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Boko Haram terrorists kidnap 8 more girls, hours after leader issues threat


Nov 1, 2012
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The U.S. put a price on the head of the ruthless leader of Nigeria’s Boko Haram long before he masterminded the kidnappings of hundreds of schoolgirls, but American forces are now poised to help hunt the shadowy warlord said to have a photographic memory.

Abubakar Shekau, who drew international ire and scorn after vowing to sell young Christian girls "in the marketplace," could soon be the subject of a multi-national manhunt involving U.S. military and law enforcement agents. But the hunt for the leader of the Islamic terror group Boko Haram, which loosely means “Western education is forbidden,” will be complicated by Shekau's well-documented resourcefulness - and low profile.

"I enjoy killing anyone that God commands me to kill — the way I enjoy killing chickens and rams."
- Abubakar Shekau

Believed to be as young as 36 or as old as 45 — Shekau was Boko Haram’s second in command until founder Mohammed Yusuf was killed in a 2009 crackdown. Shekau was initially thought to have also been killed during those attacks, but he later surfaced in a video claiming to be the terror group’s new director.

The U.S. Department of State is offering a reward of up to $7 million for information leading to Shekau’s location. In 2012, he was declared as a “specially designated global terrorist” for numerous bombings, including the August 2011 attack on the UN office complex in Nigeria’s capital, Abuja, that killed 23 people and injured dozens more.

In February, Boko Haram gunmen stormed a secondary school in northeast Nigeria, locked a boys' dormitory and set it on fire, killing those who tried to flee and burning the rest alive. The humanitarian group Open Doors International said the attack killed more than 40 young boys.

Shekau, according to a BBC profile, is known as a “fearless loner” with a photographic memory, a complex and often paradoxical man who is part intellectual, part terrorist. His nickname — Darul Tawheed — translates as a specialist in Tawheed, or the concept of monotheism in Islam.

“He hardly talks,” one journalist, Ahmed Salkida, told BBC. “He is fearless … He is one of those who believes that you can sacrifice anything for your belief.”

Shekau does not speak English, but is fluent in his native Kanuri, Hausa and Arabic languages. He reportedly does not even communicate directly with the group’s soldiers.

“A lot of those calling themselves leaders in the group do not even have contact with him,” Salkida told BBC.

Shekau, according to those who study the group, is known for being particularly brutal.

“I enjoy killing anyone that God commands me to kill — the way I enjoy killing chickens and rams,” he said in a clip released in 2012 after an attack in Kano, Nigeria, that killed more than 180 people.

In addition to being the group’s militant leader, Shekau also serves as its spiritual leader, Salkida said.

“He has a photographic memory and is well versed in theology,” he told BBC.

Shekau recently took credit for the kidnapping of more than 300 girls in an hour-long video that opens with Boko Haram fighters firing guns into the air and shouting Allahu Akbar!"

"I abducted your girls," he said. "By Allah, I will sell them in the marketplace," he said in the video.

Kidnapped girls have reportedly been forced to marry their abductors — who paid a nominal bride price of $12 — or taken to neighboring Cameroon and Chad. An intermediary has told Nigeria's government that the terror group is willing to negotiate ransoms for the girls, and that two have died from snakebites and several more are ill. More than 280 remain in captivity and 53 have escaped, according to Nigerian police.

US poised to join hunt for shadowy Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau | Fox News
what a shame for so-called islam??? allah asks him to do that???
obl, taliban, muslim brotherhood, boko haram, hamas.... ???

what kind of islams are they following??? How many versions of islam actually are now???

Please show respect. The Islam that I follow doesn't allow anything like this.
obl, taliban, muslim brotherhood, boko haram, hamas.... ???

what kind of islams are they following??? How many versions of islam actually are now???

The answer to your question is that they don't follow Islam. They use Islam to project themselves. Using Islam is not equal to following Islam you know.
If that is the case, I thought at least the whole islam world who is supposed to follow the correct islam should have already hunt those bastards down, a.k.a.
obl, taliban, muslim brotherhood, boko haram, hamas and those bastards who force sharia laws onto their own people, and those bastards who are in western countries saying islam first, country second....

However, I see almost nothing but wide support for those islam terrorists/extremists.

The answer to your question is that they don't follow Islam. They use Islam to project themselves. Using Islam is not equal to following Islam you know.
what a shame for so-called islam??? allah asks him to do that???

show respect for other religions , Boko shit has nothing to do with islam , and dont u dare insulting others because you're chinese and pakistanis are your friends . understood ?

these extremist groups take the superficial meaning and aspects of religion cause they dont have brain .

as an example we dont call buddhists as a cult nor we call them terrorists just because they are massacring muslims in myanmar .

just to show you a glimps of their barbarism : GRAPHIC PIC , made a link for it :

If that is the case, I thought at least the whole islam world who is supposed to follow the correct islam should have already hunt those bastards down, a.k.a.
obl, taliban, muslim brotherhood, boko haram, hamas and those bastards who force sharia laws onto their own people, and those bastards who are in western countries saying islam first, country second....

