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Brace for two-front war, Indian Army told


Mar 31, 2008
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The Pioneer > Online Edition : >> Brace for two front war Army told

Brace for two-front war, Army told

Rahul Datta | New Delhi

In an unprecedented move that has confirmed India’s concerns about China’s growing military might, the Government has for the first time given a directive in writing to the armed forces to enhance their military capabilities vis-a-vis the neighbouring country and prepare for a two-front war scenario with China and Pakistan.

Asking the armed forces to prepare themselves to fight simultaneous wars on the eastern and western fronts with China and Pakistan, Defence Minister AK Antony has directed the chiefs of Army, Navy and Air Force to rapidly modernise and upgrade their weapon systems and tone up operational preparedness.

The Services have been assured full support from the Government in this endeavour, sources said.

Explaining the significance of the directive, the sources maintained that it came against the backdrop of the armed forces’ apprehensions about the rapid modernisation programme of their Chinese counterparts. The directive will allow the armed forces to build capabilities to rapidly move troops from one theatre of war to the other by procuring more transport planes and improved rail and road network for ferrying weapons systems.

Modern warfare was all about speed, lethality and mobility and the directive would go a long way in helping the armed forces achieve this objective as soon as possible, the sources added.

The directive follows the Cabinet Committee on Security’s (CCS) nod to the Army to raise two more mountain divisions (each division has 10,000 troops) on the China front. With the focus on improving infrastructure, the Army was last year allowed to raise two mountain divisions. It means that in the next four or five years, it would have four divisions on the China front.

The Government has also removed the 10-year cap on recruitment and permitted the Army to go for fresh intakes. Coupled with this important development, the Government has cleared the proposal to acquire more than 200 Howitzer guns for these divisions through the foreign military sale route from the US.

“The Howitzer guns are light. These can be dismantled and carried on horseback or by helicopters to the remote and rugged terrain of Arunachal Pradesh and other such regions in Jammu & Kashmir where road infrastructure is non-existent,” sources said.

While the two-front war concept was in public domain and being discussed in seminars and TV debates, the political leadership had so far refrained from joining the debate. The recently-issued directive clearly indicates that the Government has finally heeded the concerns of the armed forces and given them unambiguous orders to go ahead and do the needful, sources said.

This decision would give the necessary momentum to the security establishment to improve the infrastructure, including all-weather roads right up to the Line of Actual Control (LAC) and airports and helipads in remote regions of States like Arunachal Pradesh. In fact, the armed forces are already engaged in upgrading nearly 25 airports in the North-East and the project is likely to be over within the next two years.

India and China have a 5,000-km-long disputed border and the Chinese have over the years rapidly improved their logistical lines by building roads right up to their side of the LAC. India is in a disadvantageous position as the terrain on its side is hilly and building roads there takes more time than in the plains, sources said, adding that the slopes on the Chinese side are gentler.


Its a very important development for indian armed forces.
Simultaneously fighting at two fronts has become very realistic in the current geo-political scenario.
It will be interesting to see how quickly the govt. of india takes the issue of development of infrastructure at the indo-china border.
Then for fcuks sake, dont tell us to move troops from our eastern front to fight in our tribal areas!

Accept it that you are a PIA of the entire region and 'like-and-try' to bully around despite the fact that you yourself live in a glass house.
The Pioneer > Online Edition : >> Brace for two front war Army told

Brace for two-front war, Army told

Rahul Datta | New Delhi

In an unprecedented move that has confirmed India’s concerns about China’s growing military might, the Government has for the first time given a directive in writing to the armed forces to enhance their military capabilities vis-a-vis the neighbouring country and prepare for a two-front war scenario with China and Pakistan.

Asking the armed forces to prepare themselves to fight simultaneous wars on the eastern and western fronts with China and Pakistan, Defence Minister AK Antony has directed the chiefs of Army, Navy and Air Force to rapidly modernise and upgrade their weapon systems and tone up operational preparedness.

The Services have been assured full support from the Government in this endeavour, sources said.

Explaining the significance of the directive, the sources maintained that it came against the backdrop of the armed forces’ apprehensions about the rapid modernisation programme of their Chinese counterparts. The directive will allow the armed forces to build capabilities to rapidly move troops from one theatre of war to the other by procuring more transport planes and improved rail and road network for ferrying weapons systems.

Modern warfare was all about speed, lethality and mobility and the directive would go a long way in helping the armed forces achieve this objective as soon as possible, the sources added.

The directive follows the Cabinet Committee on Security’s (CCS) nod to the Army to raise two more mountain divisions (each division has 10,000 troops) on the China front. With the focus on improving infrastructure, the Army was last year allowed to raise two mountain divisions. It means that in the next four or five years, it would have four divisions on the China front.

The Government has also removed the 10-year cap on recruitment and permitted the Army to go for fresh intakes. Coupled with this important development, the Government has cleared the proposal to acquire more than 200 Howitzer guns for these divisions through the foreign military sale route from the US.

“The Howitzer guns are light. These can be dismantled and carried on horseback or by helicopters to the remote and rugged terrain of Arunachal Pradesh and other such regions in Jammu & Kashmir where road infrastructure is non-existent,” sources said.

