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Boycott campaign against Indian dalal papers Daily Star and Prothom Alo

ইন্ডিয়ার দালাল ডেইলি স্টার ও প্রথম আলোকে 'না' বলতে শুরু করেছে সমগ্র বাংলাদেশ! আপনিও যোগ দিন। জঙ্গিবাদ, সন্ত্রাসবাদ ও হলুদ মিডিয়া মুক্ত বাংলাদেশই আমাদের ভবিষ্যত।


You are getting home delivery of Bangla newspaper in Great Britain?
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Is this campaign an effort to halt imminent hanging of Mir Quasem Ali ?

BTW Nice chappal.
I find Mrs.MBI_Munshi chappals to be a tad bling-bling gaudy. I mean, seriously...!!
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I find Mrs.MBI_Munshi chappals to be a tad bling-bling gaudy. I mean, seriously...!!
DO not get personal... stay on topic....
I am not so convinced :D
Same for you
ইন্ডিয়ার দালাল ডেইলি স্টার ও প্রথম আলোকে 'না' বলতে শুরু করেছে সমগ্র বাংলাদেশ! আপনিও যোগ দিন। জঙ্গিবাদ, সন্ত্রাসবাদ ও হলুদ মিডিয়া মুক্ত বাংলাদেশই আমাদের ভবিষ্যত।
as much as I try I can not read that.... English -.-
These are 2 Bangladeshi newspapers, should not be anything to do with india. BUT looking at reaction from indians, it very much clear these 2 newspapers are indian propaganda tool against Bangladesh and majority population.
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These are 2 Bangladeshi newspapers, should not be anything to do with india. BUT looking at reaction from indians, it very much clear these 2 newspapers are indian propaganda tool against Bangladesh and majority population.

Hence... PROVED..!! LOL. This guy's logic is impeccable.. If Indians laugh at this thread, then it proves his point. If Indians would counter the stupid thread, then it would mean Indians are trying to suppress the universal truth, and hence prove his point. If Indians would ignore this thread, then he would say India is exposed and so Indians are hiding from this thread, and therefore prove his point. :D

@idune, Believe me, It'll be equally hilarious for us if Mr Munshi put his wife's sandals on your face, and our comments would pretty much be same in that scenario too. Does that mean you're also an Indian propaganda tool?? :D
DO not get personal... stay on topic....

Same for you

as much as I try I can not read that.... English -.-
Please ask your brethren in Bangladesh to stay in line as well then. Think Tank Analyst.
Please ask your brethren in Bangladesh to stay in line as well then. Think Tank Analyst.
try that again :) I think i should just rate all of you instead... being nice is a bad thing
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try that again :) I think i should just rate all of you instead... being nice is a bad thing
I asked you to do so in a nice way too. No profanity was used unlike some name calling by the OP. The double standards some of you TTAs have are astounding.
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