However, I see almost nothing but wide support for those islam terrorists/extremists.

Well don't know about others but Pakistan is surely fighting against Taliban. And the reason for this fight is still the same. We won't these lunatics to use name of our religion for their own political benefits.
I am glad to hear that.

What puzzles me is that it seems that those terrorists enjoy such a popularity and support, and getting rid of them now become impossible. It all comes to the question: What kinds of people support them??? How crazy are they to support those terrorists with such a twisted understanding or interpretation of the islam???

In other religions, you can be banned and kicked out of the religions for bad behaviors or wrongdoings. Islam does not have any authorities to kick them out???

Well don't know about others but Pakistan is surely fighting against Taliban. And the reason for this fight is still the same. We won't these lunatics to use name of our religion for their own political benefits.

As one of the muslim countries, tell me, has any of your top mullahs, or ayatollahs or whatever their titles are, called out boko haram as terrorists and criticize those terrorists???

How about towards any other islam terrorists organizations, what type of criticisms, actions have your islam leaders taken against those???

IF NOT, you should be the one STFU!!!


show respect for other religions , Boko shit has nothing to do with islam , and dont u dare insulting others because you're chinese and pakistanis are your friends . understood ?

these extremist groups take the superficial meaning and aspects of religion cause they dont have brain .

as an example we dont call buddhists as a cult nor we call them terrorists just because they are massacring muslims in myanmar .

just to show you a glimps of their barbarism : GRAPHIC PIC , made a link for it :

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I am glad to hear that.

What puzzles me is that it seems that those terrorists enjoy such a popularity and support, and getting rid of them now become impossible. It all comes to the question: What kinds of people support them??? How crazy are they to support those terrorists with such a twisted understanding or interpretation of the islam???

In other religions, you can be banned and kicked out of the religions for bad behaviors or wrongdoings. Islam does not have any authorities to kick them out???

As one of the muslim countries, tell me, has any of your top mullahs, or ayatollahs or whatever their titles are, called out boko haram as terrorists and criticize those terrorists???

How about towards any other islam terrorists organizations, what type of criticisms, actions have your islam leaders taken against those???

IF NOT, you should be the one STFU!!!

calm down little boy!

majority of the Muslims here and around the world actually DO NOT support these terrorists.

the cult of wahabism which is hiding behind Islam is behind all these terrorist acts whether it be in Syria, Nigeria, Pakistan, etc

In Pakistan the Sunni Ulema have fully endorsed the military operation against the ttp scum and only the wahabi mullahs want "peace" talks with these animals- Thirty religious parties endorse fatwa against terrorism - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Furthermore, I don't see you go around barking at bhudists and hindus for what they are doing to Muslims in Sri Lanka, Burma, Kashmir and soon to be Thailand. Or is the killings of innocent Muslims justified in your view?

Lastly, if you have such a problem with Muslims protest against your own government for having close ties with Pakistan?

you anger should be directed towards wahabis not Muslims in general and Islam
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As one of the muslim countries, tell me, has any of your top mullahs, or ayatollahs or whatever their titles are, called out boko haram as terrorists and criticize those terrorists???
How about towards any other islam terrorists organizations, what type of criticisms, actions have your islam leaders taken against those???
IF NOT, you should be the one STFU!!!
my leaders have a lot of things to do , they are not a keyboard hero like u my dear .

anyway , yes for a zillion times they have been harshly condemned by different figures both in iran and around the muslim world .

for time being , i just googled the phrase "boko haram condemnation" and a billion news popped out about different condemnation od iran and other muslim countries . :


Why can the Govt of Nigeria do anything to control & reverse this situation ?
I am glad to hear that.

What puzzles me is that it seems that those terrorists enjoy such a popularity and support, and getting rid of them now become impossible. It all comes to the question: What kinds of people support them??? How crazy are they to support those terrorists with such a twisted understanding or interpretation of the islam???

In other religions, you can be banned and kicked out of the religions for bad behaviors or wrongdoings. Islam does not have any authorities to kick them out???

As one of the muslim countries, tell me, has any of your top mullahs, or ayatollahs or whatever their titles are, called out boko haram as terrorists and criticize those terrorists???

How about towards any other islam terrorists organizations, what type of criticisms, actions have your islam leaders taken against those???

IF NOT, you should be the one STFU!!!

The problem is the so-called Muslim Ummah has fallen asleep for a long time, unfortunately as far as we look outside instead of looking inside the problem isn't gonna get solved. Moreover Muslim countries have suffered a long intervention, colonization and meddling from outside esp from western countries which has combined with a self-made and self-imposed oblivion which resulted in current situation.
These guys that you call them terrorist are fruits of ignorance and what they follow is nothing but a distorted Islam, there are people in every sect or religion whom take everything to extreme and plz don't judge a school of thoughts base on what people do but by what it's got to share with humanity.
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