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Bloody Riots in Rawalpindi

While all violence is bad, so far, given the precedence of 'bloody riots' in Pakistan, this is pretty tame.

I would not be surprised if IJT was involved in some way, but I am not sure if they have a presence in the Rawalpindi area.
While all violence is bad, so far, given the precedence of 'bloody riots' in Pakistan, this is pretty tame.

I would not be surprised if IJT was involved in some way, but I am not sure if they have a presence in the Rawalpindi area.

Dont know about IJT but there are some reports that two student organisations have set each other's belongings on fire.
its mainly due to adreline rush ;) with all those people with us we feel like macho and wanted to do something stupid..and if one started it others will follow..too much energy flow in these kind of agitations..

Hi Seiko, beg to differ with you on this.I cant vouch for all but not all of them in such protests have anxiety disorders. Lets face it,do we really think that a peaceful agitation would yield any result ? these students would turn into grand fathers by the time government even looks into their plea.

PS : I am not a supporter of any sort of violent acts whether damaging public property or any crime. Plus it is only going to come back harder to bite our back.but when people are sick and tired, I dont think anyone goes to the extend of thinking what is good or bad.
Hi Seiko, beg to differ with you on this.I cant vouch for all but not all of them in such protests have anxiety disorders. Lets face it,do we really think that a peaceful agitation would yield any result ? these students would turn into grand fathers by the time government even looks into their plea.

PS : I am not a supporter of any sort of violent acts whether damaging public property or any crime. Plus it is only going to come back harder to bite our back.but when people are sick and tired, I dont think anyone goes to the extend of thinking what is good or bad.

I think people shouldnt be tired of anything. after all it was people who voted in these leaders and goverments(in case of paksitan and india) and now they are moaning about the same guys they elected. i am sure there are other honest poeople that dont get a single vote in elections.
I am against these politicaly motivated student unions. They have been used for such criminal acts in the past too.

There is nothing wrong for the students to be involved in politics, we all including the students need to be aware of politics and what is happenig in our socieities. But they/we should use it for the right purposes. These guys are educated(or at least on their way to complete education) and dont have the excuse of being illetarate and uneducated. If they are that destructive to the sociiety and secruity, trust me they are the most dangerouse peopole who can hurt the country.
This is the problem with we people(i dont mean pakistan, but all of us), when we go on demostrations, instead of rallies and putting forward our demands, we start fighting, burning tires, attacking shops, damaging cars, and you name it we do it. why cant we just do it all in a proper way?

It's not only us bro. These kind of violent protest take in Europe all the time. There was big riot in Greece about two week ago. France experience such riot every few months though I agree that violent behavior is not good for our health. :P
Hi Seiko, beg to differ with you on this.I cant vouch for all but not all of them in such protests have anxiety disorders. Lets face it,do we really think that a peaceful agitation would yield any result ? these students would turn into grand fathers by the time government even looks into their plea.

PS : I am not a supporter of any sort of violent acts whether damaging public property or any crime. Plus it is only going to come back harder to bite our back.but when people are sick and tired, I dont think anyone goes to the extend of thinking what is good or bad.

Mate most of the agitations are turned violent by the action of two or three..I witnessed it many time during my college times..police tried to be patient with them and one or two will throw stones at police and then all the lathi charge and tear gas will start..anyway its offtopic.. leave it..
I am against these politicaly motivated student unions. They have been used for such criminal acts in the past too.

true yaar..here the same things happened and happening..not much effort to motivate these students because of the boiling blood of the youth..
It's not only us bro. These kind of violent protest take in Europe all the time. There was big riot in Greece about two week ago. France experience such riot every few months though I agree that violent behavior is not good for our health. :P

Certainly there are exceptions, we had it in greece, and in france(you should know that it was french muslims who had this bloody riots). But we should learn the good things about europe, not something bad. But you dont get these riots all the time in europe. europeans exactly know how to put pressure on their politicians. europeans know the power of their vote, but we dont.
How the hell a student can pay 150 rupee fare. On top, just to pay back world bank loan, govt is increasing tariff and fee in all available sectors. But these acts are heading toward bloody revolution. Watching GEO news people are literally oppressed and these kids suppose to take final exams. Imagine no electricity, very expensive transportation. And good thing Police walk away and they are not taking part in controlling this brawl, may be scared of Supreme Court suo moto.
Its a shame.
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