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Jul 26, 2013
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Friends I have found an interesting article related to the current happening of Media industry.


  • Geo Network working hand in hand with Indian Intelligence agency RAW to sabotage the reputation of upcoming BOL Network while putting sovereignty & reputation of Pakistan and its armed forces at stake!
  • Give your opinion by participating in OUR POLL.

While the advent of BOL Network is said to bring the Media Revolution among Pakistani Media, the green-eyed monster stirred amongst other media corporations such as GEO TV Network, which felt extremely threatened by losing its employees as well as its monopoly in Pakistani media to the promising prospects in BOL Network. With rumors of its top-rated news anchors and media personnel jumping the ship and with its ex-Managing Director, GEO News, Azhar Abbas leaving only to join BOL Network a few days later as CEO,BOL NEWS – the top management of GEO seemingly feel lost and enraged at such turn of events.

After much propaganda creation against BOL Network among Pakistani media circles and local news, GEO received a severe backlash for spreading these baseless rumors including strong criticism from journalists, media personnel and public as well as litigation from aggrieved parties.

Although still vengeful, GEO has sought help from its old time Indian allies in Indian intelligence and RAW who pushed their hand puppet media group, Hindustan Times to publish same baseless propaganda regarding BOL Network from India – branding it to be a brainchild of ISI and an underworld don, Dawood Ibrahim. Interestingly the story published in Hindustan times is copy of the story published by GEO/ Jang group 3 months ago when BOL announced its launch.

If the reiteration of the similar rumors raised by Geo in Pakistani circles earlier was not enough to give away its involvement, the addition of few other alleged names such as Aqeel Karim Dhedhi (AKD), who have recently been involved in litigation against Geo and its related parties, gave the dirty game away and proved beyond doubt that the script was provided by GEO.

The media circles in Pakistan are appalled by the kind of connections GEO/ Jang group have with the Indian RAW and the Hindustan times. Publishing an already published story which is under litigation and criticism is not an easy task to manage. It must be a win-win situation for both, RAW and Geo as against this publication RAW must have asked Geo to perform acts detrimental to the sovereignty of Pakistan which would be visible in times to come.

GEO Network’s affinity to Indian intelligence has never been a hidden secret. Similar expressions of bonding were seen between Geo and Indian intelligence during the Mumbai Attacks, where Geo helped in promoting the point of view that Pakistani’s were involved in the attacks when it prepared a package and informed the world that Ajmal Kasab belonged to Pakistan– which proved to be a false claim later – yet provided fodder for Indian Media and Geo alike to build the tension between the two nuclear powers. GEO’s cultural invasion through its channel GEO kahani which is airing Indian and foreign content of 70% as against its allowed limit of 10% is no secret. Its massive tax and loan defaults are also not a secret and are enough reasons to stop the channels from working as per PEMRA rules. Unfortunately PEMRA is afraid of taking action against this blatant violation due to the known blackmailing skills of GEO and its group.

Geo Network, known for giving a hard time to its employees due to non-payment of salaries as well as outstanding payables to its vendors, has every reason to be threatened by any competitor that will offer not only salary to its employee on time but a complete lifestyle with perks and facilities.

Geo is making alliances with Indian media and intelligence to harm the reputation of BOL Network as well as putting the sanctity of Pakistan’s armed forces on stake– what is your say?

Pick Your Side: #BolPakistan or #GeoIndia? (poll 7440267) | Polldaddy.com
Pakistan Media Insider | #BolPakistan vs. #GeoIndia
BolPakistan vs. GeoIndia
Someone posted this stuff a few months back stating this tv channel is owned by Malik Riaz.
Good find.

Hope somebody recommend you for Noble Peace Prize.
It's amazing how Pakistanis can see right through and differentiate between the patriots and sell outs.

well its not rocket science just common sense. i guess in india you guy might lack that.

I was under the impression RAW was sitting around masturbating until I came to pdf

don't worry too much my friend. raw isn't capable of anything by it self anyways. RAW has masters of its own.
There seems to be confusion in Pakistan about 'media' and 'lobby'.

Media, firstly is an economic enterprise: it survives by earning. Thus, it usually develops a link with a certain segment of the society that wants the society to move in a particular way this segment is called a 'lobby' is actively engages in convincing people of its agenda.