While the two-front war concept was in public domain and being discussed in seminars and TV debates, the political leadership had so far refrained from joining the debate. The recently-issued directive clearly indicates that the Government has finally heeded the concerns of the armed forces and given them unambiguous orders to go ahead and do the needful, sources said.

This decision would give the necessary momentum to the security establishment to improve the infrastructure, including all-weather roads right up to the Line of Actual Control (LAC) and airports and helipads in remote regions of States like Arunachal Pradesh. In fact, the armed forces are already engaged in upgrading nearly 25 airports in the North-East and the project is likely to be over within the next two years.

India and China have a 5,000-km-long disputed border and the Chinese have over the years rapidly improved their logistical lines by building roads right up to their side of the LAC. India is in a disadvantageous position as the terrain on its side is hilly and building roads there takes more time than in the plains, sources said, adding that the slopes on the Chinese side are gentler.



I do not want to flame but had this was done by Pakistan their would have been a big cry by India...!!!!!!!!!!
I do not want to flame but had this was done by Pakistan their would have been a big cry by India...!!!!!!!!!!

Neither do i .... But India has been crying from a long time for the terrorism problem emanating from the so call non state actors of Pakistan!! What happened ? Nothing ...
I think finally the Indian ministry finally realises the truth and is taking a step in the right direction..the sorry *** babu's is good for nothing, but i support them in this decision...as Gubbi said ...better be safe than sorry !!!
On other hand...i have to say this...

It doesnt make any sense to publicize this in Media....these things are better covertly....whats the point of publishing this report ?

Are we buying time...by annoucing to the concerned parties that we know their intentions !! anyways, i feel its a foolish move !!
Then for fcuks sake, dont tell us to move troops from our eastern front to fight in our tribal areas!

Accept it that you are a PIA of the entire region and 'like-and-try' to bully around despite the fact that you yourself live in a glass house.

And we have a lot of tools to demolish it if we received any aggression from this "Glass house"
Neither do i .... But India has been crying from a long time for the terrorism problem emanating from the so call non state actors of Pakistan!! What happened ? Nothing ...
I think finally the Indian ministry finally realises the truth and is taking a step in the right direction..the sorry *** babu's is good for nothing, but i support them in this decision...as Gubbi said ...better be safe than sorry !!!

Terrorism emanating from enemy's land is mutual for both of us...
Need of the time is to stop bullying each other and build trust.
Then for fcuks sake, dont tell us to move troops from our eastern front to fight in our tribal areas!

Accept it that you are a PIA of the entire region and 'like-and-try' to bully around despite the fact that you yourself live in a glass house.

Tch tch, words TT, words.

What do you expect India to do? Dismantle the military and hand over territories to others as and when demanded? Hmnn NO.

What your army is doing in the tribal territories its your own internal business. Its for Pakistan's better future, unless you consider the alternative scenario of Talibanization as best for Pakistan. PA needs as many boots on the ground and more as necessary to successfully carry out COIN ops against the Taliban in regions claimed as Pakistan's sovereign territories.

India's requirement is to be prepared for any eventualities. Last time we were caught napping and Kargil happened. We dont want any such thing to happen on any of our borders. Period. So as I said previously, better safe than sorry.

As for bullying around, I dont understand what all the crying wolf is all about. China is building its military with nary a concern as to what surrounding countries are worrying about. You all celebrate China's military expansion and territorial claims. Then what is your problem with India's military modernization? Its not like India is encroaching on any other countries' territories (those which YOU ALL consider "disputed" doesnt count).
When i wrote about it few months back the Indians were as usually terming it Conspiracy theory
2 way war we gave you guys a headache now what you want a brain tumor from china?
Lol at "tools". What "tools" do you speak of, oh wise one?

Indeed :lol:, thanks for the correction. We have no tools to thwart any aggression from the Indian Side, we are toothless when it comes to the might of the Indian Armed Forces. We only have the Indian Leadership to thank for not crossing the border and making Pakistan another Gaza :rofl:. It was India's big heart and not Pakistan's conventional deterrent that prevented the Indian Forces from launching a full scale attack in 2002 and 2008 :smokin:

P.S. Goodness me, Indian Propaganda has definitely done its job well. After reading this entire subsection, i am honestly beginning to appreciate Indian Propaganda.
So by this definition every move that turns into an arms race, raises tensions and impede peace process is justified... right?

It seems as if you people lack the basic common sense in timings - instead of 'helping' us as we fight the menace (that infact can turn to you and burn you) by shuting your beaks and becoming a goodie goodie neighbor, you chose such a stupid time when dialogue has been restarted between the two countries and a new start has been taken. Moreover, in a height of shamelessness and hypocrisy, you people still have the cheeks to tell us to relax and leave our eastern borders 'unmanned' while you prepare (or atleast wish) to take two bad-a$$ belligerents head on.......i am lovin it!

The US or Afghanistan are not exactly 'friendly' with Pakistan, but atleast they behave like gentlemen when in the minutest way they want to show their support for this war on terror - the US by providing us with weaponry and Afg by opening to dialogue and Karzai shuting his crow-beak against Pakistan, also the meetings between our generals with Afg counterparts is also a point to be noted, but guess what, indians... well, they have been always so supportive...:agree:
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