- that in total carry a maximum 90-year sentence. By his own decision, his court martial is being tried by a judge, rather than a panel of military officers.

Bradley Manning Deserves 60-Year Sentence, Government Argues
He deserves to get liberals' edorsement to a seat in next democrat's campaign commission. If liberal really means liberal.
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