Now, this 'lobby' is a normal part of the society and in the post-Cold War era, the media evolves a tilt towards a certain political agenda. For example, in the US, Fox News is pro-Republican/Conservative, NBC/MSNBC/ABC are more pro-Democratic/Liberal. The same holds true for the BBC/Sky News in Britian. It's a normal part of a society and country there's nothing sinister about it.

It's much more accurate to say that Geo is with the lobby that wants Indo-Pak peace and that is perfectly normal. Pakistan has about 49 indigenous channels and each has its own lobby. So Geo does not truly enjoy a monopoly. Granted that our media is not an angle but in the post-9/11 world hardly any media outlet is.

Friends I have found an interesting article related to the current happening of Media industry.


  • Geo Network working hand in hand with Indian Intelligence agency RAW to sabotage the reputation of upcoming BOL Network while putting sovereignty & reputation of Pakistan and its armed forces at stake!
  • Give your opinion by participating in OUR POLL.

While the advent of BOL Network is said to bring the Media Revolution among Pakistani Media, the green-eyed monster stirred amongst other media corporations such as GEO TV Network, which felt extremely threatened by losing its employees as well as its monopoly in Pakistani media to the promising prospects in BOL Network. With rumors of its top-rated news anchors and media personnel jumping the ship and with its ex-Managing Director, GEO News, Azhar Abbas leaving only to join BOL Network a few days later as CEO,BOL NEWS – the top management of GEO seemingly feel lost and enraged at such turn of events.

After much propaganda creation against BOL Network among Pakistani media circles and local news, GEO received a severe backlash for spreading these baseless rumors including strong criticism from journalists, media personnel and public as well as litigation from aggrieved parties.

Although still vengeful, GEO has sought help from its old time Indian allies in Indian intelligence and RAW who pushed their hand puppet media group, Hindustan Times to publish same baseless propaganda regarding BOL Network from India – branding it to be a brainchild of ISI and an underworld don, Dawood Ibrahim. Interestingly the story published in Hindustan times is copy of the story published by GEO/ Jang group 3 months ago when BOL announced its launch.

If the reiteration of the similar rumors raised by Geo in Pakistani circles earlier was not enough to give away its involvement, the addition of few other alleged names such as Aqeel Karim Dhedhi (AKD), who have recently been involved in litigation against Geo and its related parties, gave the dirty game away and proved beyond doubt that the script was provided by GEO.

The media circles in Pakistan are appalled by the kind of connections GEO/ Jang group have with the Indian RAW and the Hindustan times. Publishing an already published story which is under litigation and criticism is not an easy task to manage. It must be a win-win situation for both, RAW and Geo as against this publication RAW must have asked Geo to perform acts detrimental to the sovereignty of Pakistan which would be visible in times to come.

GEO Network’s affinity to Indian intelligence has never been a hidden secret. Similar expressions of bonding were seen between Geo and Indian intelligence during the Mumbai Attacks, where Geo helped in promoting the point of view that Pakistani’s were involved in the attacks when it prepared a package and informed the world that Ajmal Kasab belonged to Pakistan– which proved to be a false claim later – yet provided fodder for Indian Media and Geo alike to build the tension between the two nuclear powers. GEO’s cultural invasion through its channel GEO kahani which is airing Indian and foreign content of 70% as against its allowed limit of 10% is no secret. Its massive tax and loan defaults are also not a secret and are enough reasons to stop the channels from working as per PEMRA rules. Unfortunately PEMRA is afraid of taking action against this blatant violation due to the known blackmailing skills of GEO and its group.

Geo Network, known for giving a hard time to its employees due to non-payment of salaries as well as outstanding payables to its vendors, has every reason to be threatened by any competitor that will offer not only salary to its employee on time but a complete lifestyle with perks and facilities.

Geo is making alliances with Indian media and intelligence to harm the reputation of BOL Network as well as putting the sanctity of Pakistan’s armed forces on stake– what is your say?

Pick Your Side: #BolPakistan or #GeoIndia? (poll 7440267) | Polldaddy.com
Pakistan Media Insider | #BolPakistan vs. #GeoIndia
BolPakistan vs. GeoIndia
It's not secret that GEO is blackmailer and can sell her soul for money & power, we really need an Independent Pro-Pakistan media - Let's hope BOL can bring some change. BTW - When it's going on air?
Looking at all that is happening inside Pakistan, I am glad we lack it in India.

less people get killed in pakistan, less disease in pakistan, less poverty in pakistan than india.
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